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Multiple blasts paralyse London

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Multiple blasts paralyse London

Firefighters at Aldgate Tube station

Firefighters aid an injured passenger at Aldgate station

Several people have been injured after explosions on the Underground network and a double-decker bus in London.

A police spokesman said there were "quite a large number of casualties" at Aldgate Tube Station.

And Scotland Yard confirmed one of several reports of explosions on buses in the city - in Tavistock Place - but said the cause was not yet known.

UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke said several explosions in central London had caused "terrible injuries".

"The health services are in support to deal with the terrible injuries that there have been," Clarke told reporters outside Downing Street.


Number 10 said it was "still unsure" whether the explosions were a terrorist attack and although casualties were reported, no further details were yet available.

Ministers are meeting to clarify the situation and the government will make a statement later, Leader of the House Geoff Hoon told the Commons.

One caller to BBC Five said his friend had seen "the bus ripped open like a can of sardines and bodies everywhere".

And the Press Association quoted union officials as saying sources had told them there had been at least one explosive device on the Underground.

There was immediately smoke everywhere and it was hot and everybody panicked. People started screaming and crying

Jacqui Head

BBC News

Bus 'ripped apart' in explosion

British Transport Police said incidents took place at Aldgate, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Old Street and Russell Square stations.

Scotland Yard confirmed they were assisting with a "major incident" and said there were casualties.

Hospitals have said they are no longer accepting non-emergency cases, BBC Five Live reported.

The National Grid, which supplies power to the Underground, said there had been no problems with its system which could have contributed to the incidents.

'Screaming and crying'

Jacqui Head, from BBC News, who had just left King's Cross station on a Piccadilly Line train as an explosion happened, said: "Everything was normal. Suddenly there was a massive bang, the train jolted.

"There was immediately smoke everywhere and it was hot and everybody panicked. People started screaming and crying."

The train was kept in the tunnel for 20 minutes and no announcement was made to explain the delay to passengers, she added.

Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes, near Kings Cross, told Five Live: "My only thought in the midst of all this confusion is that after the celebration of yesterday (for the Olympic 2012 London success) for people to be evil enough - if it is the intentional causing of death and injury - and think that they can justify this in any circumstances is completely unacceptable."

London Fire Brigade said four crews were at Liverpool Street and more were on their way.

Another passenger, who had left the Tube at Fenchurch Street Station, and walked to Aldgate East, told BBC Five Live that he saw injured people.

"As I walked through the bus station I could see people lying on the ground, black, as if they'd been covered in smoke. There were about three or four people on the floor being treated."

Eyewitness Paul Woloszyn from BBC News, who was at Blackhorse Road station on the Victoria Line, said: "We were told there was a bomb at Liverpool Street station.

"I was on the Tube, and they stopped the train and told everyone to get off and evacuate the station."

He said staff had said the entire Tube network had been affected, and leaflets had been handed out with details of alternative bus routes.

Another eyewitness, Dorothy Molloy, had been on a Tube train at King's Cross and said "staff just chucked everyone out of the station".

She said staff there had not given any details, but she said two passengers she had spoken to had said they had received messages saying there had been bombs.

"People didn't really know what was going on, they were just huffing and puffing and saying how annoying it was," she said.

"People don't seem to be panicked, but there's so many police and ambulances coming into the areas. People are just concerned, and some are just annoyed at the delay."


Tube map showing locations of explosions

0849 - Report of explosion on Metropolitan Line between Liverpool Street and Aldgate

Further explosions reported at Aldgate East, Edgware Road, King's Cross, Russell Square and Moorgate

Two Underground trains collide near King's Cross

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

hello to everyone,

I am writing this post to all fellow Sikhs, as you may have discovered there have been several explosions in the capital today. As with everyone else I'm also in a state of shock. But I feel I must ask everyone to remain vigilant and take care, as often ignorance can cause violence and mayhem.

As with the attacks in New York almost four years ago, many Sikhs in America reported being mistaken for Muslims. Although I do not condone the reprisals that occur on Muslims it is my duty I feel to ask all brothers and sisters to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings as often ignorant and poorly educated individuals find means of expressing their hatred violently.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I ask again for everyone again to please be carefull when out alone or in a pair.

thank you

can I ask all other members to spread the message but do so responsibly without causing panic

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evryone shoudl do ardas for all those people effected by these horrid acts of terror



This blatant indiscriminate act of terrorism is nothing but cowardice. I hope those behind this terrorism are caught quickly and dealt with.

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This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 360

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

Kurwswn Ksmwnw kIAw ihMdusqwnu frwieAw ]

AwpY dosu n dyeI krqw jmu kir muglu cVwieAw ]

eyqI mwr peI krlwxy qYN kI drdu n AwieAw ]1]

krqw qUM sBnw kw soeI ]

jy skqw skqy kau mwry qw min rosu n hoeI ]1] rhwau ]

skqw sIhu mwry pY vgY KsmY sw pursweI ]

rqn ivgwiV ivgoey kuqNØI muieAw swr n kweI ]

Awpy joiV ivCoVy Awpy vyKu qyrI vifAweI ]2]

jy ko nwau Drwey vfw swd kry min Bwxy ]

KsmY ndrI kIVw AwvY jyqy cugY dwxy ]

mir mir jIvY qw ikCu pwey nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]3]5]39]

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

khuraasaan khasamaanaa keeaa hi(n)dhusathaan ddaraaeiaa ||

aapai dhos n dhaeee karathaa jam kar mugal charraaeiaa ||

eaethee maar pee karalaanae thai(n) kee dharadh n aaeiaa ||1||

karathaa thoo(n) sabhanaa kaa soee ||

jae sakathaa sakathae ko maarae thaa man ros n hoee ||1|| rehaao ||

sakathaa seehu maarae pai vagai khasamai saa purasaaee ||

rathan vigaarr vigoeae kutha(n)aee mueiaa saar n kaaee ||

aapae jorr vishhorrae aapae vaekh thaeree vaddiaaee ||2||

jae ko naao dhharaaeae vaddaa saadh karae man bhaanae ||

khasamai nadharee keerraa aavai jaethae chugai dhaanae ||

mar mar jeevai thaa kishh paaeae naanak naam vakhaanae ||3||5||39||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

Having attacked Khuraasaan, Baabar terrified Hindustan.

The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mugal as the messenger of death.

There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. Didn't You feel compassion, Lord? ||1||

O Creator Lord, You are the Master of all.

If some powerful man strikes out against another man, then no one feels any grief in their mind. ||1||Pause||

But if a powerful tiger attacks a flock of sheep and kills them, then its master must answer for it.

This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs, and no one pays any attention to the dead.

You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate; I gaze upon Your Glorious Greatness. ||2||

One may give himself a great name, and revel in the pleasures of the mind,

but in the Eyes of the Lord and Master, he is just a worm, for all the corn that he eats.

Only one who dies to his ego while yet alive, obtains the blessings, O Nanak, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||3||5||39||


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vjkk vjkf!!

Wow this is soo scarrry.. My friend and her family and in London When it al happened.. And i mean, all they can take to get places is bus, train, or taxi.. wow... I hope they r not hurt... Whageuru waheguru waheguru.. everyone pray for these People who have lost their lives n or injured.. or The famlies who have lost someone who was special in their Lives...

Waheguru waheguru waheguru waheguru!!! pray.gif

Take care everyone..

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa

Vaheguru ji ki fateh

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