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Bollywood Picking On A Sikh Theme, Again!


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Where are you, kurtas! HAHAHA I was right about this bahman all along! I knew he just wanted to start trouble! Bahman, you are so full of crap and have no life! We can't take anyone like you so seriously. You spell everyone's name wrong. Why is that? Did you not go to school? Maybe you're just plain stupid!

Bahman, you give hindus and all your gods a bad name. You should really find something better to do with your time. SEE KURTAS, MAN I told you he was spelling Guru Gobind Singh ji's name wrong on purpose! KURTAS, you wouldn't listen to me either, so you can also get lost! :) You sided with a hindu over your fellow sikh, so in my eyes, you are no better!


Peacemaker you are right - How dare somebody agree with a Hindu and a bahman to top that !

does debating worry you - or shoudl all us four foot black skinned skinny bahmans worship at the altar of seven foot white skinned religiously superior Sikhs ?

reminds of a a learned quote i heard some years ago

'I always tell the truth - even when I lie'

Tony Montana from Scarface

ONLY the Sikhs did something in history - the Hindus did NOTHING - which is a falsehood we have talked a bit about this

yeah they did rolleyes.gif

they used 2 humiliate lower castes

they used 2 call themselves superiors

they used 2 do yugs/havans to earn more money from illitrate yujmaans.

what used 2 be the behavior of bAhmans when their daughters/wives used 2 come back home after they were kidnapped by mugals or afghans ???

ive heard lord rama kicked his wife sita out coz of a dhobi .

whats a dhobi?

oh yaar, dhobi means 'kapre dhon wala' (laundry guy)

Women kidnapped by the Afghans Mughals etc were not returned to their families. If you bother to read more than the Kuldip Manak and Jazzy B version of history you will realise that some parts of INdian hisotry rank amongst the most bloodthirsty periods in human history - people were not sitting around singing bhajans whilst their near and dear ones were being murdered and killed

it seems u should read some part of Sikh history. Hindu women were rescued by Sikhs from Afghan and Nadir Shah's army and returned to their families, but those idiots refused 2 accept their daughters back coz they were now untouchable.

hi Duchess , p[lease read some of history I have stated before

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Every Individual having their own path? Well that sounds great. No doubt there can be multiple paths to a destination, but they need to follow guidelines. Do you seriously think one can pick their own path?

Again you are asking me same question as to how many sikhs follow caste system. Its not what a so called sikh or hindu does. Its what their religion specified them to do. As per MOST of the historians and other scholars, manu smirit has been the foundation of hindu laws guiding them and has been followed by Most hindus.

Your claim, that hindu philoshophy does not support casteism needs to be backed up by a well documentd proof, just they way you pop out the dates when shivaji beat mughals or when did mughals defeted in assam.

As for harping sikh beliefs. Do you consider sikhism as a seprate religion or a part of hinduism?

I DONT consider it part of hinduism. Then why sikhs are married under HINDU MARRIAGE ACT and why ANAND MARRIAGE ACT has not been passed. why NCERT books keep coming up with distorted history books?Why sikhs around the country are joked about 12 o clock joke?

i came on this site for some i was hoping interesting debate

I am doing a study on comparative religion in India and was leaning towards the conclusion that modern Sikh identity has developed to the thought pattern that

(1) they are distinct from Hindus (which is fine by me by the way)

(2) that they are BETTER - racially, religiously, politically etc than the Hindus

(3) Any attempt by a Hindu to promote Hinduism makes that person a 'Sikh hater' and that person wishes to destroy the Sikhs

this debate is confirming by thoughts

A researcher! Kudos to you for your study. Its intresting to see you make your conclusions from hearing answers from a handful of ppl on a forum, whom you cant even confirm for being sikhs. If thats how you have been coming to your conclusions than i call quits for a debate with you.

Hi Palm - inder

I try and do some research in my own capacity - if you think one of the posts here is not represenataive of Sikh feelings then please let me know

Heres some historical references for you if you are interested:

Battle of Saraighat of the Ahoms against the Mughals



heres some about Shivaji


some about the Jaat rebellion


heres some about the Berads of south India


theres more if youare genuinly interested

The key point to note is that Aurangzeb remained in the Southern India fighting for the last twenty five years of his life and not in Punjab which is much closer to Delhi/Agra


Oh yeah - I dont consider Sikhs as part of Hinduism

I see it as having become the movement of being part of the Indic family of dharmic faiths to the abrahmiac monotheistic paths of others - hence the eternal need to find distinction and seperation which will never end

By beleif in Hinduism rejects such narrow thinking and therefore if that is what Sikhs beleive then i do noit beleive them to be part of Hinduism

As for the Government of India - it is a secular left leaning instritution which has inherited an essentialy corrupt systmen from the British which Nehru never saw fit to replace

The NCERT book have oftern given derogatorty references to Shivaji, Rana Pratap and freedom fighters etc - the left establishment fights tooth and nail to promote such referneces

The empire in Punjab fell because of internal weakness - are you trying to say that the Sikhs were utterley blameless in hisotry - that they were just sitting around doing paath surrounding by cunning bahmans ?

are you trying to say that the Sikh leadership has NO PART or RESPONSIBILITY for 1984 ?

I'm a tolerant chap, after all isn't that the whole essence of Sikhism! :TH:

Now, No matter what part Sikhs may have played in the 1984 disaster, nobody can condone an attack on a holy shrine! I'm not sure if you're a ware but a few years ago, in Jeruslam, a few insurgents took shelter in a sacred Synagogue, or it may have been a mosque. Well the jewish forces surrounded it and planned a 4/5 day stakeout, they did not shoot/bomb the holy place as they realised it's sancitiy, veera do you agree, that a place so holy should not be desecrated? After all the 9th Guru saved the Hindu faith?

hi Pakandi,

the events leading to 1984 were a culmination of years of brinkmanship on the part of both parties and the rasing of hysteria on all sides

I dont think that anybody can walk away from that incident with clean hands thinking they have done Gods work- we can have a seperate debate about that if you want

and about your comment about the 9th Guru saving the Hindu faith

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Where are you, kurtas! HAHAHA I was right about this bahman all along! I knew he just wanted to start trouble! Bahman, you are so full of crap and have no life! We can't take anyone like you so seriously. You spell everyone's name wrong. Why is that? Did you not go to school? Maybe you're just plain stupid!

Bahman, you give hindus and all your gods a bad name. You should really find something better to do with your time. SEE KURTAS, MAN I told you he was spelling Guru Gobind Singh ji's name wrong on purpose! KURTAS, you wouldn't listen to me either, so you can also get lost! :@ You sided with a hindu over your fellow sikh, so in my eyes, you are no better!


Peacemaker you are right - How dare somebody agree with a Hindu and a bahman to top that !

does debating worry you - or shoudl all us four foot black skinned skinny bahmans worship at the altar of seven foot white skinned religiously superior Sikhs ?

reminds of a a learned quote i heard some years ago

'I always tell the truth - even when I lie'

Tony Montana from Scarface

ONLY the Sikhs did something in history - the Hindus did NOTHING - which is a falsehood we have talked a bit about this

yeah they did rolleyes.gif

they used 2 humiliate lower castes

they used 2 call themselves superiors

they used 2 do yugs/havans to earn more money from illitrate yujmaans.

what used 2 be the behavior of bAhmans when their daughters/wives used 2 come back home after they were kidnapped by mugals or afghans ???

ive heard lord rama kicked his wife sita out coz of a dhobi .

whats a dhobi?

oh yaar, dhobi means 'kapre dhon wala' (laundry guy)

Women kidnapped by the Afghans Mughals etc were not returned to their families. If you bother to read more than the Kuldip Manak and Jazzy B version of history you will realise that some parts of INdian hisotry rank amongst the most bloodthirsty periods in human history - people were not sitting around singing bhajans whilst their near and dear ones were being murdered and killed

it seems u should read some part of Sikh history. Hindu women were rescued by Sikhs from Afghan and Nadir Shah's army and returned to their families, but those idiots refused 2 accept their daughters back coz they were now untouchable.

hi Duchess , p[lease read some of history I have stated before

hey scaredbahman

i think its actually YOU who needs the history lessons rolleyes.gif

and umm..also..

i thought all people should respect all beliefs...AND dont go assumin stuff for no reason WIHTOUT readin true history

and your name is "sacredbahman" 8-) give me a break(!)


i laugh


and umm...yes

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur ji, pita ji of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singhs ji, DID give his Sees (head) for the Hindus.

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Bhaman, I can provide you with thousands of links prooving the ugliness of caste system prevelant in hinduism. A single document from MANU blasts off ur philoshophy. But you seem to stress more on what shivaji was doing.... i'm sure even shivaji was ardent follower of caste system. Before you start researching and studying about sikhs and sikhism, please do a thorough research about the vedas, upnishads, manu smriti, what they say about castes.

As for you asking others to read history, I asked you to name 33 crore deities, as i was unable to find them. I thought u being a SCARED BAHMAN would know.

I have a strong feeling that you are here not to debate or learn, but just to create nuisance and trouble. So i would request everyone not to waste their energy on this chap. He will never agree to what we will say and same goes for us. So its better if you stay happy with your imaginations and leave us alone.

Guruji has said " moorakh naal na uljhiye"

May 33 crore deities bless you!

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