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Rss Burn Down Orphanage


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wjkk wjkf

Rss are at it again. Their attacks on christians in the state of ORISSA continue.

This time they burned down an orphanage.... with a priest and nun locked inside.

The nun died. The priest is in Hospital.


I post this topic because sikhs should work for the betterment of all mankind and help every victim of any religion.

Make no mistake, these mobs are the same that played a hand in the annihialation of 250,000 sikhs.

They will destroy anything that differs from their beliefs. Thats why i urge sikhs to raise awareness about these attacks to christians. Sikhoh Jaggo.

world hindu council (VHP,RSS) were protesting about the killing of a hindu religious figure, but during this protest mobs set upon the orhphange. Realist the alterior motives of this organisation. Attacking an institute that helps children with no parents, under the guise of patriotism.

This news made it to the Daily express , a british newspaper for once. Its a sign that the british media are waking up now and taking an interest. Countless attacks on christians in Orissa go unreported, but this is the awakening of a new dawn. One day the RSS will be punished for their crimes against ethnic minorities. Perhaps not in our lifetime, but 1 day I know they will have to answer for their attacks on innocents.


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waheguru ji ka khalsa

waheguru ji ke fathe

they must b answered by someone n i hope that step must be taken by sikhs coz its in our blood i no it might b looking late

but it never b too late "sikha nu bhaji paun wala haje tak nahi bachyea hamesha age wad k bhaji morni jande va" n it must happen one day if they keep intefering in our religion

raj karega khalsa

wjkk wjkf

Rss are at it again. Their attacks on christians in the state of ORISSA continue.

This time they burned down an orphanage.... with a priest and nun locked inside.

The nun died. The priest is in Hospital.


I post this topic because sikhs should work for the betterment of all mankind and help every victim of any religion.

Make no mistake, these mobs are the same that played a hand in the annihialation of 250,000 sikhs.

They will destroy anything that differs from their beliefs. Thats why i urge sikhs to raise awareness about these attacks to christians. Sikhoh Jaggo.

world hindu council (VHP,RSS) were protesting about the killing of a hindu religious figure, but during this protest mobs set upon the orhphange. Realist the alterior motives of this organisation. Attacking an institute that helps children with no parents, under the guise of patriotism.

This news made it to the Daily express , a british newspaper for once. Its a sign that the british media are waking up now and taking an interest. Countless attacks on christians in Orissa go unreported, but this is the awakening of a new dawn. One day the RSS will be punished for their crimes against ethnic minorities. Perhaps not in our lifetime, but 1 day I know they will have to answer for their attacks on innocents.


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Just a day before Christmas last year, this VHP leader caused tension in Orissa. He was killed by Naxals last week or so, and so the VHP is taking it out on Christians now. This means that if you kill an innocent, no big deal, but you kill a culprit, you are doomed!


you know, it's sick really mehtab singh. there is something really messed up in that country where people are cremated alive. in the streets of delhi, sikhs, in the streets of gujurat, muslims, in orissa, christians....

then people wonder why people are burning indian flags at rallies. because burning flags represents the burnt corpses of our brothers and sisters under that flag.

and its getting odl having manmohan singh apologize and label every event as a "shame for the nation" stop being shameful and end the nonsense.

if india can wipe out the babbar khalsa etc, what's stopping them from eliminating the RSS, VHP and other HINDU TERRORIST orgs?

the hindu vote bank?


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Its not problem Singha, its a bloody disease! Partly mental and partly psychological, and is actually injected into vulnerable and naive minds at an early age by means of their rotten education system, their biased media, and their fake national pride. How do I know? I grew up amidst all of it.

You are an Indian first, and only then you are a Hindu or Muslim. As long as you die a dog's death for them, you are a hero. The day you demand a damn right for yourself, or should I say, the day the dog barks because it needs a bone, the dog has gone mad and should be shot, or lets put it this way, you are downgraded to the level of a traitor. Your heart should beat for the tricolor even if your places of worship are burnt down. You should breathe for the tricolor even if you have to see your own family and loved ones getting burnt alive, raped, cut into pieces and what not. Anything said, written or even bloody hell THOUGHT against India, no matter how true, is worse than the worst crime, in fact it is beyond a religious SIN to even dream about it. You have no damn right to speak the truth if it tarnishes the glorious heritage and the exotic image of India in front of the world. If you are a Sikh, you need to know that Sikhism was a blend of the Bhagti and Sufi movements, and the Khalsa was made to protect Hindus. You should know that the Muslims killed the ninth Guru, but you don't have to believe that Chandu Shah was responsible for the shaheedi of fifth Guru, or that Gangu was responsible for the shaheedi of the younger Sahibzaade. Why? Because Chandu and Gangu were not the "usual suspects". You are supposed to worship Nehru and Gandhi, even if one had a romantic affair with another man's wife (Nehru and Mountbatten's wife), or another one used degrading words for Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj (Gandhi called Guru Maharaj a "misguided patriot"). But so what? They were great leaders! They wore white clothes and asked people to bend over when your enemy strikes. How can they glorify someone who asked people to pick up the sword when all other means have failed? If you say "Physical death I don't fear, death of conscience is a sure death", you are a terrorist! You should put flowers in the path of armed soldiers who have come to bomb the place you worship and pay respects to. If you fight back to defend your place of worship, you are a terrorist! When Draupadi was attempted to be disrobed, it was justified to fight the Mahabharat war and kill half the people in that part of India. It was a holy war, a dharam yudh! But if hundreds of Sikh girls are stripped naked and gang raped on the streets of Delhi after the Prime Minister's assasination, and then Sikhs take to arms, no no no no, that is terrorism! Shri Krishan asked Arjun to fight his own relatives for protecting righteousness, he was asked to fight his own relatives who had done injustice to him. But Sikhs have NO right to raise their voice if they are discriminated against. You have to kiss the shoes of the majority if you want to survive.

And you know whats worse? The WORST part is that all this venom is being fed to Sikh kids as well! They are raised to believe that what happened to them in 1984 was their own mistake! They are raised to believe that Sikhism is an offshoot of Hinduism. They are taught from childhood that their father or "bapu" is a bald and short man who wore glasses and walked with a stick, and asked a nation of a billion people to live like chickens, rather than someone who sacrificed His father, His mother, His 4 sons for the sake of this country's and it's culture's existence.

Just like in the Gita Lord Krishna said that once the cup of sin overflows, nature takes its own course and responds, the cup of sin has reached its brim, and will overflow any day now. The recent killing of Christians in Orissa will only add fuel to this fire. Today in Jammu you have Hindus protesting, and Muslims do the same in Kashmir. On one hand there are Muslims who have suffered at the hands of the Indian Army, on the other you have Kashmiri Pandits who were targetted by the Islamic extremists. Already existing in the list of oppressed are the Sikhs who lost their families in 1984, and now Christians as well.

Sometimes I wonder. What if Gandhi saw the British rape his mother or sister or daughter, would he go to them with a smile and try to reason with them? Would he pick up a mic and start giving a speech? Or would he do what Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj said?

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