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y are sikh parents strict on relationships

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hi, i'm 24 years old now and let me tell you from experience, when your 16,17, 18, 19, 20, etc, you are not as mature as you think you are.  When I was 16 I thought I knew more than my parents.  When I was 18, I thought I knew more than everyone in the world.  My parents suspected I had a Gf at age 16 and when they asked me things related to that I would get upset and start fighting with them , well it turns out the only reason I fought with them is because they were right and I wanted to hide everything I was doing.  Being in  a"relationship" may seem harmless at your age now, but trust me when you get a little older you will realize that you should have developed a relationship with waaheguru first.

I'm telling you from experience. 



Yup Yup, Ma folks are doing that to me cus they think i got a gyal

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hi, i'm 24 years old now and let me tell you from experience, when your 16,17, 18, 19, 20, etc, you are not as mature as you think you are.  When I was 16 I thought I knew more than my parents.  When I was 18, I thought I knew more than everyone in the world.  My parents suspected I had a Gf at age 16 and when they asked me things related to that I would get upset and start fighting with them , well it turns out the only reason I fought with them is because they were right and I wanted to hide everything I was doing.  Being in  a"relationship" may seem harmless at your age now, but trust me when you get a little older you will realize that you should have developed a relationship with waaheguru first.

I'm telling you from experience. 



Yup Yup, Ma folks are doing that to me cus they think i got a gyal


they THINK?? hmm :doh: @ grin.gifgrin.gif ahem..

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If maharaj says not to have a relationship then what is the point of this thread?

He said treat everyone as your brother and sister. Except your partner at Anand Karaj.

Why is it so difficult to follow that? Maybe coz we watch so much rubbish on tv that we become so addicted to wanting to fit in with the crowd .

Parents say its all good now days just because they either missed out when they were younger as had a harder up bringing or because they would rather you tell em straight up about it.

Whats the point? Seriously? What are you possibly geting out of it? Mainly coz you knw you are never gona marry the person, you just want some fun on the side while your young. Life in teen years is meant to be so much fun but its not. THere is no reason at all why you would need to have a gf/bf therefore its fine for parents to have a stict ruling about it!!!!

I used to think back in the day too, yeh it would b kool bla bla and my parents used to say, find your own partners etc but i dnt see the need to now, IF you follow hukham, then maharaj provides for you.

Think of it this way, rite now its gona be all good, you have ya "misses" or ya "man" and it anoys you when you find out he/she has had past relationships (even tho yourself,you have had them). Now think when it comes to actually marrying someone, say you love them loads and loads, that is gona remain in your mind all the time!

Then just think what it would be like bumping into your ex in the street!!! I love watchin it on the tv! soooo funny!!! think how you would feel, someone laffing at you that way too!!

Follow Hukham, its the way forward. No point in sayin im this and im that, i follow this and that, yet simple stuff which is easy live without, is SO HARD to give up?

Apologies for offending people.

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If maharaj says not to have a relationship then what is the point of this thread?

He said treat everyone as your brother and sister. Except your partner at Anand Karaj.

Why is it so difficult to follow that? Maybe coz we watch so much rubbish on tv that we become so addicted to wanting to fit in with the crowd .

Parents say its all good now days just because they either missed out when they were younger as had a harder up bringing or because they would rather you tell em straight up about it.

Whats the point? Seriously? What are you possibly geting out of it? Mainly coz you knw you are never gona marry the person, you just want some fun on the side while your young. Life in teen years is meant to be so much fun but its not. THere is no reason at all why you would need to have a gf/bf therefore its fine for parents to have a stict ruling about it!!!!

I used to think back in the day too, yeh it would b kool bla bla and my parents used to say, find your own partners etc but i dnt see the need to now, IF you follow hukham, then maharaj provides for you.

Think of it this way, rite now its gona be all good, you have ya "misses" or ya "man" and it anoys you when you find out he/she has had past relationships (even tho yourself,you have had them). Now think when it comes to actually marrying someone, say you love them loads and loads, that is gona remain in your mind all the time!

Then just think what it would be like bumping into your ex in the street!!! I love watchin it on the tv! soooo funny!!! think how you would feel, someone laffing at you that way too!!

Follow Hukham, its the way forward. No point in sayin im this and im that, i follow this and that, yet simple stuff which is easy live without, is SO HARD to give up?

Apologies for offending people.


PS, its 10times worse when you hear that AMRITDHARI sikhs do it to!!!!!!!! Also those in high places...

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peace :doh:

I just wondered after reading this thread... what is the position on dating in Sikhism? Are there any specific guidlines on how people of the opposite sex should interact? If someone is in a long-term relationship with a view to get married say in a few years is this acceptable in Sikhism?

Thanx if anyone can clarify!

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yasmin bhenjee

dyiK prweIAW cMgIAW mwvW BYxW DIAW jwxY ]

"Men should look at the opposite sex as mothers, sisters and daughters, (women should look at the opposite sex as fathers, brothers and sons)."

(//. 29, Pauri 11, Bhai Gurdas ji)

this clearly states the ideals of sikhi on dating

one is to see eevryone as brother and sister, mother and father, aside from ure wife

there is no ifs and buts with this

compltely bro and sis view

no dating

uc an talk, and considers others as bro and sis, but to think of them as something diffrrent is not right

every act, any act, u do shud b done as u wud do with ure brother or sister

so unless u got issues and r a sicko, u shdunt have concealed ideas and u shudnt b dating

bhula chuka maf

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Guest Faujan

hmmmm. seems tha majority is dead set against dating, and that is great. however - and i am second- and third-guessing myself in thinking this - perhaps not everyone is against it for the right reason? but, lol, perhaps i shudnt open my big mouth and start something new, because its already pretty much enough that everyone's against it lol. yehhh me murakh.

poor Kumi Ji. best thing you can do is to act in a way that shows your parents that you're not with anyone, be it by making yourself appear unattractive, or limiting your interaction with the opposite gender, or..........limiting how much of that interaction they happen to be aware of blush.gif

ahahhahhaha bhull chuk maaaaaaaaaaaaaf!!!

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hi, i'm 24 years old now and let me tell you from experience, when your 16,17, 18, 19, 20, etc, you are not as mature as you think you are.  When I was 16 I thought I knew more than my parents.  When I was 18, I thought I knew more than everyone in the world.  My parents suspected I had a Gf at age 16 and when they asked me things related to that I would get upset and start fighting with them , well it turns out the only reason I fought with them is because they were right and I wanted to hide everything I was doing.  Being in  a"relationship" may seem harmless at your age now, but trust me when you get a little older you will realize that you should have developed a relationship with waaheguru first.

I'm telling you from experience. 



Yup Yup, Ma folks are doing that to me cus they think i got a gyal


they THINK?? hmm :doh: @ grin.gifgrin.gif ahem..


Yes they think, u modaraas what are u implying

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