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Dharam Yudh

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Everything posted by Dharam Yudh

  1. to be honest i couldnt careless if a "amritdhari" won a gold medal. But congratulations to him.
  2. Naam taught in akj amrit sanchars is different to what you hear people screaming at rehansbhais n stuff, thats all just for show
  3. Anyone here done kundalini yoga? know of any classes in the midlands?
  4. wow ^^ u took my words outtta my mouth !! never bother wiv fools..dats my message to all the sangat on here...n i hope no1 watses they precious time trying to put some understanding through these idiots !! Who decides who and who isnt a fool? Why shouldnt you debate, if you dont others around you that may not nothing will take the "fools" word as truth since the "gurmukhs" cant be bothered to dispell the "fools" misconceptions. Nice posts by Namstang & Bijla Singh
  5. SunSingh jee why is it only considerd Gurmantar after Amrit? Isn't it the Gurus mantar regardless if someone has taken Amrit or not?
  6. It aint so bad over there mods could be more open minded tho. Sikhawareness the coolest one though i must say just could do with a bit of a livening up.
  7. What is the role of a mystic, brahmgyani, jeevenmukht after they have reached there goal of becoming librated while alive? and also what is their attitute towards a social political life?
  8. Is there any place i can download raag kirtan? raj academy and that sort classical raag?
  9. I was wondering the same did Gyani Ji have a little question and answer session with the youth? Was it recorded?
  10. We make our own future, but with the world currently is ruled by hate , jealous, greed etc.. no wonder many men with power choose to use their power to “DO” what they “think” is right… Unless human race can change their heart, forgiving, compassionate, care about others, not thinking 24/7 all about “ONESELF”, there will ALWAYS be a war in our world. But its easier to blow a mountain off a map rather than to change one’s way of thinking - almost everyone thinks they are right.. RIGHT ? Thats why we have wars, and there will always be. Since “ I ” am the right one, and every other people in this world are wrong… Until the last person on earth has changed into a person with a compassionate mind and heart How long do you think it will be ?
  11. We are to quick to put down others on faults they might have thinking we are doing something good but all we are doing is putting our shelves down and creating karma for ourshelves.
  12. Will anyone be recording the questions and answers? Also what time on Sunday at Smethwick?
  13. This reminds me of Namstangs thread about quoting rehatnameh.
  14. listen to audio segment.. let me know which bachans of baba ji you did not get.. i ll try to translate them. will do thanks
  15. Namastang is there anychance of a maybe basic translation of some of the questions and answers for the sangat?
  16. Inter religion marriages i would say would be hard to practise. Most of these type of marriages tend to happen when neither of them are really devoute to their religions. To most people religion is just a picture on a wall. I'm yet to see two devoute followers of different religions to marry, but then which religious cermony for marriage would they follow?
  17. Intresting post Bilja Singh when exactly was Siri Gur Katha written?
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