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Sarbloh Bibek

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Do you want to talk to my friend sitting besides me?? He is a Brahman and doesn't eat in Sarabloh. Kesh has nothing to do with protection. I wouldn't be saying it, only a dehdhari chela would. Is the langar prepared at Darbar Sahib, prepared insarabloh??? How about at other Gurudwaras?? Is it served in Sarabloh??? AKJ Gurudwaras, yea. They don't follow Panth maryada anyways, so doesn't matter what they do. During the times of Guru Ji, there were many people joining Sikhi even though govt. was against them. RIght now, there is no one after them, but people don't join. Why?? Because of the divisions and stupid rehats like Sarabloh. Sarabloh is mentioned in Bhai Daya Singh rehtnama. Yea, so?? Anything that doesn't go according to Gurmat can't be Gurmat so can't be part of Khalsa's daily routine.

Some facts:

Ganga Sagar isn't Sarabloh.

Guru Ji went to parchaar all over, Guru Ji wasn't carrying sarabloh baata and kaulas, and bultoahs to prepare and eat food in Sarabloh.

Singhs used to eat in doonas and if you go to Ananpur Sahib, you still get food in doonas at times.

Rest is up to people on what they want to do.

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Your Brahmin friend doesn't eat in Sarbloh. And this is the convincing proof which shows that Brahmins are against sarbloh? Most people don't eat in sarbloh.

Is everything at Darbar Sahib perfect? How about no jaikara after ardaas? But even at the langar there, the food is prepared by Amritdharis. All old langars use or used sarbloh utensils to cook.

People aren't 'joining Sikhi' because we've sold out all our rehits and Guru Sahib doesn't do bakshish when that has happened. You still haven't explained how Sarbloh Bibek is against Gurmat (don't worry, I'll let you off the hook for the questions you can't answer).

As for your "facts"; depends which Ganga Sagar you want to look at. Guru Sahib's bata (displayed recently in Bathinda fort) is sarbloh.

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Game Match Point...

and the Winner is Singh132

this post done by a non-sarblohi...

p.s. arent you just so inspired by the amount of PREM and PYAAR these missionaries have and how calm they remain because of all the bani they recite. But ofcourse they read so much bani and never miss amritvela because they save so much time by never going out to start arguments with people and attack everything that they dont understand.

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Why is it against?? That is becuase it has been turned into a ritual like Brahmans do. It is manmut. Not Gurmat, thus it is contrary to Gurmat.

He doesn't eat in Sarbloh because they are not allowed to. Has parents don't either. You aren't going to listen or admit. I know. As for going out of rehat. No Sikh goes out of rehat. Akaal Takht maryada is the rehat of Sikhs. Any other rehat maryada is anti and false. It is equal to maryada of Panth dokhis. Those who want to divie the Panth for their selfish wants and needs and motives. You want to eat is sarabloh only, go ahead. You want to force your kids to eat in sarabloh only? Go ahead. It is all up to you but don't force Sikhs to do so. Keep your AKJ marayda to yourself. If you want to do parchaar, do parchaar of Akaal Takht maryada. Guru Panth's maryada.

Nanak Unday Seo Kya Kahee-aye Khay Naa Kaheyaa Boojai!

Who are you to let me off the hook?? I won't let you or your jatha off the hook. When time comes, they will either accept Panthic maryada or go make their own dehdhari Gurudom like radaswamis and whatever.

Khuar Hoaye sabh Milangaye Buchay Saran Jo Hoaye!

You do it now, or you do it later, you got to follow Akaal Takht.

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Like I said, Akal Takhat Maryada is the creation of Sikhs like you and me. It is not something revealed by Guru Gobind Singh. Let me give you an example. Even at Amrit Sinchars organized by those following "Akal Takhat Maryada", all 40 pauris of Anand Sahib are recited when preparing Amrit wheras only 6 are called for in the Maryada. The vast majority of the Panth recites and considers 5 banian as amrit vela nitnem. These are examples that the "Akal Takhat Maryada" is not the be all and end all.

It is all up to you but don't force Sikhs to do so

When did I put a bata to your mouth or anyone elses and force them to eat?

Sarbloh is Guru Gobind Singh jee's rehit. I will do parchaar of it to my hearts content. It is Gurmat and you nor anyone else has been able to prove what's "anti" about it. Just like parchaar was done for so many other rehit before the present Maryada was drafted, there are many rehits that still aren't included in the maryada and if I am doing parchaar with examples and evidence, then that's my right. Prove me wrong with any evidence you can gather but you can't stop me simply by telling me I can't talk.

In the end I frankly have a lot of sympathy for you. It's not your fault that your budhi makes you give statements like

When time comes, they will either accept Panthic maryada or go make their own dehdhari Gurudom like radaswamis and whatever.

It's a result of bad karma perhaps. The fact that Akhand Kirtani Jatha and Damdami Taksal have given countless shahidis for upholding respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib is lost to you. You make the foolish comment that these Jathas will 'make thier own dedhari Gurudom'.

For your benefit I'll tell you that saying things like this is suicidal for spiritual jeevan. Making such hateful comments is not going to do any harm to anyone but yourself.

So let's finish how you wanted and I too agree:

Khuar Hoaye sabh Milangaye Buchay Sharan Jo Hoaye!

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Shaheed Bhai Amreek Singh Jee

Bhai Amreek Singh jee was a young Singh who was given the title of “Jathedar” by the Akaal Takhat Saahib because he brought a large group of sangat to Akal Takhat Sahib for amrit. He was incredibly enthusiastic about Gurmat and was always trying to keep more and more rehit. Before his shaheedee he had started to keep a sarbloh bata with him. On April 13 1978, Bh. Amreek Singh did an ardaas infront of Akaal Takhat Saahib for courage and went in the procession reciting gurbaaNee.

so ur whole viewpoint, about how sarabloh is 'anti-gurmat' and against SRM, is not shared by Akaal Takhat Sahib. also, SRM is the MINIMUM...Sikhs are free/should follow more rehit.

and hating againt AKJ, at first i did get a little mad, but then i just started to feel sorry for u, doing the nindiya of so many Naam Abhiyaasee Gursikhs. I believe that IS against SRM.

Hindus also breath...should we stop too just because they do it? Like Singh 132 jee sed, Sikhi is not a reactionary religion...everything Guroo Sahib Jee did, is for a REASON...

And just to let u know, Akj and so called 'shiv worshipping nihungs are not the only ones who keep this rehit. its a panthic thing. F.Y.I Akali Phoola Singh Jee was a jathedar of Akaal Takhat Sahib, AND sarablohee...

u call sarabloh rehit a 'ritual'. a ritual is something done for no reason...if u read my previous post or Singh132 jee's post, u will maybe understand the reason behind sarabloh rehit...its been explained, maybe u should read more carefully.

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one shouldnt be putting anyone else down ..

if your sarbloh/bebek.. GREAT!

if your not but your amritdhari and do the basics (ie.nitnem, non-kureti).. GREAT!

NUMBER 1 thing we should all keep in mind is not to put another sikh down for not doing something you may do or you may 'think' is right. Just be in chardi kala all the time and think only that GURU SAAHIB can judge us right, dont let the thought that since your sarbloh/bebeki that you are better then the ones that arnt, this is TOTALLY WRONG!

im saying this in general, not directed at anyone..


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mmmmmmmm think about how much time has been wasted on debating about sarbloh bibek. sarbloh bibek is an important rehit wich we should all try our utmost best to keep. however, it is a rehit that we keep, to help us japp more naam!! i do benti to all my sisters and brothers, please lets stop debatin, and japp naam together.

vahigurrroo vahigurrooo vahiguroooo

sorry if ive sed nefink rong


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