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waheguru jee ka khalsa

waheguru jee ke fateh

for some time now, ive been wanting to take amrith..but im not sure if im ready...it seems as though ever since i got very much into sikhi(last year or so) that ive become less social, dont talk much to the old crowd i used to hang around with, and have lost my ambition and competettive nature.

i was talking to my dad, and hes a smart guy, and said that he doesnt want me to be one of those people who dont want to be successful or suceed too much ( like be soo humble that you dont do anything). he believes that one should be successful and not have ego, so when people so you, they ask who is that? and people respond that is a gursikh you know?

He said he's totally not against amrith, but wants me to improve myself in general life --> meaning socializing more, being more agressive and confronting people rather than just staying away from them (i.e. bad sangat). He says i should wait for one more year and realize that aspect of my life as well and then decide to take amrith.

i guess he's right in a sense. i kinda have lost my ambition and competitive drive (maybe my thought process regarding sikhi is wrong)

im shedding some tears as i write this because im really confused and i feel i love Guru jee so much...my eyes become wet when i read Rehraas Sahib or read gurbanee, but i dont know if have balanced my miri and piri sides correctly or if i am ready to give my head...

could sangatees please help me, and show this moorakh wat to do!

suix Xwr hmwry sjx iek krau bynµqIAw ]

sun yaar humaarae sujun eik kuro baenuntheeaa

Listen, O my intimate friend - I have just one prayer to make.

iqsu mohn lwl ipAwry hau iPrau KojMqIAw ]

this mohun laal piaarae ho firo khojuntheeaa

I have been wandering around, searching for that enticing, sweet Beloved.

iqsu dis ipAwry isru DrI auqwry iek BorI drsnu dIjY ]

this dhas piaarae sir dhuree outhaarae eik bhoree dhurusun dheejai

Whoever leads me to my Beloved - I would cut off my head and offer it to him, even if I were granted the Blessed Vision of His Darshan for just an instant.

nYn hmwry ipRA rMg rMgwry ieku iqlu BI nw DIrIjY ]

nain humaarae pria rung rungaarae eik thil bhee naa dheereejai

My eyes are drenched with the Love of my Beloved; without Him, I do not have even a moment's peace.

pRB isau mnu lInw ijau jl mInw cwiqRk ijvY iqsMqIAw ]

prubh sio mun leenaa jio jul meenaa chaathrik jivai thisuntheeaa

My mind is attached to the Lord, like the fish to the water, and the rainbird, thirsty for the raindrops.

jn nwnk guru pUrw pwieAw sglI iqKw buJMqIAw ]1]

jun naanuk gur pooraa paaeiaa sugulee thikhaa bujhuntheeaa

Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru; his thirst is totally quenched. ||1||

Xwr vy ipRA hBy sKIAw mU khI n jyhIAw ]

yaar vae pria hubhae sukheeaa moo kehee n jaeheeaa

O intimate friend, my Beloved has all these loving companions; I cannot compare to any of them.

Xwr vy ihk fUM ihk cwVY hau iksu icqyhIAw ]

yaar vae hik ddoon hik chaarrai ho kis chithaeheeaa

O intimate friend, each of them is more beautiful than the others; who could consider me?

ihk dUM ihik cwVy Aink ipAwry inq krdy Bog iblwsw ]

hik dhoon hik chaarrae anik piaarae nith kurudhae bhog bilaasaa

Each of them is more beautiful than the others; countless are His lovers, constantly enjoying bliss with Him.

iqnw dyiK min cwau auTMdw hau kid pweI guxqwsw ]

thinaa dhaekh man chaao outhundhaa ho kadh paaee gunuthaasaa

Beholding them, desire wells up in my mind; when will I obtain the Lord, the treasure of virtue?

ijnI mYfw lwlu rIJwieAw hau iqsu AwgY mnu fyNhIAw ]

jinee maiddaa laal reejhaaeiaa ho this aagai mun ddaeheeaa

I dedicate my mind to those who please and attract my Beloved.

nwnku khY suix ibnau suhwgix mU dis ifKw ipru kyhIAw ]2]

naanuk kehai sun bino suhaagan moo dhas ddikhaa pir kaeheeaa

Says Nanak, hear my prayer, O happy soul-brides; tell me, what does my Husband Lord look like? ||2||

Xwr vy ipru Awpx Bwxw ikCu nIsI CMdw ]

yaar vae pir aapun bhaanaa kish neesee shundhaa

O intimate friend, my Husband Lord does whatever He pleases; He is not dependent on anyone.

Xwr vy qY rwivAw lwlnu mU dis dsMdw ]

yaar vae thai raaviaa laalun moo dhas dhusundhaa

O intimate friend, you have enjoyed your Beloved; please, tell me about Him.

lwlnu qY pwieAw Awpu gvwieAw jY Dn Bwg mQwxy ]

laalun thai paaeiaa aap guvaaeiaa jai dhun bhaag muthaanae

They alone find their Beloved, who eradicate self-conceit; such is the good destiny written on their foreheads.

bWh pkiV Twkuir hau iGDI gux Avgx n pCwxy ]

baah pukarr thaakur ho ghidhee gun avugun n pushaanae

Taking me by the arm, the Lord and Master has made me His own; He has not considered my merits or demerits.

gux hwru qY pwieAw rMgu lwlu bxwieAw iqsu hBo ikCu suhMdw ]

gun haar thai paaeiaa rung laal bunaaeiaa this hubho kish suhundhaa

She, whom You have adorned with the necklace of virtue, and dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love - everything looks beautiful on her.

jn nwnk DMin suhwgix sweI ijsu sMig Bqwru vsMdw ]3]

jun naanuk dhunn suhaagan saaee jis sung bhuthaar vusundhaa

O servant Nanak, blessed is that happy soul-bride, who dwells with her Husband Lord. ||3||

Xwr vy inq suK suKydI sw mY pweI ]

yaar vae nith sukh sukhaedhee saa mai paaee

O intimate friend, I have found that peace which I sought.

vru loVIdw AwieAw vjI vwDweI ]

vur lorreedhaa aaeiaa vujee vaadhaaee

My sought-after Husband Lord has come home, and now, congratulations are pouring in.

mhw mMglu rhsu QIAw ipru dieAwlu sd nv rMgIAw ]

mehaa mungul rehus theeaa pir dhaeiaal sudh nuv rungeeaa

Great joy and happiness welled up, when my Husband Lord, of ever-fresh beauty, showed mercy to me.

vf Bwig pwieAw guir imlwieAw swD kY sqsMgIAw ]

vudd bhaag paaeiaa gur milaaeiaa saadh kai suthusungeeaa

By great good fortune, I have found Him; the Guru has united me with Him, through the Saadh Sangat, the True Congregation of the Holy.

Awsw mnsw sgl pUrI ipRA AMik AMku imlweI ]

aasaa munusaa sugul pooree pria ank ank milaaee

My hopes and desires have all been fulfilled; my Beloved Husband Lord has hugged me close in His embrace.

ibnvMiq nwnku suK suKydI sw mY gur imil pweI ]4]1]

binuvunth naanuk sukh sukhaedhee saa mai gur mil paaee

Prays Nanak, I have found that peace which I sought, meeting with the Guru. ||4||1||

waheguru jee ka khalsa

waheguru jee ke fateh

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Guest _sat_naam18_

I think its GREAT that you feel love for guru ji and that you are thinking about taking amrit. Personally, I can relate to you because I myself have been thinking of taking it and I find myself becoming slowly, less social. I think it IS important to have a social life because sometimes you need friends to talk to and its nice to have people around you that care. But at the same time, its good to keep your social life limited because it can distract you away from god. For example, when I'm with my friends, I find that they like to gossip a lot about other people and it turns me off. We have no place to judge others and as a amrith daree sikh, you must learn to avoid such things and try to become a humble person. Also, I think you can be successful and still be a humble person. But just like your dad said, its important not to develop a big ego. Basicially, its all about keeping a balance. I think the most important thing is that when u take amrit (which hopefully you do), you change INTERNALLY by becoming a better person. Just remember, whenever you feel stressed or are feeling down, guru ji will always guide you.... :)

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Jee, I really enjoyed reading your post, because it touched me. Your Bairaag for Sikhi and love for Guru Sahib Jee really comes through.

I'm not sure what type of work you do or what area you study. But sometimes having that competitive drive is seen as really important, especially for work such as in the City. These arenas always encourage people to display a big ego and people need to socialise to effectively build contacts.

I have had these problems where I felt a conflict between my Sikhi and what these types of work/education demand. Over time I feel that you do lose your competitive drive and ambition, but that is not because you are not working as hard or you don't aim to go so high in life. As one goes along in Sikhi, my experience is that you begin to realise that everything is in Guru Sahib's Hukam .... you accept that whatever Maharaaj Jee does is in your best interest. All you can do is keep doing Ardaas for Maharaaj Jee to keep you in His Charan and he takes care of everything else for you. He'll take you to the highest levels in education and work, but this happens without you having such a great Ego. The competitive ambition is replaced with Contentment for what Maharaaj Jee gives you.

Taking Amrit will not impede your worldly success ... if Maharaaj Jee wants you to be successful, you will be successful. In fact, if you are Amrit Dhari, Rehatdhari Gurmukh, SatGur Maharaaj Jee will bless you with even more Kirpaa.

There's nothing that you can do, since everything is in Maharaaj's Hukam. If one realises this, then you realise that you don't need to confront people, socialise or have the Big Ego ... Our Pyaara SatGur Jee is our Rakhwala --> "Mera Pyara Pritam Satgur Rakhwala."

Veer Jee, our only Ardaas should be that Maharaaj Jee keeps us in His Charan --> "Raaj Na Chaho, Mukhat Na Chaho, Man Preet Charan Kamlarae." pray.gifpray.gifpray.gif

Bhul Chuk Maaf


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Bhaajee, it is really good to know u have ssoooo much pyaar for Guroo Jee.... don't worry about feelin detached from society, maybe it is necessary in order for u to decide what ur priorities are in life.... in fact it is a sign that u know what is most important: Guroo Jee and earning profit of Naam Bani... not other people and the world of Maya.....

However I agree wit ur dad too to some extent... it is vital that we do not just give up on working and our daily lives in terms of education, work and socialising as well.... that is why the Guroos instructed us not to go and live in jungles and go and find God, but to seek to find Him in our families, whilst earning a living (kirat karna) etc.... we should let the world help us to see Him in everyone, to try and understand Him, and how He operates thru everyone .....

We must keep our minds attuned to Him at all times, wherever we are.... at work, amongst family and friends etc.... like Bhagat NamDev Jee, even whilst working he would focus his surtee and dhiaan on Parmatma...whilst washing dirt out of clothes with soap and water, he imagined that he was washing dirt out of his mind with Seva and Prabhoo's Naam.... We must do the same.... earn enough to get by in life and live comfortably, but the rest of the time concentrate on earning the real profit in this world....

Anyhow, i think it is important to get the balance right....the ideal i think is to be successful and sociable etc yet still have Parmatma in your mind at all times.... however the moment this proves difficult to maintain decrease ur workload and socialising time, and concentrate more on the Seva, Simran and Naam....

eyh mwieAw ijqu hir ivsrY mohu aupjY Bwau dUjw lwieAw ]

eaeh maaeiaa jith har visarai mohu oupajai bhaao dhoojaa laaeiaa ||

This is Maya, by which the Lord is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality well up.

khY nwnku gur prswdI ijnw ilv lwgI iqnI ivcy mwieAw pwieAw ]29]

kehai naanak gur parasaadhee jinaa liv laagee thinee vichae maaeiaa paaeiaa ||29||

Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, those who enshrine love for the Lord find Him, in the midst of Maya. ||29||

I certainly dont think that this feeling of isolation or detachment should prevent u from takin Amrit tho... everyone faces such difficulties even when Amritdhari... difference is that once u have given ur head to Guroo Jee, He will help guide you thru ur problems and help you stay on this path to reach Him....

Hope I have helped somehow...... sorry if I haven't....

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Came across this Shabad yesterday....thought it was appropriate and decided to post....

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 522

mÚ 5 ]

ma 5 ||

Fifth Mehl:

nwnk siqguir ByitAY pUrI hovY jugiq ]

naanak sathigur bhaettiai pooree hovai jugath ||

O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, one comes to know the Perfect Way.

hsMidAw KylµidAw pYnµidAw KwvMidAw ivcy hovY mukiq ]2]

hasa(n)dhiaa khaela(n)dhiaa paina(n)dhiaa khaava(n)dhiaa vichae hovai mukath ||2||

While laughing, playing, dressing and eating, he is liberated. ||2||

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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