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Hyde Park Aftermath

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Yep Ive seen the pics just want to say enough love and respect and big up to the sevadars/sevadar at Ekta One keep doing the seva you already are. Top Dogg :e:

I think the march was excellent, alot of the non - Sikh public that day took alot of interest of what was going and once explained to why this march/rememberance was taking place they were taken back :TH: . The turn out was very low compared to last year because I think this was partly down to the, the lasts years 1984 March being the 20th Anniversary, I probs wrong but hey. no.gif

Just a few short questions I wanted to ask the sangat:

How many of you where there, how many people from your area/gurudwara (What area are you from)?

Also is there anyone on this forum who represents Sikh Fed...Becuase last year it seemed to be organised alot better and that open roof london double decker :TH: with that massive 1984 (Sikh fed poster) made a massive impact where was is this year? ohmy.gif

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How many of you where there, how many people from your area/gurudwara (What area are you from)?

Also is there anyone on this forum who represents Sikh Fed...Becuase last year it seemed to be organised alot better and that open roof london double decker  :TH: with that massive 1984 (Sikh fed poster) made a massive impact where was is this year? ohmy.gif


i heard that this year sikh fed was not alone in organising the event therefore did not have the majority input to what went on

also i agree last year was totally hectic compared to this year, but from 2003 i can remember my local Gurdwara having organised 2 coaches but only managing to fill out one, last year was crazy, this year we hired three coaches but managed to fill 4 which was good because it shows last year had a huge impact on many people

personally i think advertising was left to late this year, last year we had ample time to target unis and colleges before term time broke out for exams

we have to remember though it is not just about turning up to a march once a year... it's an ongoing struggle we have to face;

please visit www.shrg.org and see what Sikh human rights group is doing - namely "Target 10,000" http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.ppa?showtopic=11707

also please send your details to moving_forward@hotmail.com for more details on how you can help and make a difference and not let the injustices suffered by our Sikhs be for no reason

also wish to thank ektaone.com for their seva, may Guru ji bless you with the ability to continue your good work :TH:

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Yep Ive seen the pics just want to say enough love and respect and big up to the sevadars/sevadar at Ekta One keep doing the seva you already are. Top Dogg  :e:

I think the march was excellent, alot of the non - Sikh public that day took alot of interest of what was going and once explained to why this march/rememberance was taking place they were taken back  :TH: . The turn out was very low compared to last year because I think this was partly down to the, the lasts years 1984 March being the 20th Anniversary, I probs wrong but hey. no.gif

Just a few short questions I wanted to ask the sangat:

How many of you where there, how many people from your area/gurudwara (What area are you from)?

Also is there anyone on this forum who represents Sikh Fed...Becuase last year it seemed to be organised alot better and that open roof london double decker  :TH: with that massive 1984 (Sikh fed poster) made a massive impact where was is this year? ohmy.gif


This is what I wrote on Sikh Sangat on 31 May 2005

It would be great if the numbers could approach anything like the numbers last year.

Last year the Sikh Federation (UK) organised many of the activities - open top coach, big banners on the coach, PA system during the route, banners for coaches travelling South, around 40 other large banners, inviting politicians to speak, dealing with the mainstream media etc. The Sikh Youth gave tremendous support and took on the "coffin" project, black balloons, encouraged the youth to attend etc.

The so-called organisers from the FSO (other than the Sikh Federation) were marginalised by the strong turnout from the youth. They reacted negatively in the press after the event against the Sikh Federation and the youth.

This year the FSO leaders (less the Sikh Federation) are guaranteed to make a b**** up of the stage. However, the Sikh Federation (UK) and the youth should turn up in numbers with plenty of literature to distribute to make sure our message reaches non-Sikhs.

It would be easy to say - told you so . . .

The Sikh Federation (UK), Young Sikhs and the Sikh youth will be organising a rally in central London on Sunday 30 October 2005 to mark the 21st anniversary of the anti-Sikh pogroms. The programme will be entirely in English. We must show how it should be done - the FSO (less the Sikh Federation) must not be allowed again to have such a poor showing on the stage.

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well.... to those who attended... what did you think? how did it go for you? please share ure experiences here....

PHOTOS ONLINE : www.ektaone.com


Man that was quick :doh: - I've only just finished sorting mine out. Excellent seva - thanks guys; just wish I could mine to look as well organised and laid out as yours.

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