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Everything posted by Not2Cool2Argue

  1. No savaiya and arril is in morning chaupai sahib too. The real reason is because of different maryada of taksal and akj. Taksal is abt tradition so they read how they were taught and their santhiya teachers were taught going back. Akj is all abt what makes sense. So they end at kharag pauri because the bani ends their and the savaiye and arril and the other 2 pauris are from different banis and not chronilogical order. The difference is called shoti and vaddi rehraas sahib. At akal takhat they read the shoti rehraas sahib and during sant jarnail singh times, when taksal took over akaal takhat, singhs tried to do full/vaddi rehraas but santji stopped them from enforcing their views. Also u can google it, theres been huge debates abt it in the past on this and akj forums.
  2. If you are from the uk. You should ask advice from married ppl like baljit singh of basics of sikhi. Or sikh_dad from instagram. Maybe also bhai sukha singh uk from london. Or get someone elderly to sit down with u and ur wife. And that person can mefiate between you two. You tell ur side and she says her side. Or u can even try calling ur wifes mom and telling her that she is being very rude and has ruined ur peace...keep doing ardaas and keep doing ur best.
  3. U should confront ur wife. When next time she says she gonna leave you. Tell her please go. I will be very happy and will finally get some peace and mind. And if u cant suppport our kid on ur own, u can send the kid to me. And if she changes her mind, or makes an excuse not to go. Tell her, leave now or if u stay follow these rules. Or i will kick u out. She will yell and make a scene. Let her, stay firm and mean it. U will have a kid soon, and u dont want to raise it in a roxic environment, where the dad is always running away from the house and the mom acts like a shrew. I know u said u dont want to go back on ur laavan. But i think as long as u dont remarry, u r ok. Make an ultimatum when she threatens u to leave. And have her leave or stay on ur terms. Be strong, dont back down. Some types of ppl only understand tough language. Tell her the rules are: u will not nag me, which means only tell me a thing once. And not repeat things. Or u can even put a time limit. We will talk from 3-4 pm everyday, all other times only as necessary. From 3 to 4, u can complain and moan as much as u want. Also u must respect my parents. Tell her, i dont need u, i can get married again if i choose. So if u want to stay married, act better not like a spoiled child. (Ofc u wont get married again. But some ppl need fear to behave.) Being mr. Nice guy has not worked. Now act like mr. In control guy. Also some of ur problems could be due to cultural problems. She was probably taught to be assertive in the beginning of the relationship, so that she wont be treated like a doormat. So tell her, if u stay, u must act like human being. We will not coerce u or have any drama like in indian families, so please drop the act. Tell her this is uk, and if u treat us with respect we will treat u the same way. If u r going to be rude, please leave, we r not such coarse ppl.
  4. Do try to get him to go to the doctor. And maybe u can get antidepressants. Also.change of environment or getting him a new hobby/job. Most kids these days have no purpose,.which makes them feel depressed. Does he have any friends?
  5. You should have had a discussion with them when u became amritdhari. But u can have it now. Tell them as you know i am an amridhari and that means i have obligations to fulfill. I have to do certain things now that I have enrolled into the True Gurus school. If u dont like it or agree with it, I am sorry, but I cant go back now. Its too late i have already given my word and my head. But i do understand that you would have concerns. I promise not to do anything without informing u first. I always give importance to studying. But for now, sikhi is my passion, could i please indulge in it? Other kids play video games, go partying, i would like to be able to . If your parents say we dont have time to take u to gurudwara or we can say whatever we want. Then accept it and bargain with them. Like please just once a week and I will . Ofc as ur parents, they have the final say. Accept it with humility and grace and maybe try later or do ardaas abt this and leave it in wahegurus hands.
  6. When gore ruled india. They were trying to study all the religions. And finally one gora was able to convince a nirmala saadh/baba to get darshan of SGGS. But when gora asked to see the other granth. The saadhu refused, saying its only for the khalsa. So while SGGS ji is for all of humanity, dasam granth is for the khalsa. For their spiritual upliftment, for knowledge of warfare, historical granths of other faiths that have been translated for knowledge of the past etc
  7. 5. Gurudwaras that are public are under sgpc. U have to declare the gurudwara a dera to not be under sgpc. Most historical gurudwaras are under sgpc 2. In india ppl r barely having 2 kids. I think its good. The more kids u have, u increase the chance of them being gay or having genetic issues like down syndrome, statistically the percentages increase with population. Plus u gotta marry them off and find them jobs. Harder to do with more kids. 3. If sikhi became a big religion like christianity or islam, it will have many sects. And each convert adds their own flavor. And its more possible for their to be rogue ppl with more population. 4. Let sikhi be made up of khalas ppl. The few and the good. We can be caretakers of the world instead of its #1 religion. Im not saying parchaar shouldnt be done. But just enough to get a few ppl in.
  8. Where it matters, its still white power. In law and the courts and positions of power.
  9. We are supposed to start talking about these things according to pediatrics association. Because lots of children are sexually abused esp by people they know. I think they released a guide abt how to talk to each age group about things like this. Like for 4 to 5 years old. You teach them that their private parts are meant to be covered at all times and no one should be touching them etc.
  10. I never heard of hell described that way before. Usually its all hellfire and brimstone. Thats really interesting that you say, people actually would choose hell. Kinda makes sense to me. In heaven, its mostly singing gods praises and beimg good. Most ppl would find that boring Unless theyve managed to raise their senses and mindset above trivial things and learned to strive for inner peace. So i guess earth is training for us to handle the utmost 'peace' -cough boredom- of heaven lol Of course we believe that what we do on earth is accounted for too. All religions do, even buddhism. But we believe that if u fail, God is merciful to let u try again. And again until weve mastered the lesson.
  11. Being under attack, by the media, by foreign governments invading ur countries, and being demeaned worldwide by the actions of the vocal few (isis etc), being seen as backwards for sticking to their traditionalists views on women etc. Has a part to play, i bet. But mostly its because guerilla warfare is in vogue now. And its dirty and sadistic. Like suicide bombings, blowing up public places etc.. But then again isis beheadings and slavery is the worst and the only place they seem to have gotten it is islam/sharia. Slavery and beheadings were norm for the world 1000 years ago, so even that isnt necessarily evil. If only they would realize not to be idiots and implement the past laws now. That would be like someone advocating for hangings or might is right or monarchy type of government, just cuz it was done in the past. I think alot of religions have this problem. To take the message without the trappings/limitations of that time. Christianity did too, before it reformed and said no to slavery even tho it was a part of their scriptures.
  12. I really like christianity. It was the basis for alot of good works and good law in america too. Like samiritan law, quakers being pacifists etc. Religious freedom was written into law because of all the fighting between different christian denominations. This later benefitted other religions too. However one teaching of Christ, I can say does not sit right with me. It is that only people who believe in christ will be saved. Others will not. Also the concept of eternal hell is a bit daunting. Overall, christianity is a great religion and Jesus Christs message of love was quite revolutionary for that time. Im glad it still resonates to westerners like yourself today. When most of christianitys message are already part of the culture and society so that athiests feel there is no need for religion. But I am glad, ppl still believe in God and learn from the ancients.
  13. I think using current news headlines to talk to girls is possible. One can ask them, do you know what grooming is? Lota of panjabi girls, vulnerable have been involved in it. Then explain grooming a PG way: "That men who are older try to trick younger girls into liking them.throw in some life lessons like young girls are usually eager to have a boyfriend and to be liked, so that is why evil men target them. The men bring them gifts, take them to parties etc. Then they take pictures of the girl out with them. And then they threaten to release photos to family if the girl doesnt do wat they want etc" In america, there was this whole thing going on abt men kidnapping young boys and assaulting them. So had to teach younger brother that if a man approaches and says i need ur help rescuing a puppy, only u r small enough. That this is a trick as there r so many ppl around, why target only you? And practiced similar mental scenarios, of 'kidnappers' luring them. I dont think we need to totally spell out sexual assault to kids. Just warn about how people target and manipulate you. When i was young, i asked my parents what a veshwa was and they said a dancer who dances on kothe. Was enough for me at that age.
  14. Guru Arjan Dev ji throughout their life qas given protection.there r so many shabads. Like the attack by sulhi, the attacks of prithi chand on their sin guru hargobind sahib ji. Banda singh bahdur was asked the same question when being tortured by the mughal king. Banda singh said, i am glad to go thru my karm now rather than in afterlife. In wartime, and while tryingto deliver justice, some ppl are wrongfully killed or given a more harsh punishment than they deserve. Through this torture, my karmic debt is being paid off. Guru Tegh bahadur ji chose shaheedi to help the hindus. Aurangzeb wanted to keep them alive so he could keep torturing them andso he hoped tgey would becomehindu.but if guru ji managed to die without converting, aurangzeb cant cinvert hibdus as per the deal. So shaheedi is a mission in life,theyre destiny. To show ppl tge path, and accomplish goals. One does not need protection from that.all 3 of them accepted it and lioked forward to death, where they can ubite with the lord.
  15. Not2Cool2Argue


    Hello. Please dont worry about space. Talk as much as you need. I think you might be having spiritual experiences akin to opening of kundalini or receiving naam. I think you should try to contact someone who knows what might be going on and knows how to control it. I would suggest you go ask experienced meditators. You can go to gurmatbibek.com forum and relate ur experience there. And also try out yoga people like 3H0 and sikhnet. Also if u go to the gurudwara, u can pray(ask) God to help you control this so that you can enjoy it without loss of control. Also as you are goig through the experience, try to plead with God to let it be bearable and controllable.
  16. Plod= ruk ruk ke walk karna. Pair kteesh ki turna. Walk slowly and drag feet. Glide= rumke rumke turna. Walk nicely as if floating. Also you can use google to fibd the meaning of any word. Just type in 'define plod'
  17. God delivers justice but is not judgemental. If u do bad karma u will reap it, justice. Its.not even God sitting down and passing a judgment on u. Like the buddhist say, its the law of karma. Every action has a consequence, its part of the universe, part of hukam. But despite givin out justice, God is not judgemental, because he does not write us off, or treats us differently or write us off as once a sinner, always a sinner. He is like a parent, gives out punushment, buy once we ask him for something, he will become merciful and give it to us. Or if we cry to him, he can reduce our suffering. He gives food and free will equally to all, no matter athiest or sinner etc. As for practicing for death, i think the stoic philosophy comes the closest. Its a western greek time mindset about how life is all suffering, so theres no point in being sad. U should google it. Another way is to conquer ur mind. So one of the sants, i forget which. He would do the exact opposite of what his mind felt like doing. Today it feels like doing katha, so I wont. Today it feels lazy, so i wont. Bhai veer singh, in one of his books mentions. That think of death like a forest fire. It will come.and destroy everything and is very painful, as it causes seperation and loneliness. But when wise ppl see a forest fire coming, they light a small controlled fire withing 5 or 10 mikes of their property. And burn everythig around them in a radius, so when the forest fire comes, it has no fuel to come closer to ur house. So before death causes the seperation. Start slowly seperating urself from ur attachments. And practice being alone and lonely. Anything that gives enjoyment, remind urself that it will not last. Nothing is permenant. It will all go. Another view of sikhi, is that our mind loves to think abt things and be attached to things. Thats its nature. To stop the mind from thinking or being attached, wont work. Instead we must get it to think abt other things and attach to the eternal. Hence meditation. Where u try to get ur mind to think/focus on God all day and attach to him. Raghbir Singh Birs book bandginama is avaikable in english free online and it talks abt how to meditate and why.
  18. Not2Cool2Argue


    Google bhai sukha singh uk. He did a talk about how to get apersonal hukamnama. For the gurudwara. Go mathatek. Read thst days hukamnama. Then do ardaas and say guruji i have this problem/samasya. Could you please telk me what to do? Then go and take another hukamnama. You dont need to start from 'scratch'. You just need to take hold of some angs and turn to a random ang. And read the shabad from the upper left corner. A great explanation is given in the book Se Kinehya. It can be found online in english and panjabi . Google it.
  19. Its definetly not static. Just look at our clothes. The panjabi ourfit used to be ghaghra and dhoti. Then in the 1900s it changed to salwaar kameez and kurtey pajame. My nani tells how her grandma would not leave the house without a ghagra. She would wear a salwaar at home but when going to the khet, she would tie a ghaghra on top. The salwaar kameez and kurta pajama seems to be from turkey/yemen area as ive seen those ppl wear it too. And the chole are definetly a mongol/mughal thing. Our language has also changed. I wonder if original panjabi is lost since most of the words we use are farsi/arabic words. For example ive been trying to find how to say wrong and right in panjabi without using arabic galat/saheeh. But besides teek/nahi teek, i cant find any words. Food has definetly changed too. Now saag and makki di roti is panjabs main dish. Although corn, potatoes, tomatoes were only discovered in americas and were not part of our diet. Not to mention tea. Because most of our ancestors used brij bhasa or farsi/urdu to write our literature that is lost to modern ppls. And our illiterate ancestors had oral history in kahania, baata, wedding songs. That were passed generation to generstion, those are lost. Some constants would be values: respecting elders, anakh, self sufficience, helping the family/community. But those are being lost as well. The freedom of women was severly restricted due to mughal times and has become the norm. So if most of what makes a culture: food, literature, songs, festivals, language, clothes has changed. How is our culture not changed?
  20. What you are doing is not meditation but mindfulness. I learnt the difference from Ziva meditation founder Emily Fletcher. She went and studied in india. And she claims that there r 2 types of meditations. Those for monks and householders. For monks, its mindfulness, where u try to quiet ur mind and silence ur thoughts by focusing. Either on breath or other things. The underlying belief is that once ur mind is silent, bliss will come. But it takes time. The second meditation, is where u dont try to quiet ur mind. The job of mind is to think like hearts is to pump. So instead u make the mind think of something. And use a primordial sound like mantar. And this is faster than mindfulness to get bliss and easier. This is the simran in sikhi. With the mantar waheguru. U should check her out. She explains how mefitation is better than mindfulness. Its sad tho that we others r learning from our heritage though we r not.
  21. Congratulations on stopping heroin. Its a hard thing to do. Massive respect. For the anxiety, for opioid/heroin addiction, you should take naltrexone or other non anxiety meds. Please google about other ppl trying to stop heroin addiction. They mention some of the anti anxiety drugs u can use. Also, many ppl who have mental health issues, self medicate with alcohol or drugs. So to stop using drugs, try to fix ur underlying bipolar. Have u tried lithium? It is a mood stabilizer. There are also antipsychotic meds u can use like quetiapine and even antiseizure drugs are approved for bipolar like valproate and lamitrigine. However SSRIs, antidepressants are not good for bipolar pts, as they will cause mania . So i really hope u find meds that work for u. My behavioral science prof was saying that every time a peraon has a manic episode, it is damaging to the brain. So please get help before it hurts ur brain too much. Also, im glad u r staying in gurus sharan. Do ardaas and ask guruji to keep u in his sharan and to help u. Also think about going to a Sarab Rog Ka aukhad Naam camp. Whatever happens, remember that this life is short. Live it to the best of ur ability. Soon we will be judged on our efforts. So keep up the good efforts. U r not this body with its multitude of problems. U r a soul in this human body.
  22. That what makes sikhs sikhs? If all of us are just to do whatever we want. Obviously, ppl will do what they want. But surely the sikh traditions and the Gurus have some advice to offer? After all, if a guru cant offer guidance, than of what use is he? Also, in the west, ppl who have lost their culture are very confused. They r looking at animals to determine what is the best diet for humans etc. When studies show ancestral food is the best. Studies like the one when 1st generation japanese who moved to hawaii were healthy and they continued to eat their cultural food. Second generation japanese started eating american foods and got diabestes etc. America has messed up food. And who knows what else. They r barely learbing abt importance of meditation. Loneliness and suicides are the highest in western countries. And you want us to copy their selfish, independent thinking that lead to this state: do whatever u want. Go live independently of family and diaregard their advice cuz it doesnt match ur short term goals.
  23. Not2Cool2Argue

    hair cut

    God is merciful, he gives food to the sinners and athiests. So no matter what crime u do, God will not send a lightening bolt to kill you. He has given us free will as long as we r alive. We can do whatever, once we do tho. Hell and heaven await. You think smoking etc lets u have youth? Gives u diseases. And abt low confidence, that is just ur thinking. Even if u get a nice french haircut, u will feel low self confidence and will go out to buy expensive clothes, then jewlery, then cars. Even then if someone ignores u or someone cooler or richer comes, u will feel low confidence. Before giving up on ur hair. Try to follow sikhi to the fullest. Do ardaas, waheguru ji if there is any faida/benefit for keeping hair or following sikhi, please let me know. Then for a month follow sikhi to the fullest. Wake up at amritwela. Wear a beautiful dastaar/dumaala.Do paath and simran. Go train at the gym. Speak only truth. Visit gurudwara. Do seva. Do honest work. Listen to kirtan. Learn an instrument. Read sikh books by Raghbir singh bir or bhai vir singh. Do u even know why we keep hair? What is the purpose of religion of sikhi? Find out. Do this for a month, if u get no benefit, then do whatever u want.
  24. 1. When i was newly amritshak, i did not eat until nitnem finished. But now im down to doing japji sahib before eating. 2. I do body shower daily and head shower weekly. If u r gonna do head shower daily, DO NOT use shampoo daily. Use it every other day and other days use just water or maybe dahi(yogurt). Everyday use of shampoo will totoally dry out ur hair. Also u will have to oil ur hair alot. 3. My whole family does a small prayer basically just a small shabad for protection every time we get in the car, cuz weve had a lot of car accidents. One right in front of our house. And its easy to do small ardaas for any task. It just like mentally saying, waheguru ji im going to the gym now. Let me remwmber u. You dont have to stand up and d o the full ardaas 4. The other things like speaking the truhth and not eating out,.i dont do. But i regret that i dont. I know if i did them, my jeevan would be alot better. You should try doing them. As after taking amrit, all ur pishle karam r naas. So u basically have a clean slate. U dont want to have regrets like the policeman thing. So try to tell the truth always. It will make u steonger and braver. 5. Also i try to do at least 10 mins or 5 mins of simran before my nitnem. Cuz i just learnt how important that is. And scinece is all abt how important meditation is too. Also it helps calm ur mind down so it can concentrate on nitmem Also check out gurmatbibek.com. it has a sakhi abt a used car salesperson who started to tell the whole truth always. After bwing amritdhari. And lying is almoat required for a used cars salesperson. Yet he did it. And maharaj kirpa, his business soared cuz ppl began tp relay on him ans trust him .
  25. I dont agree. The spoils of war belong to the victor. We had the Anglo-Sikh wars and the british won. Yes they cheated and bribed etc but at the end of the day they won. Also sikhs shouldnt be going around begging or demanding things. We should get them by our nij bal. Noones gonna give us anything nor should we expect them to. We can buy our things back. Sikh ppl r rich enough. Or we can fight for them but the rime for that is not now. Also, before democracy, might was right. So whoever had the strength to take things, did. Did our khalsa raj not conquer kashmir and afghanistan? How come that was ok butthe british conquering us is not? Also ive heard an afghani raja gave the kohinoor to maharaja ranjit singh in return for safety in hiding from his rivals. So that we didnt loot. But other thing we prolly did. Like the peacock throne etc.
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