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i once did a big essay while at university and while i was doing the work i always had waheguru simran on in the background on a tape player, i got an excellent result and on the comments the teacher was meant to type "a GOOD piece of work" ... however instead he wrote "a GOD piece of work" ...this taecher never made typo errors, so it made me think how much waheguru helps if you remember him






the answer is "ADVISE"



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Glad you joined. The flipside of what your saying is that you don't want to cut your hair. Otherwise you would not raise it as an issue here. Some of what you're talking about is normal around your age.

I think it's great to be a bit of a rebel, question the system if that's what you're doing by cutting classes. However, the real power is questioning the system effectively. Cutting classes, being "bad" in school is for the minor league rebel who may simply do nothing more than mess up their own future or make it much more difficult.

Continue to study hard and push forward so your voice can mean something when you take up real issues in the years to come in your life. You want something really tempting and addictive, hang out with some real sikhs via sikh coalition (large base in ny?) or other similar organizations and i am sure they will blow your mind. I didn't start meeting groups of other true sikhs till later in my teens and they were the craziest, most positive, most influential people around. Many of them have gone on to make huge differences in their communities.

On that note, if anyone is reading this forum and you do not really have much of a sikh sangat around you or you have merely those who identify with the word, I really encourage you to try to get involved with sikh camps. The khalsa I met in their late teens and early twenties were truly spirit born people who left a lasting effect in wanting to make me aim high in life. Their chardi-kala is always with me.

Yea, first of all ive been coming on these forums for the last month but decided to join today because i need some help. Firstly, Im 17 live in queens, ny and dont consider myself to be very religious although i have my hair, havent done any drugs or any other of that bad stuff. What is bothering me is all these temptations though for cutting my hair and getting into that <admin-profanity filter activated>. I was also a very good student but im cutting many classes, and not doing my work. Its senior year and im going to college and I want to be something succesful like my parents planned for me to be. I bought a gutka around 3 years ago when i went to India which was my first time. Well i heard that praying in the morning is good and does wonders. I have no idea whts in the gutka or what to do. Please someone tell me what to do, and i have the english version so can i read it in english because i cant read it in punjabi. Will this set my mind straight and help concentrate on my work and stop procastinating? I also need to start studying for sats but i havent. Im really worried about my future now but is doing paat in the morning the answer? Plz someone help and sorry if i disrespected someone or something


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Nam simran = remembering NAAM. ie: waheguru.. the most POWERFUL mantra EVER!!!! say it as if u saying WOW GOD! wah = wow.. guru = teacher (ie: reffering to god). u r wowing him at the nature.. at everything.

anyway, the thing that hlped ME was rehat! every1 started saying i generally became happier and better since i went into sikhi (last xmas!). Altho I;m not amritdhari yet, i try to keep my rehat as much as possible (without kirpan.. but sooon :e: ) It helps!! Also, it helps you 2 accept Gods Will if all is not good...

You dont look after the rehat.. the Rehat looks after you
:) I had a weird dream about that last night too which proves this quote! :doh: @

Stay strong, let your Sikhi Shine :TH:

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Doing Simran and paat- DEFNETLY helps and i got mainly B's in my GCSE'S and i said Waheguru's naam before every exam- lol i thought i messed up in some bad style n i still got a B's- which i defnetly knew i didnt deserve, n its Waheguru's blessings that i got that grade.

N my family was expecting low grades from me and if i tell you the truth before i even became more religious i thought i had no hopes of even getting C's.

N even some problems were taking over me at that time of the exams, and i just sat half of the time instead of revising listening to Gurbani but pretending to the rest of the family im revising (put book infront of my face-but just concentrating on Gurbani)-just incase i get in trouble lol.- But with Waheguru's kirpa i got very good grades.


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