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Sikhi Camp 2005!


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Sikhi Camp 2005...Its back!! :doh:

Sikhi camp has been a constant source of inspiration for young Sikhs

since it started almost a decade ago. The camp has provided a chance to meet

young Sikhs from all over the UK and Europe.

What is it? it's a residential action packed 6 days aiming to create

an environment that is unlike anything else out there.

Sikhi camp has a simple aim: to bring unity in our community by

sharing time and experiences with young Sikhs from all over the UK.

Every Sikh is proud of their heritage and wants to learn more but they don't want to be preached at.

We understand this, that's why an average day at the camp

is mixed between short talks, discussion groups and then the whole

afternoon is full of cool activities like abseiling, rifle shooting,

assault courses, playing football and of course: eating chips and

beans. :doh:

So if you have always wanted to learn a bit about Sikhi but not from

some old guy who just about speaks English come to the camp and experience

it with people from your generation!

Who's it for? anyone over 16 who is interested in learning the basics

about Sikhi in a friendly, chilled, non-judgemental/non-preachy environment.

It doesn't matter how religious you are. It's all about how keen you are to learn!


Why should I go? don't be stupid! Its only 50 quid for 6 days on a

beachfront location (It's an army base but don't get scared we won't

be sent to the Middle East when it's over.) with loads of fun activities and

inspirational talks/discussions...You've been stressed all year with

college/uni/work, chill out and de-stress at Sikhi camp! :doh:

Still not convinced? visit British Organisation of Sikh Students at

www.boss-uk.org and www.sikhicamp.org for the photo gallery of

previous camps…check out all those sunny, happy, smiling people

enjoying themselves! :doh:

OK! OK! So I'm convinced!! How do I apply? wise move, visit

www.boss-uk.org for an application form, but apply soon!!! The

deadline for applications is

1st of JULY 2005

Need more info? contact us...via info@boss-uk.org or phone...

07956 595850 OR 07868 753551

Sikhi Camp 2005 ...Its back!!

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any1 know of a camp in southampton? i herd there was...

i no im so stupid for not knowing tongue.gif


Sorry I think i might have mentioned a camp in Southampton, I was mistaken its in Bournmouth and it is this one :TH:


o yeh herd of DAT 1... koina grin.gif o well any info abt dat? lyk any sites???

any1 else coming ?!?! lol rolleyes.gif

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Wjk wjkf

how would i apply if i wanted to?

I have printed off the application form, and have filled it in..

What ID do i post with it (obiviously Photocopies!)...?

And jst tag a long a CheQue, and just post it???

Just like that???

Jst like 'at? Just like Tommy Coooper! ?

Jst like 'at?

K, sorry.. jst a bit excited! :doh:


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Using Kumi as bait now, Tut tut these singhs these days, Well im not goin unless some one does tha paperwork for me, i get stuck on surname, den middle name den first names, i mean how many names can a person have, the theres awhole issue of whats an address, are they going to supply dresses there now.

if they are i look good in blue and pink :doh:

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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