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Everything posted by HeatSikhingMissile

  1. Do you realize it's BECAUSE OF MUSLIMS that Sikhs/Jews/Christians all had to suffer under the new French law? Make no mistake, the French acted upon their new laws in order to curb Islam in their country, not the pagh. For Sikhs to come to the defense of the niqab blindly just because it is religious attire is ridiculous. Should we also come to the defense of a muslim man who says his religion permits him to beat his wife?! Sikhism, and most religions all fall within a reasonable manner of a civil society. OUR RELIGION PREACHES EQUALITY. How ironic that a so-called 'Sikh' would instead be defending a blatant inequality. In Quebec these fool-hardly Sikhs the 'WSO' went into Quebec parliament to defend the niqab, instead they got themselves on the headlines and once again brought out the issue of Kirpan. And now because of the media spotlight, Quebec has outright banned the kirpan from parliament. http://www.nationalpost.com/news/Quebec+MNAs+vote+unanimously+kirpans+from+assembly/4254137/story.html Tell me WHAT BUSINESS did the WSO have in sticking their nose in the gender inequality of the niqab/islam in western society?!? Agreed, but if Sikh bodies are forced to chime in on the issue, being "pro-niqab" simply because we're afraid of what the implications have on the pagh is both hypocritical, and cowardly.
  2. Gender inequality can never lead to social cohesion so the niqab stands out as a special circumstance when it comes to 'religious' attire. Whether the niqab is or is not part of the religion of Islam is irrelevant. As Sikhs, we should at least agree upon France recognizing the niqab as complete gender inquality, and thus going against not only France's social views, but Sikh's view as well. If the muslims feels so strongly about this, let them handle it, and not only that, they should have their men veiled as well if they believe in hiding one's face so strongly, put it across the board so that ALL have to do it, see how they take to that adjustment.
  3. lol, yes indeed I did, thanks for clarifying, have corrected in my post!
  4. All I've ever heard from this board was "we want quality not quantity" when discussing "who" is a Sikh. This mainly comes during a keshdhari/sehajdhari type topic/debate. Well if that's the stance then of course when Sikhs needs numbers they will always fall short since they've been busy excluding anyone who even remotely associates with the religon.
  5. This "report" is coming from an Iranian website, so yah, it might help if there was ANY other media outlet that could confirm this happened or if this is simply propaganda.
  6. Who CARES that the P.M. took part in a hindu ceremony???? British PM's and Presidents visit places of worship in other nations and their own, Barack Obama was set to visit Amritsar, so what?!? Manmohan Singh is a Sikh, and the Prime Minister of a nation, of course he's going to attend these ceremonies, if you look to him as a spiritual leader you would have to be a fool, he's a nation leader, he's not the be-all end-all of Sikhi. Let it go people, such immaturity.
  7. Hard to get the message out when every little thing is considered 'beadbi', Sikh animation could have been a remarkable tool for getting the historical knowledge of the religion out to a mass audience, instead the idea was tossed aside and was considered disrespectful.
  8. In colder climates as people age, joint problems that our forefathers never dealt with have now become high number with many health problems where the older person cannot sit on the ground due to knee/osteopathic/hip/joint problems etc. Are they to be shunned from the Gurdwara? If it's 8 seats at the back of the hall it is most likely for such people with these issues.
  9. Lay off the dairy and the kiyoou, this diet will ensure you will never be an elite athlete. If you want to argue it fine, but just take a look at how many "Elite" Punjabi athletes their are on the world stage who follow this diet that's about a century old, made for people who were farming in 40 degree weather 15 hours a day, not the sedentary lifestyle of the west, we're behind the times on our diet.
  10. Went to the link and read "PLEASE NOTE SMOKING AND ALCOHOL ARE NOT PERMITTED AT THIS SCREENING", it's a movie be played OUTSIDE the Gurdwara, and that too an 80's bollywood film so rest assured it won't be racy, don't see the issue with this at all.
  11. Insert "Britain"/"America"/"Canada" etc. for Punjab in your sentence and that's exactly what was being said when Sikhs were migrating abroad, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
  12. "Peak Oil" is nothing more than the age old doomsaying that every generation has (be it nuclear holocaust during the cold-war, the new Millennium computer crashes etc. etc.), it's best not to take to much from these types of predictions of complete global collapse, if you don't know, green energies such as wind turbines, non-fossil fuels are already in use, and in case of an oil crisis, would be more widely spread, it's simply being withheld due to oil companies taking massive profit from the status quo.
  13. This is nothing more than the give-and-take of Sikhs moving to greener pastures in USA/Canada/UK, much like Sikhs who looked to establish community in these countries for better prosperity, these Biharis see Punjab in that way, we can't have our cake and eat it too, if we expect to be welcomed in new countries, then we have to show that same tolerance in our own backyard.
  14. Perhaps he has achieved some level of spiritual understanding via physical discipline of not having moved his arm, but what exactly have YOU achieved by simply criticizing something you may not very well know anything about?
  15. It was an unfortunate ruling however, this misguided Sikh in his youth HIJACKED a plane. There is NO room for terrorism against civilians in Sikhi, he admits that mistake however there was no way the Canadian government could have overlooked it despite receiving a pardon in Pakistan.
  16. Does anyone know what the literal english translation of this word is?
  17. Yep, let's put out a big BLOCKBUSTER! All we need is a script, and then have internal fighting and arguments for the next decade over said script like Sikhs always do, and then we'll educate the world!!
  18. A - Because that's a racially derogatory term that you used, swearing only extenuates the fact a person really has nothing of intelligence to say. B - Are you actually comparing the plight of blacks in America (aka the Slave Trade) to that of Sikhs in Punjab?!? You've got to be joking, I would elaborate but I don't know where to even begin, perhaps you should read some history books before dubbing successful Sikhs in India with the term you described them.
  19. chic (not "chick") is french and means fashionable and cool. Yeah that's what the books say. But in terms that society use it is not anything like you would want to hear uttered about your sister or anyones sister. Stay focused on the issue and quit drumming other ones up due to an over-exaggeration of the term "chic".
  20. when was the last time you visited India? first come to India see the ground situation than make your mind about sikh's situation here if sikh in India are second class citizen than how come sikh community is wealthiest in India? how come they are holding top position in government, defense, policymaker? and don't forget Manmohan Singh? To me, they aint nothing but a couple'a house niggers ^ And that post there is the winner for 'The Dumbest Thing Ever Written On This Board' award. Congrats!
  21. It works both ways, I've seen Sikh parents both of same background/caste all that mumbo-jumbo get married and either the marriage breaks apart because one set of in-laws is too overbearing, or they simply don't get along with each other, and have kids that have completely moved away from Sikhi. I get that it's "two families" getting married, however at the end of the day it's you and her that have to make the decisions in regards to the direction your future kids have. If you set a strong example in your Sikhi, your kids will follow suit. I've seen Sikh parents not set the best example themselves, yet try to FORCE Sikhi on their kids, it's contradictory and kids pick up on this, thus moving farther away from gurmat, marrying outside religion and not keeping Sikhi in mind etc. etc. In a way it might be good that the parents are of different religion, they might not become to close or interfering in your marriage, which is what can happen sometimes when "two families" marry each other.
  22. M - 27-35 F - 24-32 However that's based on both parties being well educated and having established careers.
  23. Whether he was involved or not, I highly doubt Amitabh would be foolish enough to portray KPS Gill in a movie, any movie on the 'Super Cop' would draw complete outrage in Punjab and Sikhs abroad.
  24. In North America, field hockey is considered a woman's sport anyways, if Sikhs really want to bring their athleticism to the world stage they should stop concentrating on fringe third world sports like cricket and field hockey and instead focus on soccer, I would love to one day see Punjab representing itself in the World Cup and being a consistent FIFA contender, we have the population and the potential talent (if it was only trained and funded).
  25. Get your feet out of both boats and onto the firm dock, the dock being your soul, the strength rests not on the physical appearance but how strong one is internally first, the physical manifestation comes after that. Look more into the philosophy, bani and naam, then and only then will you have the strength and will to not be challenged when you're feeling "iffy" after having taken amrit.
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