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Mahatma Gandi A Hero?

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The man

The man that was reverred as the great man of peace, indias savour frmo british rule. (this is what I was taught in highschool in london).

The man who rejected violence in all shapes and forms. The man that chose a peaceful method namely passive resistance. "passive resistance" is something that i disagree with. All methods were exhausted therefore it was time for action, but he instead adopted a cowardly stance. That was his personal choice but in the process many died.

I REJECT claims that his methods were peaceful, because all u have to do is look at the partition. how many muslims, hindus and sikhs were killed when partition took place? So many innocents killed. Remeber it wasnt just the british drawing borders, it was with an agreement with gandhi himself.

High school education

In the uk we are taught in history Gcse, that gandhi is a big hero for every indian in the world. he did many things to be a thorn in the british A55. e.g. 1930 salt tax march.... ummm wow, so what if he put on a dhoti and marched to the sea to make some salt with many thousands of followers? SIkhs gave 93 heads in the freedom struggle ... true sacrifices (kurbania). While sikhs were giving heads (real kurbani) , gandhi was busy putting on his dhoti and making Sodium Chloride (salt). I feel a great shame even saying that in the sentence. i feel a great debt to the sikh myrtrs. he got recognition over the sikhs that hanged because the sikhs that hanged were poor commoners.....and gandhi studied Law in Cambridge University. SO we are only taught about the Cambridge university graduate gandhi who opposed british rule, but they dont teach us about real warriors who perished. I have not forggoten them!

Divide and conquer

The british raj decided that they was going to split the land into pieces. a large section of which was to be called pakistan. But why make the split it in the heart of punjab? the very centre of sikh growth. a place that is so precious to sikhs? mahatma did not like sikhs and he had the opportunity to do damage to the sikhs so he did it. We are quick to blame british raj , but remember his signature was included. he signed over 2/3 of punjab over the border. Former capital of punjab (Lahore) was re-situated in present day Pakistan. What better blow to give to sikhs than to sign over punjab's capital to a country that was intended to be a homeland for muslims (due to growing pressure from muslims asking for their own homeland, Pakistan).

saintly actions

If mr gandhi was soo eager to give land to make pakistan then why didnt he sign over HALF OF GUJARAT?

I TELL U WHY: beacuse gujarat was his homeland and he wud never give his precious gujarat away. instead he divided punjab. Gujarat, The homeland of all the RSS, HINDUTVA, SHIV SENA extremesits that are attacking sikhs today flourish in Gujarat.

How many innocent sikh,hindu, muslim families did he destroy by creating a border in punjab?

how many husbands, wives and kids were seperated or killed as a direct consequence of his signature?

They called Mahathma gandhi father of the nation.

They called Indra gandhi mother of the nation.

It seems any1 hell bent on destroying sikhi gets a title of mother or father of the nation.

Assassination (1869-1948)

In 1948 he was shot 3 times at point-blank range by Nathuram Vinayak Godse (a hindu extremist). Godse was furious that bharat had been divided. so 1 extremist shot another basically. very ironic.

Real kurbani

Shaheed Udham Singh of Sunam waited for 21 long years to avenge the atrocities committed by Mr. O'Dyyer in Jallianwala Bagh.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh made the supreme sacrifice for the National cause and set a sacred example for his countrymen. His cause was betrayed at the time of Gandhi Irwin pact.

Rattan Singh and his associates, redeemed the honour of their countrymen by assassinating several of the British soldiers while being transported from Andamans in 1937.

The sacrifices the sikhs made are the greatest, quantitatively and qualitatively both. Inspite of the fact that their population then was not more than 1.5% of the total population their contributions in terms of sacrifices amount to more than 90%. During 1942-43 when indiscriminate arrests were made during the course of Quit India Movement, the Sikhs contributed 70% out of the total Punjabis though their population in Punjab was only 13%.

SIkhs constuitute less than 2% of the entire population, but they dont fear sacrifices. take a look at this chart below by Maulana Azad. Then have a think about my post......

Mahathma gandhi :::: Vs :::: Real kurbani (sacrifice)




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Guest peacemaker

Did you write this yourself? grin.gif

the chart is from a sikh site. yeh i wrote it just now, took me half an hour.

Ok, sorry, I thought you copy and pasted from some site, but you wrote very well! :TH: Just disagree on some points.

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We had the perfect chance to get our own country in 1947 when British offered it to us in 1947. We lost it due to our own fault. I forgot the name of the "sikh guy" who had a meeting with British and when he returned to India, he told Nehru and Neru told him somethign like, "tera dimaag kharab ho gaya... aapan katthey rehnde aan.. jo kujh tusin lainia, hindustaan vichon lai leo, eh tuhada hi tan hai..." some crap like this..

and this guy believed him and then everybody knows what happend after that... Sikhs had to do Kurbaani again to get even this chiri di chunj jinna, what we now call Punjab. to me, it is not them, it is us. We failed to learn from our mistakes.

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