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Sri Harmandir Sahib - Scientist Healed


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waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji kefateh

Pyare jio, my uncle in Slough also had cancer, but with Guru jis kirpa he is perfectly fine now aswell.

His name is Gurbaksh Singh. He originally took Amrit with my father back in the 80`s. He got cancer which left him is quite a bad state. He got treatment with caused him to not come in sangat as much, due to his kesh all falling out. He was only given a little while to live.

This led to great pain in him. Eventually after many years of treatment. He got fed up. He decided to stop the treatment which had failed twice by now. He went pesh infront of Punj Pyares at the AKJ UK Vaisakhi smagam in Slough in 1996.

Since then he left all to Guru ji. I remember walking past his house with used to be just down the road from my house. I could hear him doing simran in his upstair room, from the street outside, when I walked past. Over time his kesh came back. His health has dramatically improved. Now I speak to him, and he is in perfectly health.

The doctors have checked him out a few times, and are totally surprised by his health and this level of recovery.

He is now retired and spends all his day doing langar de seva in Slough Gurdwara. He always has Lallee on his face. On sundays you will always see him doing the mop seva in the gurdwara with Bhai Malkit Singh, who does seva in the punj of AKJ UK.

Anyone is welcome to go and speak to him and meet him. He always has a big smile on his face, and will tell you to do simran. He is quite shy, but is very friendly. He will probably be unhappy with me for getting him some attention. But if it inspires someone towards Naam.

waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh

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Being a Bachelor of Science myself, I would want all scientific evidence before I believed this story. Just because someone tells a story, it doesn't make it fact.

In fact, this kind of thing can be counter-productive in recruiting educated folks to Sikhism. People in villages might be wooed into Sikhism by it, but in general, people should seek more spiritual or selfless fulfillment from their religion.

They should not see religion has a health insurance policy, or an investment, i.e. I pray, I will be healthy, I will be wealthy.


i can see what your veiw is, many ppl what reall proof, but this isnt a ploy by sikhs to recruit more ppl into sikhi.........we want real true sikhs ie those who follow guru jis hukam and rehit we dont need numbers.

Science cant explain everything becos we humans dnt have the capability to understand the whole of creation, many things are yet to be discovered, so just becos we cant see it doesnt mean it cant happen. Its faith which is required to understand these things otherwise who in this day and age wud belive in God, i cnt see him so he doesnt exist?

Guru ji tells us not to ask for worldly things but things like naam and seva which will do us real good. health and wealth isnt everything, also i think Guru ji will be able to tell if i was going to be a pretend sikh just cos i want money and a longer life. i hope you see wher im going.

bhul chuk maaf karna

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Dear brothers/sisters,

I have heard this sort of things before in America there was a preacher who could cure most ailments, but the troubling thing is that when he could not he would say that they don’t believe enough….say no more but, he had cured some people

Going to sri Harmandir sahib seems all very well… a miracle etc…

Sorry for my septic view but this was done in 2002 I personally would have expected sri Harmandir sahib to be full of westerns, really any one and every going there to be cured. And this should have been splashed All over the media. But nothing until 2006 someone told us here….I’m just wondering why no sensation till now..? grin.gif

I do not mean to offend anyone…… d_oh.gif

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u met this guy ? wow

and he said that he would convert ? wow

If I was dieing of a incurable disease and a someone cured it.

I don’t thing I would even think about it .

I would be a instant convert.

ps he said he would convert ? when was this ?

i do not mean to offend anyone.

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I also have a BSc and find things like this fascinating.

The mind is a very powerful device and things it can achieve in terms of bodily functions is amazing.

Just look at things like the Placebo effect.

There have been numerous experiments which show the power of belief. Sorry no links at the moment, i am at work.

One experiment that stands out was done by a NLP practitioner where he made one of his students believe that the pen that lay on the table was in fact red hot. So hot infact that it would burn you if you touched it.

Nothing major in this you may think....but when then student was then touched by the pen on his hand he actually got a burn mark and blister.

This shows the power that our brains have if only the belief you have in something is strong enough.

Guru Gobind Singh ji made his Singhs fight when the odds against them were rediculous (1 sikh to 10,000 mughal soldiers) and in some instance they won very easily. This is not down to the fact that the Singhs were necesarily stronger but because the belief they had in god and simran and amrit made them more powerful than the mughal soldiers who only fought for a monthly wage.

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