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Onepanth Event Toronto

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The reason, I think, the kids were dancing was simply because they got them from the "GuruKul" dance academy. That's basically all they know how to do. http://www.gurukularts.com/gallery.html

Some days they put on a bhangra suit or choli/lehnga, other days a chola.

It was very wrong to attack a Sikh preacher (S. Dhadrianwale) when the stated purpose of the event was to put aside differences for a day (a single day!), and come together. If the OnePanth group are free from blame because the dancers/actors changed their scripts, then the blame falls on the actors' organisers.

The first video shows some dancing to a general Sikh song. The second video is anti-baba skit with someone made up to be a baba, and the Babbu Mann song playing in the background.

The funny thing is, even though they want to preach that you shouldn't matha tek to anybody other than Guru Sahib, that's exactly what they do in the skit! Even the adults!

If they really wanted to be panthic, they could have made the baba out to be the Radha Swami baba, or the Sacha Sauda baba. Instead, they explicitly made the baba a Sikh, with a khanda on his dastar. What do they have against Khalsa bana?

They're basically teaching these poor children to be faithless cynics.

Oh, one more thing: Although they claim to be big anti-idolators, it's funny how in the first video, they bring out a photo of Bhagat Singh and S. Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale on opposite sides of the stage. Then, the kids genuflect (get down on their knees) and fold their hands before the picture of Bhagat Singh! How's that for anti-idolatry? Meanwhile Kala Afghana and the Spokesman say bowing before Guru Granth Sahib Ji is idolatry. LOL

If you don't worship God, you'll have to worship something. Bhagat Singh, Karl Marx, whoever.

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the main organizers were hapreet hansra and kulvir gill.

harpreet hansra is son of sukhminder hansra who has his own newspaper punjabidaily.com and in the past had his own khalistani show ankilhla punjab. sukhminder hansra writes against babaji at every oppourtunity , they bad mouth babaji in public but r soo called hard core sant jarnail singh fans . at the event they had flyers everywhere from sikh lehar gurdwara which is kala afgana /ghugga lobby. www.sikhlehar.com , same guys runnin singh sahba canada. hansra also writes writes anti dasam in his newspaper and will never show prof darshan singh in bad light.

Main organizers harpreet hansra, kulvir who are related, harpreet son of sukhminder hansra--> www.punjabidaily.com--> writes against babaji --> never against prof -->against dasam--> allowed sikh lehar posters up at the event---> allowed their ppl to speak at the event---> allowed bhangra and bashin of ranjit singh at the event...so how can we call it panthic.

the rest of these videos r up on youtube. its all one group, this same gurpreet <banned word filter activated> is a supporter of harjinder dilgeer, ghugga, prof, the videos r proff


Taken from an email sent regarding the event.

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the main organizers were hapreet hansra and kulvir gill.

harpreet hansra is son of sukhminder hansra who has his own newspaper punjabidaily.com and in the past had his own khalistani show ankilhla punjab. sukhminder hansra writes against babaji at every oppourtunity , they bad mouth babaji in public but r soo called hard core sant jarnail singh fans . at the event they had flyers everywhere from sikh lehar gurdwara which is kala afgana /ghugga lobby. www.sikhlehar.com , same guys runnin singh sahba canada. hansra also writes writes anti dasam in his newspaper and will never show prof darshan singh in bad light.

Main organizers harpreet hansra, kulvir who are related, harpreet son of sukhminder hansra--> www.punjabidaily.com--> writes against babaji --> never against prof -->against dasam--> allowed sikh lehar posters up at the event---> allowed their ppl to speak at the event---> allowed bhangra and bashin of ranjit singh at the event...so how can we call it panthic.

the rest of these videos r up on youtube. its all one group, this same gurpreet <banned word filter activated> is a supporter of harjinder dilgeer, ghugga, prof, the videos r proff


Taken from an email sent regarding the event.

Sukhmandir hansra is a well known anti-dasam granth person and a known kala afghana supporter.

He may be a supporter of Baba bhindrewale to get support from otehr organizations.

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At the end of the day, no one minds anyone cussing fake sants and babas and even cussing anti panthic personalities but there was no reason say stuff about baba thakur singh jee, thats my main concern about the event, another point being the kids shudnt have danced an this picture was shown in the paper, there no need to cuss baba ranjt singh, the organisors of the event obviously knew this from before and didnt try and stop it. Its not good.

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At the end of the day, no one minds anyone cussing fake sants and babas and even cussing anti panthic personalities but there was no reason say stuff about baba thakur singh jee, thats my main concern about the event, another point being the kids shudnt have danced an this picture was shown in the paper, there no need to cuss baba ranjt singh, the organisors of the event obviously knew this from before and didnt try and stop it. Its not good.

Hansra is well known for promoting kala afghana ideology. He is not in the open for it because of his business interests.

But his views are well known and he keeps on promoting his nastik views. Panth should know its enemies.

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Khalistan Zindabad ji,

Ill repeat myself in bold.

It is NOT proved that gurpreet singh said anything against baba takhur singh at the ACTUAL EVENT (ie.one panth). This video you see is uploaded and done after that particular event.

As far as I know, he did do a performance on stage but his 'kavishri' said nothing offensive!

Anyone who is relating this event ONEPANTH as 'anti-sikhi' CLEARLY did not attend the event OR getting false second hand news!

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The song of gurpreet is not main issue here.The issue is promotion of hidden agendas.

Why to give this name " One panth"? Are sikhs having two panths now. This is out of

" One panth ,one granth.' line often quoted by these atheist followers of kala afghana.

Sikhs have one panth. Those who do not recognize bani of Dasam pita and call it fake need to

get out. What are they waiting for? Once they get out or kicked out then they will have a separate panth.

They are exposed now. They need to be further exposed.

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I have been told that his kaveeshari did say stuff about baba thakur singh jee.

Why cuss baba ranjeet singh

isnt it manmat to matha tekh to a 'sant' they were openly doing it infront of thousands

why put a pict of bhagat singh and sant jee and fold your hands towards it - isnt that 'manmat'?

note the sarcasm.

2ndly gurpreet made the video after - but he still made one? right - yes

gurpreet is also seen in video with harjinder dalgeer - yes

so why even have him doing a kaveeshari on stage?

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