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Room Where Guru Gobind Singh Ji Were Joti-jot


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Guru Ji had instructed not to make anything at the place they did joti jot... So i think it was Maharaja Ranjit Singh who got the Takht Sahib built for the first time.. So it isnt exactly at same place.. But people assume it to be..

guroo sahib gave hukam not to build anything nd said if any1 does build anyfink their generations will not flourish nd iwll die out..

hench mahraj ranjeet singhs family line..

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Its not jyoti jyot room of guru sahib ... its angitha of guru sahib it was the place where on the instructions of guru sahib they collected the woods to make chita for guru sahib ... guru sahib kadde jyoti jyot nahi samaye ... they went to sachkhand on their horse with all there shaster baster ... even 3 days after they give darshan to a singh in nearby jungles ...

and every day in punjab they played shikar with baba ram kuar ji till baba ji lived ... and baba ram kuar ji lived for almost 10 years after guru sahib !!!!

guru sahib is still hazzar nazzar ....

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Its not jyoti jyot room of guru sahib ... its angitha of guru sahib it was the place where on the instructions of guru sahib they collected the woods to make chita for guru sahib ... guru sahib kadde jyoti jyot nahi samaye ... they went to sachkhand on their horse with all there shaster baster ... even 3 days after they give darshan to a singh in nearby jungles ...

and every day in punjab they played shikar with baba ram kuar ji till baba ji lived ... and baba ram kuar ji lived for almost 10 years after guru sahib !!!!

guru sahib is still hazzar nazzar ....

Here is an interesting 19th century watercolour from the Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh, that illustrates Bhai Sahib, Jassa Singh ji's post.



Gurfateh !


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ok. it is the jathedar of takhat sri hajoor sahib that can only do seva in that room (sigasan sahib). the current jathedar is singh sahib baba kulwant singh ji.

baba ji doesnt go to the godavari river to get the jal. it is another singh (gagri singh) who goes with sangat to get the jal. that jal is taken back to the takhat sahib, where baba ji uses to do ishnaan seva of the room.

When i went to hajoor sahib this year, i asked the gagri singh if Sri Guru Gobind Singh does ishnaan in that room. he said no and that part is made up. what happens is that Baba Ji washes the room (ishnaan of the room etc).when that happens, all the doors are closed. so no-one can see inside. the water does go out underneath at its collect and distibuted to the sangat as amrit/paviatar jal. obviously u can hear the water splashing.

OHHH thanks for clearing

What about the food part and kachera part?

speaking to the gagri singh, Maharaj doesnt do ishnaan, therefore no kachera is put there as far as i know.

regarding food i dont know. Maharaj does do bhog to deg and langar

from speaking to the singhs that do seva in the sach khand and live in nanded, they said the room is not called an "angeetha Sahib". the reason for that is that Maharaj left for sach khand on his horse. an "angeetha" is the place where a funeral pyre is made and a funeral done. As Dashmesh Pita didnt have funeral (like Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji), its not called an angeetha sahib. the singhs at hajoor sahib called it "sigaasan sahib", sigaasan=throne/takhat for Maharaj

It is true that Guru Gobind Singh Ji did say that those who built something in memory of Guru Sahib at Hajoor Sahib (the Takhat Sahib), his/she family/relatives will come to an end. speaking to the gursikhs at hajoor sahib, it was Pyaare Daya Singh Ji (jathedar panj piaare), who made something small in memory of Maharaj. As a result, all his family/relatives came to their end in punjab. It was Bhai Daya Singh who made the 1st structure (asthaan) at hajoor sahib. Maharaj Ranjit Singh made the the current building of Sach Khand Sri Hajoor Sahib. The singhs told me that Maharaj Ranjit Singh originally wanted to make a 11 story building, each floor for each Guru Sahib. However Maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away, so the building was only left at 2 stories (as we know it now)

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I went to Sri Hazoor Sahib in August. These stories are around because people believe them. Thing is, go there for yourself and you will see it all. Guru Gobind Singh Ji doesn't do the ishnaan. Jathedar ji is inside the room doing it. Another baba ji collects the water from the godavri river. You must see this if you go there, its really cool. It's really difficult keeping up with the baba ji lol.

I dunno bout you guys, but I kind of don't see the "equality" between sikh's where only 1 person (a Baba/Sant/Jathedar) can go in and the rest of the panth or humans in the world can't go in.

This when the lady goes in and gets sick could just be hearsay. This is very much possible and as mentioned before Guru's power and presence is limitless.. but the fact only 1 person can go in makes it look kind of funny.. Thats all

I believe it is perfectly fine the way it is. If anybody was allowed in there, it would lose its 'specialness'. There are druggys/alcoholics that go to Gurdwaras, would you want them in there?

Jathedar Kulwant Singh Ji is a very special and lucky person. He totally deserves to be doing the seva he is doing. The guy is truly devoted and is truly blessed. He has no contact with the outside world other than Sri Hazoor Sahib. He is a remarkable Sikh, somebody Guru Gobind Singh Ji would be proud of.

This when the lady goes in and gets sick could just be hearsay. This is very much possible and as mentioned before Guru's power and presence is limitless.. but the fact only 1 person can go in makes it look kind of funny.. Thats all

Even if the lady did go in (with good intentions of course) why would she get sick? Why would Guru ji do that to her?

Why is it funny that only one person can go in? Go there for yourself and you'd see for yourself why it is absolutely fine the way it is. The room is kept in immaculate condition, thanks to the jathedar. It wouldn't be like that if it was free for all. Plus there is hardly any room in there when you consider the sangat that visits daily. There is a rush of sangat just to do matha tekhna when the doors open. I hesitate to think about what would happen if sangat was allowed inside... :)

As for whether the room is where Guru ji 'jyoti jot samaye' - I think this is a question that should be posed to the jathedar. I personally believe, as does one of the sevadars (elderly) that accompany jathedar ji, that the room is where (I quote) "Guru Gobind Singh Ji left his physical body".

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To the above post : Singhson - you have much logic in your post.

However : Quote(myself) : This when the lady goes in and gets sick could just be hearsay. This is very much possible and as mentioned before Guru's power and presence is limitless.. but the fact only 1 person can go in makes it look kind of funny.. Thats all

Quote (your reply) :

Even if the lady did go in (with good intentions of course) why would she get sick? Why would Guru ji do that to her?

Sorry I put my post out wrong, I didn't mean that GURU ji did this to the lady(infact I myself think that some lady going to a holy place would never get this done to her - hence it sounds kind of bs and funny), when I said Guru Ji's power and presence is limitless I meant on the whole room being there.

Also the panth is equal, and I didn't mean any druggy can go inside etc(and its not some place you would just go and "hang out" either. So I don't see the problem of people doing darshan of such a place either. My opinion though you don't have to agree) - some guy with rehit etc would be nice. However you can't decide if a person is good enough to do something or not ,only mahraj does this and that jathedar going in there is probably chosen by the people around him etc but not Guru Ji. This isn't no disrespect to the jathedar or anything. ^^,

Oh and sometimes I might type things which I don't think about - im only human please forgive me :)

VaheGuRooo Jee Kaa Khalsa | VaheGuRoo Jee Kee FATEH!

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i think baba ji is doing a great seva :pray: that he must have done sumthing in his past life to get such a great seva and

we have to keep in mind who ever guru ji wants to get his seva of he will get it from that person !!


forgive me if sed anything wrong

No, you havn't said anything wrong everything is in Guru Ji's Hukam, and obviously Guru Ji wants them to do that seva etc, but the rest of the panth not allowed to do darshan will always be kind of funny im sure you will agree but its one of those thigns I guess you gotta live by(the way the world works)... and yes he must have done something good in his past or maybe even this life (who are we to judge) to deserve this :)

Gurfateh ^^,

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