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Onepanth Event Toronto

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To be fair 'celebrating' and 'honouring' is very different. Atleast they found mainstream press that is talking abut sikhs masscare and not air india bombing. As for the views against baba thakur singh, they should be taught against falling prey to false propaganda. If some singh sabha guy goes to an event that does not turn the whole gathering to being anti-dasam bani brigade. When i heard their ad on radio it was talking about if you have singh or kaur in your name then be there as when attackers came in 84 they only looked for singh or kaur and not who you are and what. As for baba dadhrianwale, anybdy i talk to does not like him. Dixie gurdwara has said they will honour babbu mann when he visits toronto. ranjit singh is not welcome by majority of panth here.

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i personally was there my self i was a couple of singhs ans we had walked out of the place felt disgusted..... i was really angry of what took place and also the singhs that were with me were too. firstly besides looking what took place in the show a couple of people caught the "volunteers" making out on the side it was very open for people no one cared what was going on. secondly, the acting of ranjit singh by the academy was wrong we look at someone negative and make it a big deal....but we don't look at our selves i dont see anyone going do parchaar all the time like he does yeah he made a mistake and ask for forgiveness and babu maan song had nothing to do with 84 or one panth this proves why we split off .... having people hate on each other i thought we all were "one" i was really hurt when they had the kids dance in cholay like come on the people that see a singh are going to think oh these guys are no different from anyone they dance blah .... and the image that we have got now is different in peoples eyes..... also if we are there to remember 1984 why dance? did something good happen to the people who were shaheed was it something good yeah we defeated the indian government but at the end of the day if we a remember those who gave their lives then i dont think we dance to remember shaheeds...and i have seen all the sikh lehar posters everywhere there another disrespect was they put bani lines on their posters and i find them on the ground what disrespect was that gurpreet singh who is part of sikh lehar did tlk bad about baba jee and there was no need of it im really disappointed of what happened ..when we left the organizers asked us why we left they said our thinking is wrong if it is then we are sorry but you know what i think we need to all open our eyes and actually take in the truth not just cut corners and say oh its fine or what not...bhull chuk maaf vjkk vjkf!

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Im not from toronto, however singhs from toronto and surrounding areas have told me what happened.

Its an event associating with 1984 - Yes

Why cuss baba ranjit singh? why dance? why wear cholas and dance? whats that got to do with 1984?

Why did gurpreet the bandar/dangar say stuff about baba thakur singh jee (its the same person with the youtube vids) ? whats that got to do with 1984?

Fair enough kala afghana crew did not organise the event, however people with similar thining were invited and did BAD parchaar... Thats correct?

Why are there no videos of all the positive parchaar instead of those about baba ranjeet singh? (im not a supporter or again baba ranjeet singh - my main point is baba thakur singh jee)

We speak of 1984 - Sant Jarnail Singh Jee - We forget - it was baba thakur singh jee who gave sant jee the jathedaari, and also baba thakur singh jee who sant jee looked up to as a roop of akaal purkh...

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Im not from toronto, however singhs from toronto and surrounding areas have told me what happened.

Its an event associating with 1984 - Yes

Why cuss baba ranjit singh? why dance? why wear cholas and dance? whats that got to do with 1984?

Why did gurpreet the bandar/dangar say stuff about baba thakur singh jee (its the same person with the youtube vids) ? whats that got to do with 1984?

Fair enough kala afghana crew did not organise the event, however people with similar thining were invited and did BAD parchaar... Thats correct?

Why are there no videos of all the positive parchaar instead of those about baba ranjeet singh? (im not a supporter or again baba ranjeet singh - my main point is baba thakur singh jee)

We speak of 1984 - Sant Jarnail Singh Jee - We forget - it was baba thakur singh jee who gave sant jee the jathedaari, and also baba thakur singh jee who sant jee looked up to as a roop of akaal purkh...

exactly....... i agree with you totally

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The Singhs that went to the event, where were they? What did the Singhs do? Sit and watch Sant Thakur Singh ji get slandered. You guys are truly Khalsa.dry.gif Couldn't one of you guys stop this from happening. Practice Gatka all day long, do your nitnem, when it comes down to it and time to put Sikhi into practice you guys sat back. dry.gif

Where did the soldiers go, When one Singh roars the sheep run, but I guess there wasn't any Singh there, just all sheeps.

For Gods Sake your Saint-Soldiers. You have the Saroop of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji on your head. The Sword of the Greatest King and you sat back and watched.

Wake up Singhs. No one is going to fight our battles, we have to do it ourselves. Singhs yell Sant baba Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa name all the time. Does anyone of you bother to listen to him.

Why do you come on here and report the event if you did nothing! Do you have no dignity. Thanks for reporting that Sant Thakur Singh ji got slandered and the Singhs did nothing. You guys should have walked up to the stage and said can you guys give me a beating aswell.

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yeah its easy to say but straight up if we did go up there to stop what was happening... then what are they going to do tell us... to leave??, its not what you think, you can criticize us all you want but in reality everything in hukum and we learn the truth about people and what not, we left e before the gurpreet guy went on and i know for a fact when we did leave a lot of people noticed us because we were all in cholay and people got the message.

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yeah its easy to say but straight up if we did go up there to stop what was happening... then what are they going to do tell us... to leave??, its not what you think, you can criticize us all you want but in reality everything in hukum and we learn the truth about people and what not, we left e before the gurpreet guy went on and i know for a fact when we did leave a lot of people noticed us because we were all in cholay and people got the message.

Singh, sorry to say, but there is no excuse. And saying it's his Hukam is what a sheep would do. If you guys walked up there as a group it sends a message Singh are here and wont let this stuff continue. If you want to follow his Hukam then put your self in his hands and stand up for Truth. Follow the example of the great Singhs like Sant baba Jarnail SIngh ji Khalsa.

You guys lost your guts. You guys had doubt in the Truth, Waheguru and chose to walk out instead of up hold truth, like true Singhs.

All it takes is one Singh and you guys had a whole group. Don't try to rationalize here because your just cheating yourself and no one else.

I am not even saying you guys should have punched or even pushed someone. Just walked up on stage and spoke the truth and then sit back down and watch if they said another slander. Then that Gurpreet punk wouldn't even have gone on stage. To use physical force is the last thing a Khalsa does to uphold Truth.

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Today's time Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Dhandriwale is the only sikh that people listen to and 5 to 20 thousands people take amrit every month. Can anybody name anybody else that is doing that. So what if they have nice car. They should have nice car because they stay on road all the time. You know how the Indian roads are..

Dixie Gurdwara management is bunch of masands anyways. sites like singhsabacanada.com have people on sikhsangat too making all kind of comments.

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Couple of things to be noted...

- first issue with the mock of baba ranjit singh presentation was done by KIDS. You dun simply stop them from their performance, imagine their state of mind in front of THOUSANDS if we all got up to stop them. Yes they were wrong, and they should have been talked to afterwards and from feedback im sure they were.

One of the MAIN organizers of this event told me that all presenters were required to submit in their script and what they are presenting. Indians being indians, these scripts were changed last min and they didnt bother giving it into the organizers. The dancing/mocking was not on the original script.

Again, take it for what its worth...

- Second, gurpreet singhs kavishri. I have very LITTLE understanding when it comes to kavishri like this. I remember when he came on a video was playing on the side and it didnt look like it was his turn yet but he was on stage and started speaking while the video was playing and the audio/video crew had to turn off the video and he began his thing.

Ajinder Singh has mentioned that they all left before he started his speech.

The youtube video clearly shows that he did say something against baba takhur singh (this video was posted up on youtube AFTER the onepanth event, yes?) Can someone confirm if he in fact said anything against baba ji at onepanth?

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