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Facebook 'brainwashing' Hate Campaign By Hindu Fanatics


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The following group on facebook Forget 1984 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19925612369

Created by 2 Hindu fanatics is causing a lot of problems on Facebook ,for one it is anti Sikh, secondly one of the users incharge of the group called 'Mirchi S' has been slandering and posting anti Sikh comments for over a year now.His new game is to message Sikh Girls and invite them to his 'Forget 1984' group not only this he confuses them on the issue,by comming up with the usual Pro India Pro Hindutva views ,why did SS Bhindranwale take weapons in, Sikhs are really Hindus, and he even rants about Sikh/Hindu relationships,while chatting them up and asking for the MSN adds of the random girls he messages.

All of our Youths are not well informed about 1984,Khalistan,Freedom Movement,SS Bhindranwale, and why Sikhs are not Hindus,but here we have a fanatic who is activley messaging girls with his RSS crap and on top asking for their MSN adds using his chat up lines :v1:

You may have already seen him posting in Pro Sikh groups with his RSS views against Sikhs and Sant Bhindranwale and the Freedom Movement online as well as on the ground in Panjab,this fool has been instrumental in getting pro panthic videos removed from the web and openly insults our Shaheeds,Gurus,and glorious history.

I urge all of you to put a stop to him through reporting him and his group as offensive,he has many comments which break the rules of usage of facebook - offensive to the sikh community, the wall has more then enough.

The 2nd group he is head off is this one


Why do Sikh Sisters convert to Islam?

This group is an effort to once again stir up tensions between Sikhs and Muslims in the UK,on one hand he says sikh girls convert on the 2nd the group pic is of a Ms Sanghera who murderd a pregnant Muslim woman- wheres the logic in that this guys name says hes from South Africa so i don't see what Sikh girls converting in the UK has to do with him ,he aint even Sikh - he is clearly playing games with the agenda to stir tensions

Look closely at the content of the group and you will see blatant RSS propaganda agaisnt Sikhism and groups such as British Organistion of Sikh Students UK (BOSS),Babbar Khalsa and others heres an extract:

' Sikhism does not believe in this or believes in that, or just go to gurdwara or read Shri Guru Granth Sahib, become amrit shakna, do these actually achieve anything on the practical level?'

'modern “Sikhism” creates the halfway house to Islam in the first place. This is enhanced by Sikh separatism by groups such as BOSS and Babbar Khalsa, claiming the gurus were prophets chosen by some non-existent god, disclaiming equally valid and incredible variety of Sikh schools of thought (Ravidassia, Udasi, Nirmala, Seva Panthi, Nihang, Radha Saomi, Namdhari, Nirankari, Nanakpanth Sindhi) as “heretical” instead of the Tat Khalsa creation by British civil servant'

Calls Sikhi '(read monotony and enslavement to Talibanised corrupted form of Sikhi), '

Neo-Sikh ideology is the worst enemy of Sikhs

'Wahhabi and taliban Sikhs dominate debate on what is "Sikhism". Hence any attempt to look at the roots and sources of Sikh spirituality is denounced as Hindu garbage, Hinduisation, or a conspiracy by the RSS or Brahmans. So its ok to drink, smoke, do drugs, steal, be violent, wife beat, rape, murder etc, just dont do anything that smacks of the non-existent faith called "Hinduism". Thats the main reason why so many Sikh girls convert to Islam because either they have not been taught their own culture, or they ahve been brought up in a quasi-islamic environment making them easy pickings for Islamic missionaries.

Insults Singh Sabha movement:

in 1898 with British sponsorship tat Khalsa singh sabha was formed. Sikh ideas have been screwed up eevr since.

<a href="http://www.<banned site filter activated>/htmls/articles_distort_tatkhalsa.html" target="_blank">http://www.<banned site filter activated>/htmls/articles_dis..._tatkhalsa.html</a>

Posted Items in the group include the following:


On one hand we are trying to bring awarness of what happened in 84,how Sikhi is being attacked now and them you have idiots like him making these sorts of groups and posts about Hindutva being shown to Sikhs.


Explain to facebook that telling Sikhs to forget 1984 is akin to telling a Jew to forget the Holocaust thats how offensive it is,through that maybe the admin lookin at it will understand at how offensive it is to Sikhs

I urge all of you to report both groups as offensive and pick out comments from his hundreds which you deem offsensive ,I also urge any BOSS,or Kauragous and other youth group repps here to do the same, we need to stop idiots like these from telling our Youth what Sikhism is none of us want their twisted lies being fed to fellow brothers and sisters .

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'Wahhabi and taliban Sikhs dominate debate on what is "Sikhism". Hence any attempt to look at the roots and sources of Sikh spirituality is denounced as Hindu garbage, Hinduisation, or a conspiracy by the RSS or Brahmans. So its ok to drink, smoke, do drugs, steal, be violent, wife beat, rape, murder etc, just dont do anything that smacks of the non-existent faith called "Hinduism". Thats the main reason why so many Sikh girls convert to Islam because either they have not been taught their own culture, or they ahve been brought up in a quasi-islamic environment making them easy pickings for Islamic missionaries.

cant say theres much to disagree on there...except for the taliban environment part because the kids are too hindu influenced - dont know enough about sikhi

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

i agree with harvey 1, this guy is a sap, n needs a slap, his 1984 one dsnt even make sense, wat is he on?? 'that are fed up of people chating about 1984' wat does he mean fed up with ????? 1984 WAS RAW UNJUSTICE TOWARDS THE PANTH'!!

sum 1 sort this plum out, lol

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

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