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Everything posted by gupt_paapi

  1. well i feel a knot in my neck as if im abt 2 cry. my bro sed it was bairaag... loinging for God. n talkign abt bairaag i herd katha 2day.. abt it. n wen u in bairaag u speak less and ur eyes r watery coz u miss god so much. n u find gurbani sweet.. it waslyk wow. n fanx singhni im happy 2 bring a smile 2 faces:) its ma job ( no im NOT a clown! :wub: ) i mean.. in a good way hm..
  2. just use hajmola 2 reduce fat garanteed. but then the poor toilet will get shaheed
  3. ofcourse u cant beleve it its...its....er....witch craft! yeh dats it wichcraft
  4. apparently its a raajput tradition not hindu nor sikh.. its cultural. Please do not confuse culture wid religion (this is whereits linked to marriage ceremonies) neway totaly agree wid the above posts. abt the pics.. well any12 can draw them. memba guru ji never let ne1 draw/paint them. so how culd they no? n i min there r so many images of each Guru Ji's... wich 1 is right?! they jsut interpretation huna?
  5. hey btw ive herd of name ending wid deep jeet preet etc etc but hardly herd of leen endings. it sounds girlish n cute :wub: lol ok now iu dunno y i posted thisso ges ill need 2 give a name huna? hmm simran sukhmani
  6. argh man the nishaan sahib :'( i feel lyk crying man
  7. tru say.. plz forgive my stupid mistakes thanx 4 showin me thr right ansa :wub:
  8. i feel a sense of kinda fallign asleep... n keeping at that state... is dat right?? :wub: . i min i dont exactly fall asleep.. (sumtyms i do ) but u no... well i concentrate on the darkness dat i see.. wot should i do??? i need help!!
  9. happy bday penji hope this new year is filled wid much more knwoledge and sikhi.. n ofcourse happiness!! :wub: lol wel sorry 4 late reply.. n sinner dont vigaaar her!!!! emi lol jokes :wub:
  10. We are certainly not adopting the farcical habits of Canadians. We have yet to see UK Sikhs going to Punjab and taking extra care when finding spouses to make sure the spouse has 10 sisters they can get into Canada and then once settled the 10 sisters can get the rest of the guys family into Canada. We have also yet to see UK Sikhs going to Punjab buying a car (usually a well used Sumo in the case of Canadians) and covering it with the Union Jack, (Maple leaf flag in case of Canadians). Also yet to see a UK Sikh trying to pretend he owns half of Canada whilst sat in KLM economy class eating the in flight meal as if it was the only meal he has had for a few weeks. They usually wear shell suit bottoms and would do most chavs in the UK proud with their dress sense. The UK Sikhs have a long way to go before we can match the extraordinary habits of our Canadian brothers. 114503[/snapback] :TH: truee sayy
  11. well u can get them ready made from normal cloth-making places lyk where u get custom-made suites from. maybe not 7 peice excuse my ignorance but i only seen 3 peice rumalle wow @ 7 peice! lol most likely thing is that im rong.. lol
  12. just wanted to add my opinion in form of 2 analagies: 1>Isn't it like fixing ur smallst finger to the finger next to it.. becuase you never use it 2>And Isn't it lyk trimming the beard, since ur not letting it free.. (not be proud of it as much). ofcourse work conditions will be easily acceptable.. since health is involved. But hair is part of body so hsould be look aftered huna? fixing it down kinda spoils it dusnt it?
  13. ..so its khuswant... (insert surname here) not khuswant singh! newayz glad that sorted without arguments
  14. Well does that mean he is Bemukih form the Guru's? worshiping an idol rather than Guru Ji? i min "sabh sikhan ko hukam hai, guru manio granth!"<<words of guru gobind singh ji. SO acording to that, i dont fink he would be a very good sikh.. but then that would mean lots of peple wont :wub: And isnt there an article abt Gandhi's "bad" side? ok bad is a strong word should be "unsaintly" side.? Just felt the need 2 get my views across... bhul chuk maaf karna
  15. LOLOL now this tipoc tunrs into "what name should we Give God?" :wub: @ hmmmm y dont we just praise Him for all He's done! :wub: we dont have the energy/life length to priase God for everything. So to some all his values/virtues/compliments up.. theres 1 word WAh - GURU. WAH means WOW (see it sums up everything.. since u r just amazd by all His doings) anyway sorry for being off topic :wub:
  16. If SGPC is hardliners then God help us what r "normal"??
  17. heera i agree wid u.. wots funny abt it. i min nice composition! beats bollywood n its hindi songs ARGHHHH anyhtign but bollywoood! (o yeh and the bhangra remixs lol)
  18. aah typical focurse they say dat.. just lyk hitler sed germans had low emplyment coz of jews
  19. :doh: thank u khalsa ji u se dhte stuff i dint have the knowledge 2 say
  20. yeh! dat is true since a person with hair is no better than a person without hair. But, it is a uniform. To make us stand out of the crwod. Guru Gobind SIngh Ji was forced to do this because Hindus/Muslims started mixing with us and we needed a separate identity. You can also argue the fact that there is no point in cutting hair! i mean you are born with it. Turban is like a crown for Kings. In the Rehitnamas, (not made by granthis btw!) it is pointed out significantly. And Guru Gobind SIngh Ji sed "without hair and weapons you are like sheep" because truthfully, we WILL be pushed around if we cut hair. Some would call us Muslims, some call us Hindus, etc. About the regioinal thing, well the same can be said for muslims, doesnn't make us all Muslims.. no? I personally dont realy like the idea of a granthi who doesn't do anything all day, but then get busy on akahnd paths and Sunday Diwans etc. But Guru Ji didn't start this off! it was us humans... ANd the way you compare Sikhs with Bhramin is kind of insulting (by using that quote). Bhramins started off caste system, for their own benefits. You said "And since the Khalsa itself is not even mentioned in the Granth-Sahib, why not apply the logic that everything outside the Granth-Sahib is blasphemy ???" I am.. as you know, All the Guru's had the same JOT (light). So they will show same message.. no? So why not accept the fact that Guru Ji created Khalsa? Guru Ji did not include his writings in Guru Granth SAhib Ji due to the fact that it had parts of Hindu texts translated in it. Guru Ji wanted to give us knowledge, to prove to us that we are not Hindus! i am sure my veerjis wil give a better response, because I dont have the knowledge to go further. I'm a stupid fol. sorry for mistakes.
  21. OMG HAHAHA NO WONDERHES BUSY 2day!! HAHAHA hapy bday man how old? aah i no wotever age he'll be he'll stil look cute lyk a kaka CONGRATSSSSSSS
  22. SIngh sahib JI well taht is kinda confusing coz if u put a lar form 1 ear to the other... well how will u still manage to get dat V shape? lol hmm actually judging form ur pic i wann try dat LOL how long is the kapra n do u fold it or scrunch it up
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