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Onepanth Event Toronto

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Couple of things to be noted...

- first issue with the mock of baba ranjit singh presentation was done by KIDS. You dun simply stop them from their performance, imagine their state of mind in front of THOUSANDS if we all got up to stop them. Yes they were wrong, and they should have been talked to afterwards and from feedback im sure they were.

The kids are the ponds here. So all that had to be done was talk to them nicely, tell them to sit down and another Singh speaks to the sangat. Nothing difficult. And if you worried about the kids state then look what they are made to do. Is that not going to affect the kids. Sorry guys, but your only rationalizing here.

One of the MAIN organizers of this event told me that all presenters were required to submit in their script and what they are presenting. Indians being indians, these scripts were changed last min and they didnt bother giving it into the organizers. The dancing/mocking was not on the original script.

Again, take it for what its worth...

- Second, gurpreet singhs kavishri. I have very LITTLE understanding when it comes to kavishri like this. I remember when he came on a video was playing on the side and it didnt look like it was his turn yet but he was on stage and started speaking while the video was playing and the audio/video crew had to turn off the video and he began his thing.

Ajinder Singh has mentioned that they all left before he started his speech.

The youtube video clearly shows that he did say something against baba takhur singh (this video was posted up on youtube AFTER the onepanth event, yes?) Can someone confirm if he in fact said anything against baba ji at onepanth?

Whether someone changed what they were going to present is irrelevant because the Khalsa lives in the now. He practices everything in his breath when it comes out. Why do you think Bhagti is stressed so much. When that time comes we have Gurbani flowing in every limb and the decision is made with Gurbani on the mind. No need to back up and think about it. Stay always ready.

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vjkk vjkf!

i was not at this event, but i did think about going because i thought it was for a good cause. but from the reviews and videos that have come out, i am thinking maybe something was up.

I can't make any comments about what took place or about the presenations because i wasn't there BUT regarding the decision the singh made i believe, it was the right thing to do because if they did get up and make a scene or approached the stage in a "violent" manner then that would have gone in the media, and how do you think we would be portrayed if the headline wrote something like "Singhs Brawl at ONEPANTH event." Also if the singhs had resorted to a violent approach or even took over the stage then they could be deemed as AGAINST onepanth. Which i know as a fact they are not! Besides Guru Gobind Singh Ji said we are not suppose to pick up the sword at the first sign of trouble. What the singhs did was make a peaceful statement, it is not hard to notice big singhs wearing chola walking out. I am sure people noticed that!

This event did not portray the "ONEPANTH" thing properly. Remembering 1984 is important, through any means but if we were uniting as sikhs shouldn't there be some form of GURBANI or kirtan? some of the presentations were excellent, very well constructed and therefore i don't agree that onepanth was anti-panthic BUT some of the presentation should have been monitored more appropriately.

Jaspaul Singh said that the organizers required a script of what was being presented, which is good to keep the event flowing efficiently. and if the script WERE changed last minute then the organizers should have took appropriate action, whatever that maybe. Because in the end even though the organizers had the right intentions because of the lack of action on teh presentations that were unappropriate, the event is getting bad reviews. If the organizers had come on stage and addressed the situation then it would have been just.

In conclusion, Alot of people can be held responsable for their action or inactions but in the end even though there was the right intentions for the event, it is unfortunate that the rebound or reply of the event maybe have caused some racus and had the opposite reaction that the sevadars were looking for.

just my 2 cents

Bhul chuk maaf

vjkk vjkf!

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Couple of things to be noted...

- first issue with the mock of baba ranjit singh presentation was done by KIDS. You dun simply stop them from their performance, imagine their state of mind in front of THOUSANDS if we all got up to stop them. Yes they were wrong, and they should have been talked to afterwards and from feedback im sure they were.

One of the MAIN organizers of this event told me that all presenters were required to submit in their script and what they are presenting. Indians being indians, these scripts were changed last min and they didnt bother giving it into the organizers. The dancing/mocking was not on the original script.

Again, take it for what its worth...

- Second, gurpreet singhs kavishri. I have very LITTLE understanding when it comes to kavishri like this. I remember when he came on a video was playing on the side and it didnt look like it was his turn yet but he was on stage and started speaking while the video was playing and the audio/video crew had to turn off the video and he began his thing.

Ajinder Singh has mentioned that they all left before he started his speech.

The youtube video clearly shows that he did say something against baba takhur singh (this video was posted up on youtube AFTER the onepanth event, yes?) Can someone confirm if he in fact said anything against baba ji at onepanth?

Kids did not know what to wear.certainly there were people to train them to wear chaolas. This is a sikh attire and it is not only

insult to Baba ranjit singh but also to gursikh attire.

Let us not kid ourselves. such type of shows in India are conducted by communists or non-believers caleld taraksheel society.They

are non-believers in God. Presence of kala afghana stooges such as gurpreeet ghughi certainly makes it a function of that sect.

Sensible people do not ridicule otehrs. only persons with agneda do this type of thing.

These are propaganda tactics. They will manifest in deceptive ways.

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Today's time Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Dhandriwale is the only sikh that people listen to and 5 to 20 thousands people take amrit every month. Can anybody name anybody else that is doing that. So what if they have nice car. They should have nice car because they stay on road all the time. You know how the Indian roads are..

Dixie Gurdwara management is bunch of masands anyways. sites like singhsabacanada.com have people on sikhsangat too making all kind of comments.

Certainly this asingh sabha ( please change their name to asingh sabha) guys will be there. They will behave like sheeps here.

That shows they do not have guts and knowledge toi discuss gurmat. If they were singhs and had read Dasam bnai they will not hide

but discuss their athiesm openly.They can only discuss on a site where diccussions are rigged in theri favour.

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vjkk vjkf!

i was not at this event, but i did think about going because i thought it was for a good cause. but from the reviews and videos that have come out, i am thinking maybe something was up.

I can't make any comments about what took place or about the presenations because i wasn't there BUT regarding the decision the singh made i believe, it was the right thing to do because if they did get up and make a scene or approached the stage in a "violent" manner then that would have gone in the media, and how do you think we would be portrayed if the headline wrote something like "Singhs Brawl at ONEPANTH event." Also if the singhs had resorted to a violent approach or even took over the stage then they could be deemed as AGAINST onepanth. Which i know as a fact they are not! Besides Guru Gobind Singh Ji said we are not suppose to pick up the sword at the first sign of trouble. What the singhs did was make a peaceful statement, it is not hard to notice big singhs wearing chola walking out. I am sure people noticed that!

vjkk vjkf!

No one is talking about a WWE brawl here. People always go straight to the extreme to prove their point, without reading what was truly written. The Singh could have just walked up on stage and spoke out or spoke out from where they were sitting. Walking out on the event just made it look like they were not capable of doing anything. And don't worry about the politcs, that just another excuse for not doing anything.

Many of you probably hate me even more now, but too bad you guys should have done something. walking out is also doing nothing.

Let's remind ourselves of what a True Saint-soldier would do.

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Someone must have told the kids to act in such a way, if you look at the video it must have been planned a while ago as they were all in line and knew exactly what they were doing...

Regarding disrespect to baba thakur singh jee - out of all the sangat that were present someone should have said something, its just said... this is the same baba jee that lead the movement for over 20 years, rebult the akaal thakht sahib, called the sarbat khalsa, hlped thousands of shaheed families, did countless parchaar and brought countless into sikhi... You have some <banned word filter activated> who isnt even worth a penny speak on stage at a 1984 event in such a manner. Its disgraicefull, satguru granth sahib jee mehar karan, alot more is yet to come from these nindaks.

its fine gurpreet going on stage and posting youube videos and giving the biggen, however he dsnt seem like that now, more appologetic... fool... but as inder singh said, they are masters at cunning people and good at lying.

ajinder singh said they left before gurpreet the dangar said stuf about baba thakur singh jee, however didnt the other 1000 sikhs think what has a pakandi baba kids acting got to do with 1984? it was absolutely brilliant that the media chose a pcture of kids in bana dancing to show that they were celebrating the anti sikh massacre of 1984. excellent parchaar.

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These panth dokhis are trained in art of propaganda. They change their tactics. For example a hard core anti sikh/ gurmat preacher Gurubachan

Thailandwale starts with very sweet voice to begin with.When he has some effect then he shows his poison against sikhism.

This is art of propaganda. They are taught principles of

Sam: Over power enemy by love

dam : If not successful bribe enemy

Dand and : If still not working punish enemy

bhed: if still not effective the create division

so do not ever think they are different organization.They are one and same.

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In My Opinion,

It Only Takes One Drop of Poison to Spoil An Entire Tub of Humane Organic Milk! So Organizers Should Know When They are Inviting Such Groups such as Fake Singh Sabhas Etc. Or Was This Planned? For the Future, ANY organizer that invites Such People, Groups and Organizations! Know them to be part of them!! Even though they Say they are Not!! Common!! Evil Politics 101!!!

These fake singh sabhas, etc.. Do Not Understand Dasam Patshah Bani AT ALL, Nor Do They Understand Bhai Gurdas Ji Bani, and Other Maha Banis in the House of Guru Gobind Singh Ji! THEY HAVE ZERO UNDERSTANDING OF SRI GURUGRANTH SAHIB JI!!!!!

When Such Things Like This are Organized, and Anti-Gurmat Forces such As Fake Sikh Lehar, Fake Singh Sabhas Etc. are Invited, THEIR DROP OF POISON WILL RUIN EVERYTHING!!! If you ask Me, They Must have Been Behind This in SomeWay!! The Organizers seem Shady!!! There is a lot of money Behind all This Stuff! Money comes from India and a lot of other Places! There are Some Very Very Evil Things going on All Around The World to Cause Confusion amongst 'sikhs'! LOL!!! This is Awesome!! I personally want the Fake Sikhs Out for Good!! They have been on the 'inside' for tooooooooo long!!! The New War is Between Fake 'sikhs' (thailandwala, kala afgana, ghagga, darshan ragi, badals, fake sikh lehars, fake singh sabhas, sick pathetick networks, etc..etc..and their supporters) and Real Sikhs (Khalsa Who Love Sri GuruGranth Sahib Ji, Dasam Patsah Bani, Bhai Gurdas Ji Bani, Bhai Nand Lal Singh Bani, Bhai Gurdas Singh Bani, Panj Pyareh, Khande-Pahul Amrit, Khalsa Rehit, etc..) Both The fake sikhs and Real Khalsa will be Wearing Bana, Kesh, Sri Sahib, Hazooreah, Blue Dastaars, etc.!!! From Outside they will 'seem' the same, but LOL!!! NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE!!! The fake ones are spiritually empty, and buy their spirituality from cotton (bhekh)!!! I am all for the split!!!! About Time!!!! The Fake Drops of Poison have been stealing Golaks and now Doing Koor Parchaar for tooooooo bloody long!!!! The fakes are also masters of deception and have forked tongued wizardry!! LOL!!! The Real Khalsa Know Who the Real Khalsa Are!! The Love of Khalsa Spirit is Only Known to Khalsa!!! The Real Khalsa Need Their Own Gurdwaras!!!!!

Is Dixie Committee in Canada also part of This Fake Singh Sabha? Isn't Dixie a Huge Gurdwara In All of Canada? All it takes is a committee to change an entire Gurdwara!!!

The New Generation Khalsa Will Rise and Control Gurdwaras!!!

The Fake ones can have their own 'community centers'! The Fake Ones will be Spiritually Empty!!! It Should be Seriously Considered not to allow the supporters of the fake sikhs (the trouble makers) into the Real Gurdwaras!!! Unless they accept Tankhah First!!!!! If they Come to the Real Gurdwaras and Cause Trouble, Ban them Right Away!!!!! The Real Gurdwaras Run by Khalsa will be Maha!!!!!

Chardi Kala!!!!!

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In My Opinion,


Lots of Symbolism in the Videos! Who ever made those Plays are Attacking Sikhi!

First, They used Bana of Khalsa and Did Bhangra! This is Attacking Guru Gobind Singh and Attacking Sikh Dharma!

Second, They turned their backs to photo of B.Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale (representing Sikhs who believe in Dasam Patshah Bani, Khande-Pahul, Rehit…) and did 'namaskaar' to someone who seemingly has not had Khande-Pahul and is Not Drir in Khalsa Rehit (this symbolizes that they are not believers of Khalsa Rehit, while making a Mockery of Khalsa Uniform as well (Bana) while doing Bhangra, symbolizing a sort of Atheism).

There are many symbolisms in these videos. This group is working 100% for Anti-Sikh Forces. And their aims are to attack ENTIRE Khalsa!!! One word sums up whoever this group is! SPOKESMAN!!!

They showed a picture of Bhangra representing 1984 in The Media?!?!? Whoever this group is, are also working in undermining the seriousness of the Pogroms against Sikhs in 1984!! This group is also working to spread Propaganda for the Benefit of GOI!!!!

True Khalsa WILL Rise!!!!!

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