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The Cowardly Radhasoamis

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Author: Kulbir Singh

Date: 03-30-04 13:11

The Pusillanimous Radhasoami

This very interesting incident, Bhai Tajinder Singh jee narrated to me as follows:

************BEGINNING OF THE NARRATION********************

I used to work in Indian Air Force and kept my beard open all my life. They tried to put pressure on me to tie my beard but they failed. During my service, I met with many different people who had different beliefs.

There was a Radhasoami in our unit, and he had a very bad habit of targeting Sikhs for conversion. He used to openly preach against Shabad Guru – Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee. He was quite adept in debating and defeated many Sikhs when debating about the supremacy of his religion – Radhasoami.

He was known to be a very tough guy and often bullied others. I used to ignore him but he used to try to engage me into debating whether Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee can be Guru. I knew that if I engaged myself in debating with him, something of extreme nature would happen. For this reason I used to ignore him.

One day, I was sitting under the tree with other Sikh officers, that this Radhasoami person accosted me and tried to engage me in a debate over Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee.

“How can a book be the true Guru”, he asked me.

“Why can’t it be”, I replied hastily.

“Because it can’t talk and can’t guide anyone”.

“Who says Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee does not talk or guide anyone? You are totally unaware of the power of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee”.

“I have heard many false stories about your Granth. I don’t believe any one of them”.

When he said this, it got upset

at what he was saying. I sternly asked him, “Do you want to see the power of Siri Granth Sahib jee?”

“Sure. Show it to me”.

“Then come with me to my quarter. I have parkash of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee in my house. I will show you today, the power of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee”.

Saying this, I got up and started walking towards my quarter. He followed me to my house. I got to my house, took a quick shower and came out wearing Gurmukhi attire.

We both went to the room of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee. I stood there and did an ardaas from the bottom of my heart. I pleaded to my Guru to help me prove to this manmukh about the power of my Guru.

As soon as I completed the ardaas, I felt a special power inside me. I addressed the Radhasoami as follows:

“I will not harm you or get upset at you in any manner. So don’t get alarmed at anything. I am going to show you the power of my Guru. You just stay calm”.

Something happened to the Radhasoami guy and he started feeling a bit scared. I was sitting by the entrance, while he was sitting towards the wall facing the entrance. We both were sitting in front of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee.

I got divine inspiration to take out my big kirpan (sword). I took out my kirpan. The raw Sarblohi power got out and I saw the diving jyot (light) of Vaheguru coming out of the Siri Sahib. I could not believe my eyes. My swaas swaas naam, within me, started with full fervour. My eyes closed and I sat there enjoying the divine colours of Naam. I don’t know how long I stayed like this. Then I opened my eyes and saw that Radhasoami guy in front of me, with a perplexed countenance.

I looked up towards the Radhasoami guy, with kirpan in my hand and said, “So do you want to see the power of my Guru?”

The sight of the Sarblohi kirpan, my countenance expressing diving colours of Naam and Bir Rass, did something unthinkable to this bully. This bully, who was known to be a lion became a pussycat in front of me. He had drops of sweat on

his forehead that displayed trepidation at the sight of a Singh in Bir Rass.

He replied in a trembling voice, “No Sardar jee, I don’t need to see anything, Just let me go”.

“I told you before that I won’t harm you. Be calm and answer my question. Do you want to see the power of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee?”

“No, I just want to go home”, cried the Radhasoami. I was amused to see him breakdown like this but I did not want to let him off the hook so easily.

I asked him in pure Khalsa spirit, “Do you now agree that Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee is the true Guru”.

“Yes I do. I have seen the power with my own eyes.”

“Are you ever going to debate about the authenticity of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee again?”

“Meri Tauba, Mere vadiyaan dee tauba. I will never debate about Granth Sahib again”.

“Watch your language. How dare you say “Granth Sahib? Don’t you know that you are supposed to say, Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee?”

Hearing this, he almost broke down. He was getting increasingly scared. I decided to go for the final blow.

I said, “I will let you go only if you say that your Guru is false. Now follow me and say – Mera Guru jhootha (my Guru is false)”.

He hesitated a bit but looking at my stern and Bir Rass face he quickly said, “Mera Guru Jhootha”.

“now say - Radhasoami Matt jhootha”.

He followed me, “Radhasoami Matt jhootha”.

Now say, “Mera Guru Kuthha” (My Guru is a dog).

He said, “Mera Guru Kuthha”.

I knew that the bully had been tamed. I let him out. As soon as he was out of the room, he started running away. I had a good laugh. All the Singhs in the unit were relieved that in the future they would not have to endure the sarcasm of this bully.

**************** END OF THE TRANSLATION*******************

The above is based on what Bhai Tajinder Singh jee narrated to me a couple of years ago.


Kulbir Singh


Pass it on :@ :

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hahhaa, these radhaswamis are sly ones, they claim to be a separate faith yet they distort Gurbani and come to Gurdwaras to spread their garbage and if you say anything about thier Guru they say it is against Sikhi to do nindiya, they don't realize they are doing Nindiya of sri guru granth sahib ji by bowing to dehdhari gurus....

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“How can a book be the true Guru”, he asked me.

“Why can’t it be”, I replied hastily.

“Because it can’t talk and can’t guide anyone”.

“Who says Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee does not talk or guide anyone? You are totally unaware of the power of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee”.


Great story, everyone email/pass it on to others.

Last year i went to Freemont Gurdwara in Cali cuz our relativs had akhandpaath there...that day i witnessed one of the BEST kirtans in my life :) . That kirtan jatha came from India, the main guy's name was something like Indersomething or Iqsomething...

anway, he told a story from Guru Gobind Singh ji's time (I think)...it was about these 2 generals (forgot their names) who had a group of soldiers with them...they were on their way to som

e place to fight the enemy...

they stopped somewhere to take a rest or something and general 1 says that they should continue with the journey and face the enemy and fight them, general 2 said they should wait 2 months and then proceed to encounter the enemy. They decided or somebody suggested they should consult with SGGS and see what the Hukam says. I think general 2 was doubtful of the power of SGGS cuz he was saying "how can the SGGS tell us what to do? It is just a book, how does it answer your question and help you?" General 1 said lemme show you the power of SGGS. So they went and made karrahprasad, did ardaas and the bhai read the hukamnama which clearly said "yes" they should continue with their journey and fight the enemy now instead of waiting here 2 months. There was some more to the story but I forgot it :@ ...anyone know this story? please share it to refresh my memory :@ .

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dhan sri guru granth sahib ji

dhan sri guru granth sahib ji

dhan sri guru granth sahib ji

dhan sri guru granth sahib ji

dhan sri guru granth sahib jio maharaj

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

summat i red u r supposed 2 say wen u get up in the morning, so u r with maharaj (connection)

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