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Fear For A Naxalite Attack On Takht Sri Patna Sahib?


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wow.. dint know sikhs had so much support for naxalites...


For every Sikh, like myself, who has the utmost respect for the Naxalites and their struggle, you will find another Sikh who hates them.

I respect them because I know them, intimately. Members of my family were part of the Punjabi Naxalite movement in the 60s and 70s and believe me, they know their stuff and are very highly educated.

This is why many Sikhs respect them: they are staunch Socialists (to be precise, they are Marxist-Leninists) and, as such, they believe in the equality of the human race, an equal distribution of wealth and the abolition of distinctions of caste, creed, gender, colour etc.

Does that sound familiar? It should, because that is exaclty what Sikhs believe in.

The reason that some Sikhs may dislike them is because they are, in the tradition of Marxism, atheists. I have no problem with this and neither do the majority of Sikhs out there.

When children are dying because the State and society deems it fit to discriminate along the lines of caste, I do not care if a man or woman believes in God, shmod or the jolly green giant as long as something is done about it. And the Naxalites have been doing something about it for 40 odd years.

May the Gurus bless the Naxalites for doing what the Sikhs should be doing.

Apologies for the long rant.

But NAxallites did not face Tanks and chemical weapons like our fighters faced sis I know many leftist leaders who wear kakars and smoke in private by making fun of sikh GURUS one such person is G.S GREWAL FORMER VC OF GNDU AMRITSAR .YES THEY NEVER MARRIED BUT THEY HAVE MISTRESSES. SOME of naxallites did join sikh movement beacause they found sikh movement to be true .During Master Tara singh time naxallites inflitrated sikh institution to change the sikh mentality but Master TARA SINGH ALSO inflitrated the leftists notabLe naxallites joined that period in sikh groups were GURCHARN SINGH TOHRA, SANT LONGOWAL,AND IN80S PREM SINGH CHANDUMAJRA,B.S BHUNDER, PROFF MOHINDER SINGH OF AKALI DAL AMRITSAR, THEY R BY HEART LEFTISTS Tand their motive is to DAMAGE THE SIKHS
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Muzumdar - This is NOT FAIR. What if he can't write english?? You have any problem with that?

And just for you I'm going to re-write all his points incase you didn't unerstand his viewpoint(s).

Hawk13: You are wrong my brother. Naxalites are as anti-sikh as RSS. During the Sikh struggle in the 80s their cadres joined black cats and formed their own terror groups. These were KARTAR SINGH SARABHA BRIGADE and INDIAN LIONS their leader Sumit Singh of Preetlari was sent to to hell by Singhs. Their leaders like Balwinder Singh are still allowed to carry and keep weapons like LMG's and AK 47's. They now wear panthic mask. In 1993, in south they killed Punjab Police officers and then did beadbi of their kesh as a result their 8 villages were burned down by Sikh policemen and 1000 so-called brave naxalites surrendered. We will be fooling ourself if we trust these bastards leftists. H.S. Surjeet was one of the key founders of Naxalite movement. Their other leaders include Raunaki Ram, professor of political science in Punjab university and Bhupinder Brar. Both are the biggest anti-sikhs. They are trying to revive their movement in Punjab through migration of Bihari labourers. These naxalites were involved in mass killings of Sikh fighter's families.

Naxalites have a failed poltical ideology and their track record in China and Russia is stained with blood of innocent people. A top Indian Army official compared naxalites with Sikh figters. Despite the fact that naxalites despite their huge numbers run away while Sikh fighters fights like tigers and repulse the far superior forces. Leftists are anti-religion, if they dare attack Takth Sri Patna Sahib, there will be severe retailiation from huge Sikh units situated in Bihar, as happened in 1996 when a Sikh army officer was abducted. When the Sikh troops laid siege to their strongholds more than 1500 naxalites surrendered and the troops freed the officer. Rather Sikhs have clear political ideology and their track record is clean even in the medieval period. So dump the leftist ideology in garbage.

Naxalites didn't face tanks and chemical weapons like our Sikh fighters did. I know many leftist leaders who wear kakars but smoke in private to make fun of our Sikh Gurus. One such person is G.S. Grewel, Former VC of GNDU Amritsar. Yes, they never married but they have/had mistresses. Some of naxalites did join Sikh movement because they found the Sikh movement to be true. During Master Tara Singh's time naxalites inflitrated Sikh institution to change the Sikh mentality but Master Tara Singh also inflitrated the leftists. Notabale naxalites who joined Sikh groups in those time were Gurcharan Singh Tohra, Sant Harchand Singh Longowal and in the 80s Prem Singh Chandumajra, B.S. Bhunder, Prof Mohinder Singh of Akali Dal Amritsar. All these are/were leftists adn their motive is to DAMAGE THE SIKHS.


Is it okay now? Here is HAWK13's opinion... NOw give some arguements against it.

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Muzumdar - This is NOT FAIR. What if he can't write english?? You have any problem with that?

Yes, I do. Firstly, this is an English discussion board so people participating should write in English. Secondly, a large part of Sikhi that Sikhs have forgotten about is 'Tehjeeb', or etiquette. The Gurus were well versed in Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Punjabi, you name it. They would endeavour to be precise in the use of any language because it is good etiquette to speak and write properly. I think that too many Sikhs today have forgotten about etiquette and are happy to talk and write in slang. It is embarrassing and pitiful.

That is why I won't bother responding to people who make no effort to write properly.

But, since I like you Sunny, I will try to respond to the 'points' made.

Hawk13: You are wrong my brother. Naxalites are as anti-sikh as RSS. During the Sikh struggle in the 80s their cadres joined black cats and formed their own terror groups.

This is a bold faced lie. The Naxalites are men and women of principle; their chief enemy is the state and its representatives (particularly military). Why on earth would they join with the state when their ultimate goal is the destruction of the state's machinations?

Let me demonstrate. The Naxalites split with the CPI and CPI(M) in the 60s becasue they felt that both parties were not committed to Socialist revolution and were toadying to the central government. Therefore their very creation is based on an intense dislike of the centre. They would never join forces with that centre; especially when one considers that pretty much all of the demands enshrined in the ASR were 'Socialist in nature' (that is a quote from Joyce Pettigrew).

These were KARTAR SINGH SARABHA BRIGADE and INDIAN LIONS their leader Sumit Singh of Preetlari was sent to to hell by Singhs.

Come again, son? Stop talking gibberish. Who were these 'Indian Lions'? Talk sense.

Their leaders like Balwinder Singh are still allowed to carry and keep weapons like LMG's and AK 47's.

The Naxalites are government enemy number one. On his appointment, PM Manmohan Singh stated that the biggest threat to the integrity of the state of India is the Naxalites. (http://indiatoday.digitaltoday.in/index.php?option=com_content&issueid=38&task=view&id=4132&acc=high)

Now, tell me, would the state allow these people to bowl around with RPGs and AK47s? Get real.

They now wear panthic mask.

What is a panthic mask and where do I get one from?

In 1993, in south they killed Punjab Police officers and then did beadbi of their kesh as a result their 8 villages were burned down by Sikh policemen and 1000 so-called brave naxalites surrendered.

Of course they did....are you feeling OK?

We will be fooling ourself if we trust these bastards leftists. H.S. Surjeet was one of the key founders of Naxalite movement. Their other leaders include Raunaki Ram, professor of political science in Punjab university and Bhupinder Brar. Both are the biggest anti-sikhs.

You clearly have an issue with the Left. Don't worry, so do I. I despise their obsession with the Palestinians; I am sickened by their love for Muslims. But at the same time I am not blind to their attempts to reduce poverty, educate the poor and end the monopolisation of wealth.

As to their being 'anti-Sikh', in what way? Like I said, in social and economic terms, their ideals are in line with Sikhi.

They are trying to revive their movement in Punjab through migration of Bihari labourers. These naxalites were involved in mass killings of Sikh fighter's families.

The CM of Punjab is an Amrtidhari Singh. If you want to blame anyone for 'Bihari labour' coming in to the state, go knock on his door. On your way, you might want to tell the farmers sons' to get off their backsides and do some work so the Biharis don't have to.

Get a grip. The Naxalite movement was crushed by the time the Sikh movement began. All the Naxalitres were either dead, in jail or, like my family, left the country; the killing of 'Sikh fighters' was undertaken by Amritdhari Singhs, like KPS Gill.

Naxalites have a failed poltical ideology and their track record in China and Russia is stained with blood of innocent people.

Crash course in history. The Naxalites hail from the Bengali village of Naxalbari. They have never been to China or Russia. You have your socialisms crossed.

A top Indian Army official compared naxalites with Sikh figters. Despite the fact that naxalites despite their huge numbers run away while Sikh fighters fights like tigers and repulse the far superior forces.


Leftists are anti-religion,

And? What's it to you what someone believes or doesn't believe? That's their business.

if they dare attack Takth Sri Patna Sahib, there will be severe retailiation from huge Sikh units situated in Bihar

Well that's the point: the story is BS.

Naxalites didn't face tanks and chemical weapons like our Sikh fighters did.

They have probably faced much, much worse. The Sikh movement came and went. the Naxalites have been suffering for 40 years.

I know many leftist leaders who wear kakars but smoke in private to make fun of our Sikh Gurus.

I know many Sikh leaders who wear kakars but drink in private to make fun of our Sikh Gurus.

During Master Tara Singh's time naxalites inflitrated Sikh institution to change the Sikh mentality but Master Tara Singh also inflitrated the leftists.

Tara Singh is the man who, through his complete lack of foresight and cunning, cost the Sikhs Nankan Sahib, Lahore and the canal colonies. The man is a disgrace to the nation.

All these are/were leftists adn their motive is to DAMAGE THE SIKHS.

Their motive, as I have said, is the creation of a Socialist Republic of India based on the Marxist-Leninist model. That's it. Sikhi doesn't come into it.

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delighted to read this thread=)

The Naxalites hail from the Bengali village of Naxalbari. They have never been to China or Russia. You have your socialisms crossed.

hmm i thought our punjabis just used that term for Naxalites blush.gif u know how they call singh=sio or person from England=Valayti lol

i always heard um say Naxalbariya ne eh kita or oh kitta..didnt really know Lahaar got it's name from a village in Bengal.

(do i need to translate it in English Muzumdar?)

joking...i hope u'll forgive me for my laziness and not really writing in English as i should have.


and im sure there are some "members" of Naxalites who think all SIKH ARE AGAINST THEM because what PM Manmohan Singh stated on his appointment!

one question though to Muzumdar...arent/weren't Nazalites in punjab(i dont know about any other place) called Comrade?

we just need to keep our eyes open ...and may guru sahib bless us with Man neevaaah te Matt Ucchi

bhul chuk muaf karni

Akal sahai

wjkk wjkf!

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delighted to read this thread=)

Yes, me too. I'm glad there are other Sikhs who feel similarly about the Naxalite issue. I feel honoured to have both Sikh and Naxalite blood in my veins.

hmm i thought our punjabis just used that term for Naxalites blush.gif u know how they call singh=sio or person from England=Valayti lol

i always heard um say Naxalbariya ne eh kita or oh kitta..didnt really know Lahaar got it's name from a village in Bengal.

What you have to remember is that the Naxalite movement was/is an India-wide one. The Naxalite movement takes its name from the village it originated in: Naxalbari. So I suppose from that, Punjabis call them 'Naxalbariya'.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naxalite#History

and im sure there are some "members" of Naxalites who think all SIKH ARE AGAINST THEM because what PM Manmohan Singh stated on his appointment!

I doubt it. Naxalites are antipathetic towards religion generally and have nothing against Sikhi specifically.

one question though to Muzumdar...arent/weren't Nazalites in punjab(i dont know about any other place) called Comrade?

All Socialists refer to each other as Comrades.

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naxalbariye can do now what sikh fighters couldn't do at their peak in late 80s...

freeing more than 100 inmates!

i know sikh fighters did free, but not in such big numbers... like manbeer singh chaheru along with one other killed 12 police officers and then released gen labh singh along with 2 others...

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Marxist -lennist is biggest failure u did not reply to KARTAR SINGH SARABHA BRIGADE.WHAT SOVIET UNION DID IN hUNGARY,POLAND .AFGHANISTAN and red guard did in China during cultral revolution during 70s. Go and see the genocide commited by soviet troops in Ukarinne ,baltic states and Russia what about Stalin who died like a pig even his own country men disowned him and his family was given shelter by india as he was responsible for 2 crore deaths. U have no knowdge about sikh movement it started in1955. Again u r wrong when u say sikh movement come and go and movement is still there, how u justify biharikaran of punjab it was again the left minded Baldev singh who betrayed TARA SINGH . WHY EVEN LEFTIST ARMED GROUPS OF NORTH EAST SUCH NSCN ,ULFA

TARGET PRO NAXAL GROUPS BEACAUSE THEY R BIGGEST FRAUD. WHAT ABOUT THE GURSHARN SINGH WHO COTINUE TO DEMEAN THE SIKHS WILL U KILL HIM? I do not care what u think about me I speak truth which shows real face of comrades. why naxal took refuse in gurdwara during their movement in punjab? did not ur stident leader P.s Randhawa chief of PSU KILL INNOCENT SIKH STUDENTS IN 70S LATER HIMSELF WAS KILLED BY ONE OF THE VICTIMS RELATIVES was he not ur member what about ur members who as teacher ask sikh students to shed their kakars leftists idelogy is deserved to be throwen into the dust bin.

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