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Justice Vs Mercy

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Justice is required because a good and functioning society requires the presence of justice - as long as people trust that justice will be done, they will better be able to trust one another. Mercy, however, is also required because "we all need mercy ourselves." The remission of moral debts may embolden sin, but it may also embolden virtue by giving people a second chance.

Virtues are traditionally conceived as standing midway between two vices; while justice and mercy may be virtues rather than vices, is it conceivable that there is yet another virtue that is midway between them? A golden mean among golden means? If there is, it has no name - but knowing when to show mercy and when to show strict justice is the key in navigating through the dangers that an excess of either may threaten.

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Getting Ardas done after graduating from college/university, getting a new job, or passing the driving license test is common, but in Dubai I have heard someone who got an Ardas done after he purchased a new camera. You can just imagine the Granthi Singh doing Ardas "Bhai "Falanna" Singh ji nawa camera lain di khushi vich Ardas karaunde ne", and then mentioned the amount of money offered which I forgot.

:) i remember at someones wedding granthi ji sed, so and so gave £1 di seva i was like ohmy.gif o..k then, rolleyes.gif

What did you think? That they must have been REAL CONJUCE!

hee hee

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Getting Ardas done after graduating from college/university, getting a new job, or passing the driving license test is common, but in Dubai I have heard someone who got an Ardas done after he purchased a new camera. You can just imagine the Granthi Singh doing Ardas "Bhai "Falanna" Singh ji nawa camera lain di khushi vich Ardas karaunde ne", and then mentioned the amount of money offered which I forgot.

Ahahahahahahahaha.................... :)

"Waheguru jee camera teh mir phreh sir teh hath rakhnah and camera dih hamesha rakhiaah karnah jio"

im soooo sorry i know im gonna get so badly told off but that was soooooooooooo funny cos i can image all the sangat standing going......."hold up, an adraas for a camera?!" blink.gif


im realy sorry if i offended anyone i just had to get that out of my system ;)

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