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Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fathe

Mahraaj kirpa karan so much kaljug amongst the youth

Bhenji "so confused" what is there to be confused about it's quite simple. You gave your Head ot the Guru and no wyou are turnign your back on him and doing manmat. DO NOT approach the singh DO NOT tell him how you feel, if you are botyh amritdhari then you won't only desotry your own spirtuality but his aswell. If you are serious about forgeting this guy it's simple stop contacting him ,stop doing his sangat start keeping pukka amritvela and strong nitne , increase the number of bani's you do for nitnem, the more time you spend with Guru ji the less you'll think of this guy, then you will experience true love not worldly love. Question yourself have you any sharam? How would you face Guru ji after doing all this b/f g/f crap?? who do you love more Guru ji or this guy??

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Confused Bhenji - are you both of an age where you are of a marriageable age?

If you like him and want to get married to him, tell your parents.

As Tarunjeet Singh said, don't become boyfriend/girfriend as Amritdhari's should not get into a relationship before marriage.

If it is Guru Jee's Hukam for you to get married, then you will otherwise you will need to forget about the person and just do Ardas to Guru Jee to give you the strength to forget this Singh.


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Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!!!!

we have seen this situation so much... but i's apart of human nature (whether it be a good thin or bad thing)... one thing u gotta remember... as much as u like this person... u shouldn't let ur feelings distract you away from god... IMHO i think its quite alrite to have feelings for another... but the extent to which those feelings 'take over' ur thoughts is where the 'problems' lie.. firstly... are u at 'marrying age'... and what about him?... if you aren't.. then don't even think bout approaching him or sayin nethin to him.. 'cause that just plain out isn't good for either of you... if u ARE.. then, maybe u might get a friend to say somethin to him... i guess jes bring up the idea of 'hey u guyz would go good together' or somethin along those lines.. i guess to see his reaction and his response... and then take it from there.. but keep in mind.. the last thing u wanna do is create a distraction for him... and u don't want him bein uncomfortable or nethin... so make sure its' subtle..

every situation is unique.. many questions have to be answered... one is obviously age (if u guyz are of marryin age)... if ur still both in ur early years of college/uni then don't say nethin as of yet... 'cause u don't want it affecting either if ur studies...

and another thing... don't expect him to say 'yes' kinda thing.. 'cause if u do and he's not ready or he doesn't feel the same way u do then it's gonna hurt u and will REALLY take ur mind away from sikhi... as simmal tree veerji said in one'a the other posts... just do ardaas... but DON'T do ardaas that he'll say yes... just do ardaas that Guru jee will set you up with the right person.. whether i's him or not, we will find out.. 'cause in the end no matter how much u like this guy, if i's not meant to be u can't change that... its all in Guru Jee's hands..

and remember.... if u guyz are still young... and not of marryin age... shouldn't say ANYTHING... and u should try not to let it control ur mind... its very hard.. but its somethin u gotta deal with..


in the end... everything will work out for the best...

shukar hai..

Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

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These types of relationships are spiritual poison. Imagine every Amritvela, Nitnem, Simran session you have ever done, burning away whenever you indulge in them.

Through this type of Manmat, hours and hours of Bhagti can go to waste.

A Gursikh could spend years working on his spiritual level, only to find all this time lost through indulging in what he/she believes are "normal" or "natural" feelings for the opposite sex.

The highest persuit is the spiritual persuit of Naam; how can you throw this all away for temporary infactuation?

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Guest Unmarried Sikh

If you are not married, there is pressure from parents and society to get married so what is the harm in asking your parents / elder singhs to arrange your marriage to someone you like and have feelings for.

It can be hard finding a partner and how are you going to get married if thinking about the opposite sex is thought to be manmat.

I agree that Naam is the highest pursuit and that marriage is something that most people have to go through and that this should not distract you from Naam.

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it can have a lot of harm on a persons life... what if ur parents approach his/her parents they he/she says no?... then it makes both families feel dumb... and what if his/her PARENTS say no.. then it makes u and ur parents look dumb...

IMHO u only get parents involved if u both know u wanna marry eachother... don't just jump into it... that can have many consequences... especially if u were friends before that.. it can ruin that... it'll mess wit ur head too.. and his/hers...

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These types of relationships are spiritual poison. Imagine every Amritvela, Nitnem, Simran session you have ever done, burning away whenever you indulge in them.

Through this type of Manmat, hours and hours of Bhagti can go to waste.

A Gursikh could spend years working on his spiritual level, only to find all this time lost through indulging in what he/she believes are "normal" or "natural" feelings for the opposite sex.

The highest persuit is the spiritual persuit of Naam; how can you throw this all away for temporary infactuation?


this is true 100%...... sometimes it's irreperable damage.... sometimes no matter how much "work" you've actually done to make a connection with the Supreme... you still may never be able to get it back, or at least not until you begin the pursuit for naam all the way over again and do as much as you did before the relationship.

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Guest sooo confused~

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!!!

Sangat Jio.... thank you vetry much for ur reply's but i guess i didnt make my questions clear. I definatly dont wanna say anything to thie Singh... because i kno its wrong and i really dont wanna reuin my relationship with Guru Ji or this nonsense.

I wanted to ask..... how should i get rid of these feelings???

Bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!!!

Sangat Jio.... thank you vetry much for ur reply's but i guess i didnt make my questions clear. I definatly  dont wanna say anything to thie Singh... because i kno its wrong and i really dont wanna reuin my relationship with Guru Ji or this nonsense.

I wanted to ask..... how should i get rid of these feelings???

Bhull chuk maaf

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!


wake up as early as possible, do as much paath and simran as possible. wether this means wakin up at 1am and doin 3-4 sukhmani sahibs daily or waking up at 4 and doing 1 sukhmani sahib dailyis up 2 u. jus do as mcuh as possib;le

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