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Should You Wash Youre Kashera By Hand

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Sangat jio I was woundering if you are allowed to wash your kachera in washing machine ? or should you wash it only by hand ?

vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh


If you do put kachere in machine, there shud be no dastars in the load.

It is best to wash them with hand though.

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Sangat jio I was woundering if you are allowed to wash your kachera in washing machine ? or should you wash it only by hand ?

vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh


If you do put kachere in machine, there shud be no dastars in the load.

It is best to wash them with hand though.


That is an important point to watch

I suppose wearing red kahera is also bamanvad as hanuman had a red langot LOL.gif so no red kacheras LOL.gif

People who dont have detergent at home can wear black or dark brown kacherey as white will look dirty unless washed with proper SABAN LOL.gif

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i feel i should clarify what i said...

what i meant is that sikhi does not begin and end at rehit maryaada....

no one can really say that rehit is unimportant, because discipline is definitely important... we all understand that rehit maryada is literally a set of actions or what not that are to help us remain in the rememberance of death.... hence rehit = to be in.. mar = death.. yada = rememberance of.

HOWEVER, that being said, saying that sikhi is limited rehit maryada isn't entirely fair and isn't entirely true.... there are things we do outside of these prexribed rules that can be extremely beneficial for your sikhi, that doesn't make it anti-rehit....

please refrain from Guru Gobind Singh Ji quotes about rehit pyaaree mujh ko sikh pyaara naahin, cuz if you DO providec me witht hat quote, you're essentially telling me that you're not going to read what i jus wrote...

i am by no means belittling rehit, because in my eyes, theres more to our gursikhi jeevan than JUST rehit... i'm positive that i'm bound t oface criticism, or people will not understand what i'm trying to say and will twist and nitpick my words to make it look like i've said something blasphemous.

As an amritdhari, i understand the importance of rehit, i agree there is need... but what i sincerely believe is that your sikhi should NOT be defined by the rehit you follow..

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Sure. Very funny. Kaschera is different from langoat. Langoat is like dhoti. Red kaschera? What does cleaning have to do with kaschera color. All need to be cleaned properly. Hand wash cleans better and you do it right away. I don't like pink color. Also when we go to the Gurudwara. We don't go in kashera only. Hanuma never wore and kashera. Him getting langoat only is a joke. That is all he got from raam chander? Of course it is brahmanvaad. All colors belong to Akaal. No color is bad! All colors are good. Akaal Takht maryada says wear any color. Only brahmanvaadi pujaris say white kaschera only. Sprry if I made you feel bad but it is a fact and facts are facts. However, I know you and your white kascheriaans will never listen or understand.

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No harm in throwing them in the machine.

Only thing I would suggest (as has been said before) don't put in any keskis or dastaars with a load that has kacherras or pyjamas.

Also, make sure you fully open the kacherra up and don't leave it bunched up when you throw it in. It can be cleaned better when it's open.

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Sat Sri Akal:

"However, I know you and your white kascheriaans will never listen or understand. "

Ah yes, now Sikhs will have Jathae based on the Kachera color...kinda like gang colors, but, of course, in Kacherae:

Jathedar ms514 SatRang Kachera Wala, Jilla Kuthapoori, Yuba City, CA.

And of course, when one Kachera Jatha meets another Jatha, a long and pointless discussion about theeir Maryadas will commence, leaving both parties having learned nothing except hatred for the other's Kachera color. Then, both parties will set up websites and discussion forums and make topics against each other with titles like:

"SKW (SatRang Kacherae Walae) Jatha Is Anti-Gurmat!!!"


"GKW (Gorae Kacherae Walae) Are All Pakhandis!!!"

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