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Extradited Kulbir Singh Barapind Aka Kulbira (kcf) Acquitted And Released


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Extradited terrorist acquitted by Punjab court

Mumbai News.Net

Tuesday 29th April, 2008 (IANS)

A former Khalistani terrorist who was extradited from the US in 2006 after a 12-year effort is set to walk free with a court here acquitting him in the third - and last - of the three murder cases registered against him by Punjab police.

Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) - a terrorist organisation demanding a separate homeland for Sikhs - terrorist Kulbir Singh Barapind alias Kulbira was acquitted by the additional district and sessions judge B.K. Mehta here Tuesday for want of evidence.

What is embarrassing for the Punjab police is that it failed to provide conclusive evidence before the court during trial against Kulbir Singh. He was charged with killing three brothers and the wife of one of them in a village near here Sept 1992. The family of the victims could not identify Kulbir Singh as the killer.

Punjab police made efforts for 12 years to get Kulbir Singh extradited from US. He had fled to that country in 1994.

Kulbir Singh was earlier acquitted in another murder case for the killing of former Akali Dal legislator from Banga town, 45 km from here, and three others in 1992. Here also, the case fell for want of evidence. He was acquitted in a third murder case in Phillaur town as well.

Though there were cases against the terrorist under TADA, the Punjab police could not pursue those as it had given in writing to the US courts that he would not be tried under any special law (like TADA) after his extradition.


Former militant acquitted in murder case

Posted at Wednesday, 30 April 2008 09:04 IST

Jalandhar, April 30: Former militant, Kulbir Singh Bara Pind, who was extradited from the US in connection with three murder cases, was today acquitted in a case pertaining to killing of four persons.

Additional Sessions Judge B K Mehta, immediately after the prosecution closed its evidence, ordered his acquittal, as the prosecution failed to provide sufficient evidences of his being involved in the murder of four persons including a woman.

Bara Pind's acquittal in the case was possible because the two main "eyewitnesses" in the case -- Sohan Singh and his wife Gurmail Kaur -- father and mother of the deceased brothers in whose presence the four were killed in the night of September 1992, refused to identify the accused.

Even the eyewitnesses stated in the court that the FIR was registered by the police only and they were just told to put their signature on the dotted lines, sources said.

With his today's acquittal, Bara Pind was ultimately acquitted in all the three murder cases for which he was extradited from United States in 2006.

In the other two murder cases including of murder of one Sahib Singh of Dhakka Colony, Phillaur and another of the murder of former Akali MLA Balwant Singh Sarhal and his three aides, he was already released by the respective courts.



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can someone please tell the foolish indian media that when someone is acquitted of a crime, they cannot be labbelled according to that crime.

over and over again they refer to him as terrorist, yet report that the police was unable to provide any conclusive evidence against him.

this is the gulaami we live in. a hindu is innocent even if guilty, a sikh is guilty even if found innocent.

to india we say, we've had just about enough of your nonsense.


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Would be interesting to know if the Punjab Police officers who obtained 'evidence' in Kulbira's cases have supplied evidence in cases of other Singhs who have been convicted. If so, surely this would be grounds for appeal even under Indian law?

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can someone please tell the foolish indian media that when someone is acquitted of a crime, they cannot be labbelled according to that crime.

over and over again they refer to him as terrorist, yet report that the police was unable to provide any conclusive evidence against him.

this is the gulaami we live in. a hindu is innocent even if guilty, a sikh is guilty even if found innocent.

to india we say, we've had just about enough of your nonsense.



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Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji Barapind was on radio Red FM this morning here in Surrey, he was speaking directly from Punjab via the phone. The host who is against the idea of Khalistan clearly noted the Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji is seen as a hero in Punjab and people are lined up for miles to meet him in his pind. Also, the host mentioned that Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji is highly supported by Hindus in his pind, as he clearly protected them and saved them from being forcefully evicted or killed. Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji made a lot comments regarding Khalistan or Sikh Raj, the current state of the Panth, the reasons Sikhs where forced to fight, about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, how the Indian Government has not given the Sikh Quam any justice.

The host referred to him as "Khalistan Faujan Da Jarnail"

It was very inspiring to listen to him.

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2desi can you post the words of bhai kulbir singh?



I don't have Bhai Kulbir Singh Ji's exact words, as I was working at the time and could only listen to parts of the conversation.

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chalo, thanks for the reply.

we really need to start documenting what these jhujaroo singhs say, because 100, 300 years from now, people are going to want to know what the mindset of sikhs was during the movement.

The thing we complain about in our history is that while sikhs lived in jungles, non-sikhs wrote our history. we don't have any excuse now. We aren't living in jungles any more. we owe it to our future generations to document detail by detail what our quam is going through. otherwise our future genrations will be tools in the hands of anti-sikh forces for generations, as we are today.


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