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And how do I get the stuff that I am meant to cook? How and where do you get stuff for langar?

Mehtab veer the point is to do the best possible one can do and i am sure you can get raw food and cook it u'rself while reciting bani. That food is far better then the cooked/processed foods we get from the restaurants/stores/fast food joints. We can argue over this forever but its for you to decide whats best for u :D .

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honestly question.. does that really work? because washin from the outside doesn't wash away their negative and bad vibrations...

some people wud say 'no but ur doing bani/naam japna while u wash/cook it'...

so.. does that mean if i buy a sub.. take it home and do simran/bani while i cut it and warm it in the oven, that wud 'purify' it?

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So I do have to purhase it from outside, right? That was my point.
Mehtab veer the point is to do the best possible one can do and i am sure you can get raw food and cook it u'rself while reciting bani. That food is far better then the cooked/processed foods we get from the restaurants/stores/fast food joints. We can argue over this forever but its for you to decide whats best for u :D .
No no veer I am not arguing. I full agree with your post. But lets admit we have to purchase the food from someplace right? And only then comes the cooking part and reciting Bani while cooking part.
honestly question.. does that really work? because washin from the outside doesn't wash away their negative and bad vibrations...

some people wud say 'no but ur doing bani/naam japna while u wash/cook it'...

so.. does that mean if i buy a sub.. take it home and do simran/bani while i cut it and warm it in the oven, that wud 'purify' it?

Is it gonna be a veggie sub? tongue.gif
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i be honest when i went in yesterday i did order something but walked out, before the brain washed simple women came with the food.

Firstly she was takeing too long secondly there were two massive pictures of narmdhri men which i kept on looking at, so i made my mind up.

rs and narmdari leaders always target people with businesses has they have plenty of money to fund their cause. Just go down soho in to most indian jewlers plenty of pictures of rs leader in those jewlery shops.

Namdharis are not Sikhs ,they believe in a false Guru ,claim Guru Gobind Singh died at the 203,they don't believe women should take amrit,they do havan ,get married around a fire,and worship devis,not only this but countless other things,they have contact with the RSS as well.

I did a topic on namdharis and their Pakhand see here http://www.sikhsangat.com/content/SIKH-POL...andi-Namdharis/

Document which proves Namdharis as liers http://www.info-sikh.com/LLPage1.html

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japmans and singh132's point about naamdharis claiming to be sikhs is not a very good one.

how so?...we have singhs who think eating meat is okay...they still claim to be sikhs...

we have a whole jatha that believes in a different kakkar from the rest of the panth....they still claim to be sikhs...

we have a jatha that has it in their maryada to not kill a cow....they still claim to be sikhs...

point is....we have A LOT of differences among jathas in our own panth....we have people who say that if you don't have dasam granth parkash as well as sarbloh granth parkas at your amrit sanchar, then your amrit is not valid....

every jatha thinks its their way or "you're not following gurmat"

soo many different concepts and interpretations...who made who the right one??????

and sarbloh said..that the naamdharis have affected the panth....

all i got to say is take a look around our houses, our gurughars....look at the mess our panth is in....none of that has anything to do with naamdharis....it's our OWN panth's leadership that is messed up...the SGPC is probably more anti panthic than any of these other organizations...

people will say...oh at least everyone believes in guru sahib as guru. therefore we're more panthic than the naamdharis...i think that's a farce...NOBODY believes guru granth sahib is guru...RARE are those GEMS, MAHAPURKHS...who actually believe that....if people believed it...why would thay have parkash in their houses, and still fight....why would gurdwara committees not allow samagams to take place, why would they be soo concerned about booking as many marriages as possible...why would people FIGHT with each other in their Guru's presence??? why would akal takt not allow bibiaan to do kirtan at harmandir sahib??? MOST of the issues that face the sikh panth today is that we have given ourselves this false sense of piety just because we matha tek to guru ji...or we have nice rumallay for guru sahib...and we do parkash everyday...therefore...we must be shardalu sikhs of guru sahib....

but our daily actions, the daily actions of the masands that have taken over the gurdwaras and say who can sing guru sahibs bani and who cant, what about those jathebandis that make websites and TWIST guru sahib's pavitar bani to push their particular rehit maryada (ie...using "meh gur mil ooch dumalra" as a way of pushing keski)....

we only exhibit such selfish, such bemukhi, behaviours if we don't actually have that respect for guru sahib in our hearts...all the outer showing of respect are useless when there is no inner respect...BOTH are NEEDED...

lets look at ourselves, look at our jathebandis, look at our own panth before we go pointing fingers elsewhere...

good points, really really good points...

good points about people who claim to be sikhs. You (jss) know me, i'm all for accepting everyone, and you know me to the extent that I was partially just clarifying what I THOUGHT was being misunderstood, and partially just playing devil's advocate.

but, we also mostly know that Singh 132 knows what he's talking about when it comes to dietary bibek.. from a guy that practises it daily, i think it's safe to suggest that he's earned the "right" to discuss the topic and give his two cents about what works and doesn't... maybe he's not an AUTHORITY, but he DOES practise it day-to-day, for him, his values and conscience tell him that it's gotta be totally within...

from my experience, the most important thing that has been said to this extent is being good with your conscience... obviously there's discipline and common sense that has to be discussed.... rehit maryada is still rehit maryada... if your conscience is not good with eating from someone who you're not comfortable with, it's hard to say "you're wrong"... if that's how person (A) feels, person (B) will say it's just ritual... yet again, it's an issue of one person vs. another saying that "what i think is more right than what you think"

honestly, i eat out, and i don't think i've ever discriminated about it... if it looks good, chances are it'lll end up in my stomach!! ultimately, i know people in general don't like ot hear it, but if it's hurtin your relationship with god, don't do it.. if it isn't, then do it with caution.... pretty straightforward way to nurture your relationshpi with the big mna.

and mehtab... buy the land... make us food

you make good pronthay.. there's picture evidence of it on that thread from a couple years ago!

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