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Dont Know The Reason!

manbiro singh

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gurfateh ji!!

sangat ji this topic has probably been bought up a lot of times but iv tried searchin and cant find it.

n e way i was having a conversation with this guy and he says he believes in sex before marriage and i said no its wrong. and he replied why do i need a marriage certificate so that i can do it!!

and i woz stunned i just didnt know wot 2 say becuase i dont really know that the EXACT reason but i do know its wrong.

So could someone tell me the exact reason or show me where in the bani it is

gurfateh ji!!



This guy that said he doesn't need a certificate is clearly mad and has miunderstood the meaning of marriage. Too many people in today's world think that marriage is just a piece of paper and has no meaning. This is where society has damaged us. The marriage of sikh's does not involve paper. The prospective couple are seated in 'Guru's Hazoori' and their lawa take place in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib and Waheguru. That is marriage not going to some registry office and signing some papers. This aspect is only done to satisfy the law element of countries i.e. so legally, a woman is known to be a certain man's wife etc. But we shouldn't stray away from the fact that the marriage ceremony is the Anand Karaj and that is what is important.

Sex is not allowed before marriage as Guru Tegh Bahadur said. 'Do not venture into another woman's bed, not even in a dream.' If it has been said by a Guru, it should be followed with no exceptions. People who try and justify themselves have no basis for their assertion.

Whilst we're on the subject, divorce is also not allowed. In today's society, it is seen as acceptable to have a divorce. I know a couple who were married for 30 years and then decided to get a divorce because 'they didn't get on.' Divorce seperates a man and woman in the eyes of the law, but does it seperate you in the eyes of Waheguru? In whose prescence you were married?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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so true i was having this disscusion with my friend a goree. i was trying to explain to her that i dont believe in sex before marriage or divorce, and i believe unless their is domestic violence or other forms of abuse you cannot possibly justify having a divorce. Its scary that now alot of sikhs are beginning to get divorces you never heard about it before but now its like no big deal. Its really sad that a woman would give up her dignity to a guy who you dont even know that you will get married to.

:) :doh: :doh:

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i remember we had a topic like this a few months ago... and someone was sayin now havin sex before marriage causes more tention then nethin else.. when u do any physical stufff before marriage, it just takes over ur mind.. u mite 'love' the person.. but at times u love their body more.. and i's not surprise that people who have sex b4 marriage are more likely to cheat on their partner...

in north america, about 50% of marriages end in divorce... and we know media has a HUGE influence on that.. this dude is on some next tip... and sadly... i've been there before.. i used to say the kinda stuff he's probably sayin to u, to justify my belief.. i guess the diff is, i knew i was wrong.. hahaha..

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Sex before marriage is wrong because:

Sex is a expression of love between husband and wife, so that they can have babies etc to express a nishani of thier love.

The best thing to explain this is:

God is full of love and he is basicly love. And to somehow express Gods love God created us. So just like that husband and wife somehow to express thier love have children.

Another reason is that what you going to do if you have sex before marriage and you have a child with that women?

What if your parents dont agree that yous get married after, as they might not like the girl?

hows the child going to cope with out a father?

What will the child feel that he or she is just born without a reason, that he was just a 'mistake' and not ment to be?

And if the women has abortion, wouldnt that be paap, as its like murder, and is going against Gods will?

Also if you do have contraception so she wont get a baby, she still could get a baby becuase they dont work 100% all the time. (Although the chances are high that it works).

And if you do have contraception, it just shows your having it because you know your doing something wrong, otherwise you would just have natural sex (without contraception) as you know everythings going to happen according to Gods will.


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I have to say nowadays sex is just a kehl.

I rememba sum1 tellin me about two people who were to be gettin married and well sum1 in the family died an the wedding was cancelled and arranged for another date.

Twice that wedding was cancelled. By the time they were to get married the girl had the biggest stomach in the world(she was pregnant).

Wouldnt sum1 prefer to be pure when getting married and feel proud of the kind of preson they are marrying.

If i was a man an the girl i was to be getting married to had sex with me before, i would feel disgusted. Maybe thats just my thinking.

I would rather be pure then go an do some extra curricular activities that could lead me away from my sikhi an disrespect myself and my body.

Nowadays girls an boys dont think each other as brother an sista. More as people we could date. I guess it's just them adjusting to western society. Yeh people should adjust but they should not forget their religion an the things the gurus and other sikhs went through for us to practice our sikhi freely. :)

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