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Beadbi! Racist Attacks! Grooming For Sex!

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i think some girls are at fault to. i knew this hindu girl who was very beautiful. well i only knew her from the internet.

she said she is marrying a muslim and that he doesnt want her to convert to islam. but she said she would convert for his happiness. and might do it as a birthday present

lol whats the world comming to.

i see it this way we should try and do our best to help these girls but if they wont listen. then just leave them to it.


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some sikh guys are stupid too they cut their hair and become alcoholics and chian smokers just for the opposite sex so i think it goes both ways..................why do punjabi women call themselves 'sikh' when they act like this and know nothing about Sikhi...............if they want to leave sikhism fine.............only real sikhmen and women are the future of Sikhism..........sikhi wasnt created for the weak..............i just wonder why is it the criminally minded or men or women who are dameged who always convert to their religion..............

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some sikh guys are stupid too they cut their hair and become alcoholics and chian smokers just for the opposite sex so i think it goes both ways..................why do punjabi women call themselves 'sikh' when they act like this and know nothing about Sikhi...............if they want to leave sikhism fine.............only real sikhmen and women are the future of Sikhism..........sikhi wasnt created for the weak..............i just wonder why is it the criminally minded or men or women who are dameged who always convert to their religion..............

Hey i dont get this sikh <admin-profanity filter activated> thing....................as if men are perfect i think its very unfair that the main cause of the conversion is as simple as "OH ITS COS SHES SIKH <admin-profanity filter activated>" :umm:

yeah i agree that there are loose women out there who allow themselves to be taken advantage of but the main way to find a solution is to discover the underlying cuase of why a gal feels she needs to be like this...............has something happend to her in the past? is she from a stable background? some of these gals are crying out for help, i admit this is not the best way but before any of us can judge............DONT GO CALLING SIKH GALS SLUTS................cos there are other reasons why gals act like this and only GOD judges our actions...............NOT US MANMUKHS

peace out


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Sorry to be a bit blunt but im tired of hearing the same thing over and over again..................i accept its not only the women but also the men to BUT its always the women who end up leaving sikhi the most.....fair enough...........but then they come crying back when reality hits and ive never called a sikh women a sl*t/ho/b1tch and i do agree that men do get away with more sometimes............BUT the ultimate reponsibility lies with the parents to TEACH but they're usually depressed with their own problems. well thats what I think.

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Sorry to be a bit blunt but im tired of hearing the same thing over and over again..................i accept its not only the women but also the men to BUT its always the women who end up leaving sikhi the most.....fair enough...........but then they come crying back when reality hits and ive never called a sikh women a <admin-profanity filter activated>/ho/etc and i do agree that men do get away with more sometimes............BUT the ultimate reponsibility lies with the parents to TEACH but they're usually depressed with their own problems. well thats what I think.

paajee i totally agree with you but witch sex get persecuted the most men or women.........if a guys sleeps around society somehow acepts it but when a woman does shes is labled as disgraced.................both sexes commit paap and no sex is given special treatment in the eyes of GOD.........

A man is not labled a sluts or slapper but girls are................this i feel can be a contributing factor............if a gal or guy vmakes a mistakes we as God's made human being show so people the error of their ways and and help them overcome their problems and not make them feel worse than they do........................

again this is just me opinion, my sincerest apologies if i offend anyone it was unconsiouly done



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ok...........well men who do 'bad' things havent got a leg to stand on BUT what about guys who dont smoke, drink etc how do you think it makes us feel........................plus of most these 'sikh' women spit in your face if you say anything to them

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ive never called a sikh women a <admin-profanity filter activated>/ho/etc and i do agree that men do get away with more sometimes............

Sorry paajee i wasnt directing my comment specifically at you i just became distressed at some of the comment made by afew of the board members,

your comments are fair and just......me just expressing some of my views so plz forgive me if i have cause you any offence blush.gif



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ive never called a sikh women a <admin-profanity filter activated>/ho/etc and i do agree that men do get away with more sometimes............

Sorry paajee i wasnt directing my comment specifically at you i just became distressed at some of the comment made by afew of the board members,

your comments are fair and just......me just expressing some of my views so plz forgive me if i have cause you any offence blush.gif



like i said...........well men who do 'bad' things havent got a leg to stand on to argue BUT what about guys who dont smoke, drink etc how do you think it makes them feel........................plus of most these 'sikh' women spit in your face if you say anything to them so the solution is for sikh women to support other sikh women.

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These changing values are an outcome of our forgetting the Rehat Maryada. I re-iterate.. that this all begins in the family. In order to find a place in society abroad, most senior members of the family begin to ape the western culture. When the kids see these ways of life, they automatically ape their elders and show they are MODERN.. haah..

Like for everything a person needs to pay, so modernity has its cost too..

This is for the parents to imbibe the right values in the children by not mere preaching, but setting example too..

Bhul chuk maaf karni ji!!

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like i said...........well men who do 'bad' things havent got a leg to stand on to argue BUT what about guys who dont smoke, drink etc how do you think it makes them feel........................plus of most these 'sikh' women spit in your face if you say anything to them so the solution is for sikh women to support other sikh women.

i guess we sikh women who dont drink sleep around feel the same when we are attached to this label the same as you guys...........take me for example.............i dress very unconventionally..............people may say shes fashionable or she luks like a <admin-profanity filter activated> but unless the know me, speak to me, im being simply judged on my looks and appearance..........witch in my eyes is wrong.........maybe appraoching she types of women is wrong but by showing our society as being tolerant and supportive maybe these girls would realise that "yeah there is a place i can go to speak to someone about it" rather than thinking im gonna be judged and persectuted..............maybe some of these girls are too frightened to deal witht the consequences of their actions bcos of fear of how they will be treated afterwards so they continue on this path of destruction............if we show we are willing to understand we can bring our women back off this path and get them on the straight and narrow.....

again this is just what i think but i know in reality this is much harder to achieve............. :umm:

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