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Is Chating Naam Wothless For Non Amritdharies?

Guest andhula_neech

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i want to concentrate on NAAM

how can i be abhyasi?

go to the next amrit sanchaar where the panj give naam drir

explain the situation, they will giv u amrit n activate naam inside u.

chanting waheguru is never useless

(providing u remember waheguru whilst saying 'waheguru')

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kwnVw mhlw 5 ]

kaanarraa mehalaa 5 ||

Kaanraa, Fifth Mehla:

n jwnI sMqn pRB ibnu Awn ]

n jaanee sa(n)than prabh bin aan ||

The Saints do not know any other except God.

aUc nIc sB pyiK smwno muiK bkno min mwn ]1] rhwau ]

ooch neech sabh paekh samaano mukh bakano man maan ||1|| rehaao ||

They look upon all equally, the high and the low; they speak of Him with their mouths, and honor Him in their minds. ||1||Pause||

Git Git pUir rhy suK swgr BY BMjn myry pRwn ]

ghatt ghatt poor rehae sukh saagar bhai bha(n)jan maerae praan ||

He is pervading and permeating each and every heart; He is the Ocean of Peace, the Destroyer of fear. He is my praanaa - the Breath of Life.

mnih pRgwsu BieE BRmu nwisE mMqRü dIE gur kwn ]1]

manehi pragaas bhaeiou bhram naasiou ma(n)thra dheeou gur kaan ||1||

My mind was enlightened, and my doubt was dispelled, when the Guru whispered His Mantra into my ears. ||1||

krq rhy k®qg´ kruxw mY AMqrjwmI ig´wn ]

karath rehae krathagy karunaa mai a(n)tharajaamee giyaan ||

He is All-powerful, the Ocean of Mercy, the All-knowing Searcher of Hearts.

AwT phr nwnk jsu gwvY mWgn kau hir dwn ]2]2]21]

aat(h) pehar naanak jas gaavai maa(n)gan ko har dhaan ||2||2||21||

Twenty-four hours a day Nanak sings His Praises, and begs for the Gift of the Lord. ||2||2||21||

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This is your problem.

Brother if after your amrit sanchar you didn't feel that you cant jaap naam, then what was you doing there, then what has that Amrit Sanchar Offered you. We take amrit to receive naam and the Panj Piyare motivate us to jaap athi pehar naam abhiyaa, to wake up amritwela and keep rehit.

If the naam has not been drilled in to your body by the Panj Piyare so what did they give you? You take amrit to give your head but it is also the panj piyares duty to drill the naam in to the abhlakee, by whispering the word in to your ear, is not drrir. If the seed has not been planted then how will it grow.

To be honest this is not your fault and this is a regular case in

peoples lives who
they have received
, read Amrit ki hai by Bhai Randhir Singh then you will realise the
about amrit sanchars, bhai shaib
the gursikhs who took part in the Panj Piyare di seva.

If the Panj Piyare are not abhiyaasi then what can they offer you. Don't forget the Panj Piyare that were in Guru Sahibs times had to give there head to their guru, they were abhiyasi guriskhs had FULL FAITH in Guru Gobind Singh ji but these days we have so called panj piyare who are not abhiyaasi don't even wake up amritwela and don't have a standard rehit.

Most people will ignore the truth and say things like who are you to comment the panj piyare, well because of this behavior even the amrit sanchars are at a low rate. Sorry to say this but until we don't wake up to the truth we will still be in search of NAAM.

Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh

Without good karam & past kamai naam cannot reside in your body (same with me), with the 5 evils in you, naam cannot reside. one can carry on japping, doing gupt amrit eleh etc however, its only upto the true guru if he wants or not to do kirpa.

Brother if after your amrit sanchar you didn't feel that you cant jaap naam, then what was you doing there, then what has that Amrit Sanchar Offered you. We take amrit to receive naam and the Panj Piyare motivate us to jaap athi pehar naam abhiyaa, to wake up amritwela and keep rehit.

once you take amrit your janam and maran have finnished as per panj pyarey state, the rehit and jeevan of panj pyarey only effects a person for the first couple of months, as 1-3 months of there kamai also go with the abhikali. i know of a gursikh that received amrit from a ''normal amrit sanchaar'' after which he couldnt go to sleep for 3 months as the jaap (ajapa jaap) continued straight away, and now they are in extremely high spirits, however other ppl at the same amrit sanchaar didnt experience the same, and some after kut there kesh etc. it depends on your past kamai and how much effort one puts in.

by whispering the word in to your ear, is not drrir. If the seed has not been planted then how will it grow.

if satguru jee wants naam can be drilled into the abhikali in many ways. one may state do jaap like this, and another like that, however it depends whether the true satguru jee wants you to do jaap at all.

If the Panj Piyare are not abhiyaasi then what can they offer you

Lets take this quotation one step further. its guru jee that offers all, i agree with panj pyarey needing to be abhiyaasi and in rehat as stated above , however how about stating if the gursikhs doing the seva dont know the corrrect rehat, have shanka on guru jee, and other granths dasm granth etc etc, then what can they offer the abhikalais?

forgive me for my many mistakes. tongue.gif : vahiguroooo

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Guest Papi

"If the naam has not been drilled in to your body by the Panj Piyare so what did they give you?"

amrit is naam, naam is amrit, whats up with this drilling business? grin.gif

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Guest jap naam
first of all i request all to plz dnt fight here naam simran ways of different jatebandies like akj.

j naam laagai so mukath hovai gur bin naam n paavai koee ||1|| rehaao ||

One who holds tight to the Naam is liberated; without the Guru, no one obtains the Naam. ||1||Pause||

above line clearly says that without GURU no body obtains Naam.

then how can one jap naam and became pavittar if he/she is not amritdhari?


Can someone please do me a favour and explain what the above Gurbani means. I know it seems obvious but i thought it meant something else, had a deeper meaning?

Forgive me for my Ignorance



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First of all in every Amrit sanchaar you are given naam. The panj pyare told you to recite 'Vaheguru' didnt they?Well...that is naam, just because it isn’t called naam dirr or whatever it doesn’t mean its not naam!?What difference does it make if it was 'drilled' in your body or not you still have NAAM. And it hasn’t affected you because you haven’t taken affect upon it. If you veerji think that you didn’t get naam then your going to think ahh that wasn’t a amrit sanchaar I wasn’t given naam. Sorry but i think this AKJ business is just becoming an ongoing trend trying to convert everyone. let people have there own views. They have got a mind of there own!Whats the point of all you AKJs telling people take amrit from us blah blah…At least there taking amrit that’s the biggest thing. Then you go around saying there should be EKTA. And you’re the ones not creating ekta…not letting people into your amrit sanchaars, whats that all about? Do you see taksalis or nihangs saying come take amrit from us? They tell there views but don’t force!!

Bhul chuk maaf


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Guest Papi

the answer to your question is NO. chanting naam can never EVER be worthless.

piqq pwvnu hir ibrdu sdwey ieku iqlu nhI BMnY Gwly ]

pathith paavan har biradh sadhaaeae eik thil nehee bha(n)nai ghaalae ||

It is the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of service.

things this deep wont make sense until we have studied our guru sahib in entierty guru kirpa naal. dont just read one shabad/one translation and stop there, there are multiple meanings of each and every tuk guru sahib says.

and stop trying to turn this into a naam dhrir debate nonono.gif

once we have recieved the blessing of amrit, we must put effort and time to live a gursikhi life. as pheena ji said, stop worrying about returns. thats not in line with gursikhi, a gursikh has unconditional love for their guru, and serve their guru without any terms.

job of a sikh is to serve their guru, and giving returns is job of guru sahib. do your job the best way you can, and let guru sahib worry about returns.

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Guest jap naam
the answer to your question is NO. chanting naam can never EVER be worthless.

piqq pwvnu hir ibrdu sdwey ieku iqlu nhI BMnY Gwly ]

pathith paavan har biradh sadhaaeae eik thil nehee bha(n)nai ghaalae ||

It is the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of service.

things this deep wont make sense until we have studied our guru sahib in entierty guru kirpa naal. dont just read one shabad/one translation and stop there, there are multiple meanings of each and every tuk guru sahib says.

I second that , Also Paaji please dont take offence, but im kinda confused.

Been a non amritdhari myself who tries to pray wenever i can with Guru Ji 's Kirpa i would really like to know where did u come to the conclusion Chanting Naam for non Amritdhari's is worthless and how does non Amritdhari's relate to the quote you took from Gurbani. Like i said i mean no offence and i no your confused but im jus wonderin.

I personally belive whether you are Amritdhari or not Chanting Naam can never be Worthless as it is only obtained with Guru Ji's Kirpa in the first place.

baanee guroo guroo hai baanee vich baanee a(n)mrith saarae ||

The Word, the Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within the Bani, the Ambrosial Nectar is contained.


bhul chuk Maaf


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Guest andhula_neech

ok thanks alot for soooooooo much help.

and forget all that its worthless for non amritdhries

but please discuss on how to jaap naam.

how to make jeevan high

how to wake up in amritwela?

how to stay far from 5 bad eveils.

and as SUNNYLOVEKIRTAN veer ji asked that what are the negative points in my post, i also want to know that thing.

please keep discussing the NAAM concept with love so that everyone can learn and apply the good things in jeevan.

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