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Gobinds "shorn Flock"

Guest Narinder Singh

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yes we do need to do more to educate young sikhs, and even older sikhs, but i dont think that article is accurate, considering the hundreds and thousands of people who take amrit in india, sikhi can only flourish, but end of the day we dont need numbers we need real singhs not pakandis.

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yes we do need to do more to educate young sikhs, and even older sikhs, but i dont think that article is accurate, considering the hundreds and thousands of people who take amrit in india, sikhi can only flourish, but end of the day we dont need numbers we need real singhs not pakandis.

yep i agreee we need naam abhiyaasi gursikhs

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Sad to see, however, we have two options:

1) Condem these people and view them as outcastes.

2) Acknowledge these people as Sikhs but as "Sehajdhari's" or slow adopters of Sikhi.

Historically there have always been Sehajdhari Sikh's, when Sikh's were living in the Jungle's, it was the Sehajdhari's who maintained Gurudwara's and shrine's.

I prefer option 2, because just because a person is a Mona, it does not mean their love for Waheguru is any less. If truth be known some of the biggest idiots and Munmukhs I have spoken to of late have outward apparance of Sikh's (beard, hair etc) but are a disgrace. One only has to look at the SGPC and various other Sant/Baba outfits that spring up.

At the same time I have met some really good and spiritual Mona's who have a real love for Guruji, but are either not ready for keeping their hair, or do not wish to. Either way I can respect that.

So before we start condeming and trying to force people, we should be looking at ways of making sure these people (hair or shaven), can still reamin in the Paanth.


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So before we start condeming and trying to force people, we should be looking at ways of making sure these people (hair or shaven), can still reamin in the Paanth.

aapay beej aapay hee khaahu.

You shall harvest what you plant.

I heard a Katha once. Somewhere along our numerous previous lives we must have planted something for Guru Maharaj to give us the bakshish of kesh, the bakshish of amrit, the bakshish of naam in this life. Whatever we have planted previously determines the strength of our bond with Guru Ji.

We have to accept each individual's bond with Guru Ji differs. When a Kathakaar is on stage telling us that Guru Ji's Hukam is to take Amrit, in a sangat of 100 maybe only 1 person is inspired to take Amrit. The remaining 99 people do not receive the same message that 1 person got from that same katha, even though they heard the same thing.

The pyaray who are meant to take Amrit will do so, the ones who are not meant to take Amrit won't. The rest of us need to carry on with whatever sewa we've been given to do.

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Just wanna raise a point:

"With a turban on his head, a Sikh will feel guilty of breaching his faith. Its absence frees him from such qualms." Akal Takht Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti

If this is soooo....

Sadly the 'dastaar bandhi samaagam' (a turban-tying ceremony for young boys), too, has become rare in villages because very few boys of 13 or 14 years of age have long hair."

ahem.... just for your attention.

You people know what I'm tryna get at

Bhul Chuk maaf


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So before we start condeming and trying to force people, we should be looking at ways of making sure these people (hair or shaven), can still reamin in the Paanth.

aapay beej aapay hee khaahu.

You shall harvest what you plant.

I heard a Katha once. Somewhere along our numerous previous lives we must have planted something for Guru Maharaj to give us the bakshish of kesh, the bakshish of amrit, the bakshish of naam in this life. Whatever we have planted previously determines the strength of our bond with Guru Ji.

We have to accept each individual's bond with Guru Ji differs. When a Kathakaar is on stage telling us that Guru Ji's Hukam is to take Amrit, in a sangat of 100 maybe only 1 person is inspired to take Amrit. The remaining 99 people do not receive the same message that 1 person got from that same katha, even though they heard the same thing.

The pyaray who are meant to take Amrit will do so, the ones who are not meant to take Amrit won't. The rest of us need to carry on with whatever sewa we've been given to do.


It is all happening in HIS Hukum... We should make an effort to preach others, its upto them to follow or not. Moreover Sikhi is about QUALITY and not QUANTITY. I used to feel bad for all these people leaving sikhi, but now i think its God's way of filtering true gursikhs. Only those who get guru's nadar are capable of keeping rehat and maintaining sikhi saroop. never hate anyone going away from sikhi as they never understood its importance. Pray to guruji to forgive everyone and put some sense into our thick minds.

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