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Everything posted by ipledgeblue

  1. I mean I can discuss this with you with gurmatt and rehit, however meat discussion is not allowed on this forum, especially if it is a pro-meat or pro jhatka discussion.
  2. we just need to start demanding jhatka, like sikh regiments used to get during colonial times.
  3. halal was always forceed on non-muslims, even before th Guru jis' times in Bharat/India. there's a story of one of Guru Gobind Singh's sikhs getting kidnapped and having his kesh cut and force fed halal.
  4. Singhs used to have bare children and even had 2 or more wives, how do they expect the panth to progress when talking about kids as maya only? Also too many amrit dharis do kintoo prantoo about what is correct to eat and what not, whereas Nihang Singhs have a diet which allows oneself to be built. The question is, how many Singhs are under control of sgpc and deras and jathas and sects and cults and babas, as opposed to those who follow proper rehit and aren't limited by these mindsets.
  5. you mean breed after getting married right? and you are saying all monas are strong, there are all kind of monas...
  6. why can't we hire sikhiligarh and vanjara sikhs to work on our lands in punjab, instead of the bhaiyas/bhaiye who aren't going to help our culture or panth?
  7. now they are real kshatriya, allow the wannabes Guru Gobind Singh does actually mention something similar about Khalsa keeping kesh like the ancient Rishis I think, in Sarbloh Granth
  8. who even watches britasia anymore? At least their sister channel sikh channel is worth watching, but also has an online presence on youtube and social media.
  9. just replied on twitter to see if I get any "interesting" reply! ?
  10. is some of that rehnsbai keertan an extension of this culture?
  11. many jatts were jathera worshippers and not considered hindus. I don't think jatt people were normally considered hindus and also not part of vedic peoples. The arya samaj movement did a shudi ceremony to bring some jatts into the hindu fold during british raj colonial times
  12. link to uk store: Analytical Research On Sri Sarbloh Granth: (A Journey From Unexplored To Explored) eBook : Mahapatra, Abinash: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
  13. one thing I need to mention, people used to sleep twice a day in those days, not the once a day post-industrial revolution sleep people do now. You may see Nihang Singhs wake up bare early and do sewa and nitnem paat, then they might sleep again during the daytime.
  14. I have seen in Slough and Southall that most of the main events and activism happen in the Singh Sabha gurdwaras and not that much in the Ramgharia gurdwaras.
  15. in the uk some radio stations and tv stations don't play aarti after sodar rehras, and same with some gurdwaras. I am sure I have also seen this in gurdwaras in punjab! Asa di waar however I think is more regular!
  16. so Sodar Rehras and Arti should both be performed for nitnem, however many gurdwaras seem to ignore this as does sgpc maryada!
  17. However, when someone has taken Khanday dee pahul, then breaching maryada is worse. The haircut compromises were only for sehajdhari. most of the east african sikhs and east african desis I have come across are messed up in their mentality and behaviour in one way or another! You can't deny that tarkhans that come from villages in India probably behave similar to jatts in some ways, due to living closely to them in the pends. People from pend will behave like people from pend, while urban sikhs will behave differently. at the moment, the issues are not confined to any caste. tarkhan, jatt, khatri, brahmin, even some afghan sikhs are all having issues, girls from all the backgrounds are posting nangi pics online and getting into drinking. shisha/hookah bars are frequented by different backgrounds, removing kesh is performed by all bacgkround except maybe the afghan sikhs. it's not caste based issues now, it's more psychological and social issues, pehd chaal sheeple mentality by ALL CASTES! there are so many intercaste marriages now that behaviours have become blurred. Truthfully, the problems are with east african desis including east african punjabis and east african sikhs, east african tarkhans/jatts/khatris etc. The only reason east african tarkhans are mentioned because they are in the majority, and they do affect the behaviour of any indian tarkhan relatives they have. I could write up about all the negative experiences I have had from different east africa sikhs I have known or still know, just can't be bothered. Most were tarkhans, but a few were jatts and one is khatri. To summarise, some being perverts including uncles going to stripclubs, casual attitudes towards women from quite a few amritdharis, amritdharis giving up their identities to get or married with a guy/girl, one of the mona pervs is a borderline peado who makes fake online profiles to chat up guys and his cousin is a druggie, the druggie also told me why some tarkhans hid their surnames at Guru Nanak School, some Singhs and families seeming to be brainwashed by nishkam sewak jatha teachings, oh and a naamdhari girl who posts pics online with her naamdhari dad and naamdhari bros but also dresses nanghi, gets upset about the jatt word and has recently posted pics of getting engaged to a mona! ... And a gujurati who. is actually a handsome guy and could very easily be mistaken for a punjabi(from Ugandan migrant parents) who I met as he was teaching a course at a College, he is twice divorced and just posts pornographic content into any whatsapp group he is added to so had to let him go after that! I mean, yes these things happen in every background, but most of the kenya sikhs/desis I come across are messed up in one way or another, I always somehow attract them and some of them want to hang out with me and go places. I have cut off contact with most of them. One of the positives with kenya tarkhans is they don't try and force the alcohol as many jatts and even punjabi brahmins try and do. Punjabi brahmins, now that's another discussion to be had as well! And your statement about takhanani, to be honest I have always found tarkhanis to be easier to chat to than jattis, I think maybe some jattis are known to be stuck up? I had a few tarkhan female friends but I am not in contact with them anymore. To be honest, I don't talk to many punjabi girls anymore and my experiences were from the 2000s and start of 2010s, so maybe some attitudes have changed to do more intercaste marriages.
  18. One of the positive things about Trumpp's translations, was that he didn't try to distort the various shabads used by Guru ji into meaning the abrahamic/christian God. that is one of the negative things about later translations including Mcauliffe. However Trumpp was poor at maryada, lighting up a cigarette/cigar during a conference in presence of Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj
  19. lol bro I have missed so many days since being busy on my machine learning course while working full time ?
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