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Nihangs On Babbu Mann


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Some of the Singhs from Dhadrianwala#s jatha became shaheed in the choota sauda malarky about 2 years ago, which is more than we have done. Don't ask what others have done for the panth, look at yourself.

How many people have you inspired to wake up at Amrit vela (assuming you do yourself) or take Amrit, read Bani etc?

HOw many have you driven away with all your hate and negativity or by causing divisions and boosting your ego?

Answer the question!! I do not call off morchas because badal junior tells me to. I do not use Shahee Baba Jarnail Singh Ji's name on stage then fail to carry on the legacy of Baba Ji.

Please name them and show they were from Dhadrianwalas jatha. The Singh who were shaheed are claimed by other jathebandis, so is it another case of grandstanding on stage?

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I still find it hilarious that so many new official voices are crawling out from underneath rocks to proclaim how a manufactured Bhangra singer Babbu Maan is some kind of "new voice" for the kaum. Lets see the voices go back into oblivion once this situation gets boring.

Are you so infatuated with Dhadrianwala that you even consider Missl Shaheedan Taruna Dal as a 'new official voice crawling out from underneath rocks...."? If you bothered taking the blinkers off you would know about the history of the Missl Shaheedan and stop making irresponsible statements. Where was your chosen voice of the kaum Dhadrianwala when the Missl Shaheedan were standing up to Poola nang? Even then the Missl did not seek publicity (unlike others who like to spin how they have sold an Audi on the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide).

Also if you bothered to listen to the speach of the Jathedar then you would understand that he was not proclaiming Babbu Mann as a new voice of the kaum but instead agreeing with the contents of the lyrics.

Yawn!! Back to Dadriawala..

Wow You Seem Like You Got Some Personal Hatred With Babbu And Using These posts a way to bring him down.....

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Wow You Seem Like You Got Some Personal Hatred With Babbu And Using These posts a way to bring him down.....

Sorry to cause offense..But Babbu has let the situation blow out of proportion...Babbu has sung a 5 minute so called dharmic song in his 60 minutes of Bhangra fame...He has simply made a blanket statement that the whole "Babay" situation is anti-Sikh without giving any clarity that he was "allegedly" only attacking the sirsa, ashutosh's etc..If Babbu wishes to launch a blanket assualt on Gursikhs then Gursikhs have the right to defend and counter-attack..That's all that has hapened here..

Babbu can play the silent victim, Jathebhandis can give wishey washey statements backing or not backing the so-called message in the song...But in reality, what gives us the right to say Babbu has a panthic voice when he himself portrays Sikhi like a marketing tool to promote his latest record or promote himself..when Babbu himself avoids keeping the image of "Baba Nanak".

I have not personally met Baba Ranjit Singh or many other Babay, but have always respected them for their parchaar and guidance they have given millions of Sikhs globally. I have seen the life changing effects of Baba Ranjit iSinghs diwans on members of my own family in both UK and Punjab..I feel that the nature of the personal attacks on Baba Ranjit Singh has been an exploited attack on Sikh parchaar...and I would go as far to say that Babbu has been used as a puppet in all of this....

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I have not personally met Baba Ranjit Singh or many other Babay, but have always respected them for their parchaar and guidance they have given millions of Sikhs globally. I have seen the life changing effects of Baba Ranjit iSinghs diwans

That's the point. People aren't chelas of S. Ranjit Singh. Rather, they are simply responding positively to the fact that their family members have given up drinking, cutting hair, and are starting to mold their lives according to Gurbani.

Given that, the fact that some rich fellow gave an Audi to S. Dhadrianwale doesn't even register as a problem.

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