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Everything posted by HSD1

  1. Are people for real? Our Gurus may well have known about how the gun may have developed but they didnt have the manufacturing capabilities back then to make tens of thousands of machine pistols and assault rifles. It's not as if bladed weapons and guns are mutually exclusive either.
  2. Lol, we should have an X factor style competition with people singing their idea for the national anthem. As for the flag, havent various versions been floating around for years? Who comes up with them? Are there historical precedents (like Maharaja Ranjit Singh's colours)?
  3. It may hurt some of you to know this but you dont have to be Sikh to want a good, non-corrupt government. If you want revolution, work with your brothers and sisters, however they look. Rather than pining for some magical plateu of holy people to get killed rather than you.
  4. Or it could be down to the pervert having the choice to do nothing or be evil. He chose the latter. Just because the baby may have been bad does not justify or condone the act against him/her.
  5. The amount of anti-Punjabi discrimination on this site is amazing. Punjabis are ok to slur but not Gujis? Where in SGGS Ji does it say Sikhs are allowed to do this?
  6. Speak for yourself. Most of us are mature to discuss things without getting personal.
  7. Wasnt someone looking for an issue so bad that it would make the average East Punjabi Sikh rise up? Banning alcohol might be it.
  8. Am I only one disturbed by how some Sikhs have copied and pasted the arguments that Christians and Muslims spew? This has nothing to do with secularism or religion, it is simply about cause and effect. To the OP, you will find hypocrites in any community. Some people accept everything the Akal Takht says, others pick and mix, many just dont accept anything. That's just the way it goes.
  9. People are responsible for what they type. They are not responsible for how others interpret it. People need to get off their high horses. If you cant type your points coherently or in passable english, it's little wonder you cant understand Pedrorizzo's points.
  10. England is so dead. Nothing here apart from crazy islanders and pindu community elders. How do I get into Canada?
  11. There are a billion christians all over this world who have committed unspeakable crimes in spreading their religion. There are a billion muslims on this rock that are just like the above but browner. There a billion hindus who still do the old aryan thing of wiping out folks they dont like or who threaten them. There are a billion Chinese people who are <banned word filter activated> scared of losing the power their country has gained over the last 50 years. If anything it will be business as usual.
  12. It wouldnt surprise me if the police were paedophiles too. Or the government. Maybe they're all in it together?!
  13. YCS you are so right. Why Sikhs love Palestine so much when most of them havent met a Jew or Arab is beyond me. As for whoever said that Israel relies on America, let me give you an analogy. If there is a famine and you have a cupboard full of soup cans, would you eat them or would you go out and get free handouts from governments and charities? Obviously you would get the free handout and keep your stockpile just in case things get worse. Israel asks America for weapons during war because they know they'll get them. It doesnt mean they dont have their own stockpiles or manufacturing plants.
  14. And what? At least finish your sentences. FYI, Sikhs lost 2 wars with British India. It doesnt matter how many wars a nation wins, a series of losses are all that are needed to knock them to a point where social cohesion and national unity becomes none existant. Do you want me to break my points down even further so that you can work through them slowly at your own pace?
  15. The British police and army allowed muslims to do this to Sikh women during Partition. Surprisingly enough they also allow it in their own country now. Probably because paedophilia is so common in the Church and other establishments.
  16. The Jews had planned for a homeland in the Middle East since the 1880s. Look into how the Ottomans were more than willing to sell barren land to Jews for cold hard cash. The Jews farmed this land and turned it into sustainable land. When the British chickened out of Palestine, the Jews didnt want to go the same way as Sikhs had done in Punjab so they took their destiny into their own hands. Shame our lot didnt think along the same lines.
  17. Oh dear. Not content with putting me on Quality Control, you now want to chase me with your ignorance. Wars that we won: Khalsa -v- Mughals, Khalsa -v- Afghans, Khalsa -v- Chinese Empire, Khalsa -v- Nepal. Wars we lost: Khalsa -v- British India.
  18. There is no thing as Pakistani culture. Technically Pakistan shouldnt even exist. The actions of these men is what happens when muslims have money, fast cars and an attitude that white/sikh women are meat/easy lays or fair game for subversion. Many muslim elders dont care as long as they arent doing it to their own kind.
  19. I'd go tomorrow if Khalistan was like how I would think it would be. And if it actually existed.
  20. Forget consumerism or stupidity or those other reasons. They are partly true. But the reason we are not strong is that Sikhs have lost too many wars. For a people who made their name in wars, we dont have the ability to win one. Hell, we dont even have the capacity to understand how we won the wars that we won let alone figure why we lost wars since then. When people lose wars, they begin to lose social cohesion and trust in one another. This leads to a free for all where everyone is out to get what they can. And that is where we are today.
  21. Religous countries fail. Proven time and time again. Do any of you know any Sikhs who actually lived under Kharkoo rule in the 80s? Why not ask them how they felt then. If Sikhs want a Sikh country then Brazil is offering land to oppressed minorities. If however you believe that Punjab is the Sikh homeland and therefore want to create a modern version of Maharajah Ranjit Singh's Punjabi Empire then Khalistan is the only option. Having said that, Khalistan has an image problem. Most xtians, hindus and muslims wont want to live in a country run by Sikhs. We have to make the point that the country will have no caste, sex discrimination, strong social justice and opportunity and not be about banning razors or praying all the time. The image of Khalistan, Free Punjab, Independant Punjab, East Punjab Republic or whatever you want to call it needs to reflect the kind of country we want, not what our enemies think our country will be like.
  22. At least Pedrorizzo knows what he's on about. Everyone else just trots out the same old lines about how great Khalistan will be without actually having the sense to figure out how to do it.
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