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Everything posted by ipledgeblue

  1. ipledgeblue


    harmonium will never be good. if you are interested in keertan learn a proper sikh instrument like sikh rabaab, saranda, dilruba, saranghi etc Please, too many sikhs use harmonium and it will never be good enough to properly do keertan!
  2. I don't understand, is Khalsa Yodha an event?
  3. Just how, coordinated effort??? gross. how old are they? is your cousin married? If not I can see the results of marrying later, it's really messing up the boys in the pends as well!
  4. eww, from the people I met in in India Punjab, they don't even properly know how to be safe. Pretty easy way to pass around nasty infections.
  5. read the article, both Teja Singh Bhasauria and his son are involved in this business of leaving out lines from Benti Chaupai !
  6. And again you see it's the notorious Bhasuaria teaming up with the British to destroy bani. You will see in many places that Bhasauria has interfered and caused a lot of issues which are still prevalent in the sikh panth today!
  7. Pakistanis are not less racist. Even their education is system, they are taught a lot of racist stuff at schools!
  8. Had to come back to this topic as it is literally one of the top results on Google, when searching for skipped lines about Benti Chaupai: https://www.sikhnet.com/news/chaupai-sahib-broken-bani I used to use that app, but I started using: Sundar Gutka (Damdami Taksal) This app has choices of reading Taksali, Budha Dal and Hajoor Sahib versions of some banis. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.damdamitaksal.sundargutka&gl=GB
  9. Just heard this on Panjab Radio this morning in the UK. There was a consultation on changing the name for Havelock Road, Southall - this is also where the famous Singh Sabha Gurdwara is situated (which you will sometimes see in media and some British TV movies and documentaries), there is also another popular Singh Sabha Gurdwara on Park Avenue in Southall - just explaining to avoid confusion. Here is an article from 2002 to show context with regards to Major-General Sir Henry Havelock and issues with the name of the street. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2003119.stm So anyway the radio station was congratulating everyone as it seems the name change has been approved! Just found some Singh Sabha Gurdwara facebook posts regarding this now: https://www.facebook.com/sgsssouthall/posts/2646454702122065 Also on the gurdwara Facebook story https://www.facebook.com/stories/1817655594943329/UzpfSVNDOjI2NDY0NDAwNTg3OTAxOTY=/?source=story_tray A few days ago in Bristol, a slaver trader's statue was toppled by the protestors. Yesterday, Robert Milligan was taken off plinth in London by the Tower Hamlets Council in East London. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/09/sadiq-khan-orders-review-of-all-london-statues-for-slavery-links It looks like these protests about #BlackLivesMatter which erupted due to the shooting in USA are also useful for sikhs. This is already helping in pushing the case for Havelock's name to be removed from the street in Southall, whereas before no progress was made. The uk will now be looking at colonial statues and memorabilia to see what can be removed. This is important as many of the colonial related people affected sikhs in negative ways! NOTE: I know protests are going on, but as it is COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, please be safe and observe social distancing. There is too much crowding at these protests, and could lead to increases in cases for the virus!
  10. some muslims see him as being religious or a holy man.
  11. the problem with hinduphobia against symbology is from colonial era sects etc. Remember as sikhs we respect both nirguna and sarguna roop.
  12. Dhumma is meant to represent Bhindra Taksal and he says these things? He should be removed from jathedaari, what an idiotic ignorant thing to say!
  13. lol I just noticed from the journalist's computer that he is still using out-of-date Windows 7 which is insecure since January 2020. Journalists should know better, he is at risk of being hacked or something!
  14. so they are no longer practising social distancing in India during Coronavirus covid-19 pandemic? Also saw this video play straight after from 2016: Yes even dhadrianwala use the "video cut/edit" excuse. However I wouldn't call Patna Sahib jathedaar as a nobody!
  15. nah that's wrong though. If someone is physically beautiful, it does not matter which skin colour they have! I love some of the cultures of black people and the diversity. However I do not like those that follow the rap and gangster culture - I guess it's black people that are into this culture are the ones who are going to do stuff like stealing. Well anyone of any colour following that type of culture will probably do stuff like that, And it's even worse when apney try and follow that kind of culture thinking it's cool. I just love how primal or traditional some of the black cultures are, and some black people look primal as in they look like more like original humans or real humans, I can't think of the correct term - I mean some of them would probably make great Nihang Singh warriors!
  16. Hong Kong was something like that until recently.... I guess Kashmir too, but there's way too many terrorists there
  17. Harpreet singh makhu Sukhpreet udoke Although I have seen Udoke with a lot of hinduphobia in some of his prachar. And don't know too much about him, but I thought sikhri was some kind of media platform for sikhi information. Sikhri (Harinder)
  18. which gurdwara is this in Ludhiana? Does the notorious Teja Singh Bhasauria fit in as a missionary? I am surprised with a few of the names there though...
  19. You reshare your videos on Instagram, Twitter and Youtube to gain more exposure. Usually on instagram the videos will keep the watermark for TikTok.
  20. the term I recommend is sikhiphobia, a phobia to sikhi as opposed to a phobia to sikhs. There is much more sikhiphobia than even those above. We allow sikhiphobia to happen in some instances due to not trying to offend practicers of certain religions and cultures, and this is not acceptable!
  21. nope sgpc never good. they should just be caretakers of gurdwaras, not influencing maryada and traditions.
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