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Where were Nihungs in 1984?

me moorakh mugadh

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Sat Sri Akal:

I agree with Jagroop Singh Ji. So far, this has been a mature and enlightening discussion and I thank all whoi have kept it that way.

Actually Gupti Ji, I will not dispute that Nihangs took sukha in the past and I have no intention to. My intention is to get to the reason of why, when the Khalsa Panth was given the blessing of Amrit, the image of Guru Sahib, and eternal Chardi-Kalaa...why is the necessity of sukha still defended for regular consumption (I myself could possibly see medicinal uses for it, but it being consumed with a religious and regular basis is quite the contrary to what Gurbani and Gurmat state).

I will go further with the Dasam Granth Sahib arguement and say that I do not want to doubt its authentacity, as that has been verified by the Akal Thakat and further, it has been stated to not debate its validity anymore. So I shall refrain from that. However, it would be most enlightening to know whether the passage quoted from the Hikayat is actually included in the Dasam Granth Sahib version that the Akal Thakat endorses as authentic (I assume that that version would be printed by the SGPC, who is entrusted with producing literature in line with the Panthic stance). The reason for this is because there are many versions of the Dasam Granth Sahib with different texts included or excluded; and whether this composition, especially the last verse of the Hikayat, is included would be important to know.

Lastly, I also agree that Nihangs do not deserve vilification by anyone. They are Sikhs of the Guru and deserve equal respect as any other Sikh. However, the Panth invested its representation of authority in the Akal Thakat. The

Akal Thakat has stated that sukha is not to be consumed. It is the will of the Panth, and I personally believe that when the Panth speaks, that everyone should follow its edicts without exclusion of any group or organization.

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Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

Sadh Sangat Jio,

Just to reiterate:

'i still await 'GurooDaChelaa', who is conspicuous by his absence, or other supporters of Bhang / Sanaatanism / 'Akali Nihung' proponents to address Points 1, 2, 3. i do not feel these have been adequately addressed so far.

i am also interested in any reponses re: the 'European' reference within the 'Hikiyat' quoted by Veer 'Gupti' Ji'.

Let's help eachother with our Sikhi...


Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

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Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

Sadh Sangat Jio,

It seems this thread has come to an unfortunate end...with many pertinent issues hanging in the air.

Quite sad really because i was hoping that these issues could be discussed some more.

Perhaps a Veer/Bhain ji could post a message on 'Sikh Awareness' and invite some of the members there to join this thread. i am aware that 'Akali Nihung / Sanaatan' philosophy is regularly discussed there...at least up until a year or so ago.

i would post on there myself in order to invite them but promised my Siree Guru Sahib Ji that i wouldn't, and so do not want to go back upon my word.

If anyone does post an invite there, please let me know that you have. Certainly, would be interesting to note that none of these people wish to enjoy such discussion...


Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

just to let it be point out

when akal takht was attacked

we say nihangs cudnt come cause of the army blockades

true, they cudnt

so, sant jarnail singh je khalsa bhindranwale, knowing that wud happen, said to start a fight with any army people u see, anywhere if akal takht is attacked

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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GurooDaCehla Veer ji, what you have just posted, is tha NOT ninda/slandering oof Someone - whethr or not they have a Ucha Sucha Jeevan - is your post not full of slandering?

While you're at answering MS514's questions, please respond to these as well -

Bhagat Kabeer ji Says -

kbIr BWg mwCulI surw pwin jo jo pRwnI KWih ] 

Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana, fish and wine 

kabeer bhaaNg maachhulee suraa paan jo jo paraanee khaaNhi. 


qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rswqil jWih ]233] 

no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell. ||233|| 

tirath barat naym kee-ay tay sabhai rasaatal jaaNhi. ||233|| 

Doesn't look like BHagat Kabeer ji leaves any Exceptions when saying 'THOSE MORTALS'

So My Question to you is

1 - iS this not a MAHA BEADBI of Guru Gobind SIngh ji - saying that he doens't know ANYTHING of his Jyo


this makes a contradiction, as IF he's the Jyot then why does he contradict himself?

By Sang that Guru ji allowed beadbi would mean he didn't know ANYTHIGN about his previous/future Jyot - he knew EVERYTHING, so why would he contradict himself?

2 - Guru Nanak Dev ji says - (Not exact quote) Do not ead anything tha brings Vaikar - Ms514 Veer ji just quoted the consequences of Sukha.

Meaning - EITHER Guru Gobind Singh ji contradicted his own jyot - OR the Nihangs believing in Sukha are making it all up. So Veer ji pelase tell me - which is it?

bhull chukk maaf karni

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!


please respond to above :wub:

bhull chukk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Fateh Jagroop bhaji

Whether Bhang should be allowed in Sikhi is not what I am debating. Cannabis was used by many Shaheeds in history.

Hope this clears everything up. Please read through the entire post again if you are unsure of anything I said.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!

Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

Sadh Sangat Jio,

Was anyone able to post a msg on Sikh Awareness regarding this thread?

Perhaps if anyone is a member of the 'Shastarvidya E-group' they could also post a msg there. It seems a shame for this thread to end completely unresolved...


Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

i read the title of this topic and i had just a few things to say. first off id like to say i havent read any of the thread except for the first few and last few posts and i am not a nihung myself. but i have a problem with people saying where were the nihungs when sri harimandar sahib was being attacked or after the attack. why dont you ask yourselves the same thing...where were you during/after the attack. if you're too young, have you ever asked your parents where they were or what they were doing during/after the attacks. and why they didnt go back to india for support after the attack and get some vengeance.

point being, lets not be so quick at pointing fingers.

a wise man once said to me (actually a drunk kala)....'when you get a min to figure me out, take a minute to figure yourself out first.'

bhul chuk maaf

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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i dont agree with drug taking

but there is evidence that fearless killer squads in the middle east used to take hashish before battle and use after to heal their bodies

the word assassin is directly derived from hashish

i read this in a sunday times article couple years back

anyway nihangs should pick up their guns and go and find KP GILL and Sajjan Kumar etc

and give them whats due, i dont care if u are stoned or not, go and use ur gun

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