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Is Sikhi A Missionary Religion


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Auarngzeb may not be following what is written in their scriptures. He was forcing Islam on others.If they did not accept

it, they were killed.Is it written in their scripture? Most probably not.

He may be good for fanatics but he was not committing good deeds. We cann't call him a good muslim.

So the quote given above is relevant.

I am sorry to say but you need to study islam. What Aurangzeb did was according to islamic scriptures

The Qur'an:

Qur'an (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

From the Hadith:

Muslim (19:4294) - There are many places in the hadith where Muhammad tells his followers to demand the jizya of non-believers. Here he lays down the rule that it is to be extorted by force: "If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them"

Bukhari (53:386) - The command for Muslims to spread Islamic rule by force, subjugating others until they either convert to Islam or pay money, is eternal: Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:-- "Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master." This is being recounted during the reign of Umar, Muhammad's companion and the second caliph who sent conquering armies into non-Muslim Persian and Christian lands (after Muhammad's death).

Ishaq 956 & 962 - "He who withholds the Jizya is an enemy of Allah and His apostle." The words of Muhammad.


So Aurangzeb in his true sense tried to follow islam.If you are not convinced then you can go to any muslim or Pakistani forum.You will find majority of them consider him as their hero.

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Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

Dear all and Bijla Singh Jee!

Your posts on this topic are full of controversies.

I wish to elaborate some points raised in your last post.

You wrote "you have not provided a single shred of evidence from Gurbani, Vaars and Kabits to back up your claims."

A true Sikh receives the Gur of the Sabad from his reverend Gurus, not from others or others' poetry.

Quote "Your statement that Guru Sahib never “asked” anyone to change religion is seriously an insulting comment towards the Gurus."

Please provide a reference if you think Guru Sahib asked people to change religion. I will be grateful.

Also, please do not feel insulted if you cannot provide a reference.

Quote "Verb 'ask' means to make a request. Certainly, Guru Sahib never requested anyone to become a Sikh."

Guru Sahib did not force either. It was the Naam Simran that brought the revolutionary change in their consciousness.

Quote "Rather he preached Gurmat which inspired people to adopt Gurmat."

Gurmat is the Gur of the Sabad. Gurmat is not preached. Gurmat is transferred as Prasaad.

Do you know a preacher who knows the Gur of the Sabad?

Quote "People didn’t just wake up one morning and decided to become Sikhs 'on their own'."

Right. They received the learning of the Gur experiencing a revolution and realized they got the true learning (Sikh). The word Sikh in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee refers only this learning, not a human being.

Quote "It was the result of missionary work carried out by the Gurus and the Sikhs."

God distributes Prasaad of Gur through the reverend Gurus. The missionary work through preachers is a business (dhandhaa).

Quote "Word 'missionary' is used for a person who undertakes a mission especially a religious mission."

Those are all worldly rituals, repetitions and boring.

Quote "Guru Nanak Sahib in his own hymns states that he was given the divine mission to preach."

Please correct it. Replace the word 'preach' with Naam Simran.

Quote "Bhai Gurdas Ji narrates the same incident."

These may be your views. Even Bhai Gurdaas Jee did not say it is the same incident.

Quote "Nowhere in Gurbani is it stated that a person should follow their respective religion strictly."

Do you want to say that also Sikhs should not follow their respective religion strictly?

Quote "In fact, the word Hindu is not even redefined in Gurbani whereas words Pandit, Brahmin, Muslim, Sheikh, Yogi, Sanyasi, Mullah, Qazi etc are defined according to Gurmat."

These are human beings who may go wrong. They need to learn the Gur of Naam. They do not need to learn to change their religion.


I feel this post is getting long.


Please ponder. Guru Naanak Dev Jee is singing.

ਬਿਨੁ ਗੁਰ ਗਰਬੁ ਨ ਮੇਟਿਆ ਜਾਇ ॥

बिनु गुर गरबु न मेटिआ जाइ ॥

Without Gur pride is not eradicated.

ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਧਰਮੁ ਧੀਰਜੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਇ ॥

गुरमति धरमु धीरजु हरि नाइ ॥

Through Gurmat is Dharam, Composure, Hari Naam.

ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਮਿਲੈ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇ ॥੧੨॥੯॥

नानक नामु मिलै गुण गाइ ॥१२॥९॥

Naanak, Naam is received. Virtues are sung. SGGS Ang 225

Please come to know true Naam Simran. You may never try to convert someone. Still, life becomes all precious without wanting it.

Balbir Singh

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Such quotes may have limitation as we are quoting these without knowing the context of use.

I may be wrong but i believe no religious scripture preaches to convert people of other faith

by sword.

I may counter quote with following that i read on the net

Let there be no compulsion (or coercion) in religion (Islam). The right direction is distinctly clear from error (Quran, 2:256).

We know very little about scriptures of others and should refrain from quoting second hand quotes.

So Aurangzeb in his true sense tried to follow islam.If you are not convinced then you can go to any muslim or Pakistani forum.You will find majority of them consider him as their hero.

He may be hero for fanatics. fantasism does no good to any religion.But the topic is " Is sikhism a missionary religion".

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Such quotes may have limitation as we are quoting these without knowing the context of use.

I may be wrong but i believe no religious scripture preaches to convert people of other faith

by sword.

But the topic is " Is sikhism a missionary religion". Let us restrict.

All Religions spread through missionary work.Only the way of missionary work is different .Some used force,rewards,punishments etc some just spread the words of their founders and allowed people to join them if they wish to.Sikhism is one of them.

You are saying that if a person is hindu then he should follow hinduism to the core so the first sikhs who abandoned hinduism and joined sikhism were wrong as they abandoned Hinduism and few abandoned islam so they were wrong too?

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All Religions spread through missionary work.Only the way of missionary work is different .Some used force,rewards,punishments etc some just spread the words of their founders and allowed people to join them if they wish to.Sikhism is one of them.

You are saying that if a person is hindu then he should follow hinduism to the core so the first sikhs who abandoned hinduism and joined sikhism were wrong as they abandoned Hinduism and few abandoned islam so they were wrong too?

I am not saying that. I am saying that Guru sahib did not say that their path was superior and hence people of other

faiths should renounce their religion and join them. Guru sahib condemned wrong practices that had crept in religion with time.

Many such practices have crept in sikhism also.That does not mean sikhism is wrong.We do not a get a certificate to salvation

by calling ourselves as sikhs.We need to to live it practically in our day today lives.

ਜਿਨਿ ਆਤਮ ਤਤੁ ਨ ਚੀਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਿਆ ॥

जिनि आतम ततु न चीन्हिआ ॥

Jin āṯam ṯaṯ na cẖīnĥi▫ā.

Whoever does not realize the essence of the soul -

ਸਭ ਫੋਕਟ ਧਰਮ ਅਬੀਨਿਆ ॥

सभ फोकट धरम अबीनिआ ॥

Sabẖ fokat ḏẖaram abīni▫ā.

all his religious actions are hollow and false.

Ang 1351

Please read my posts before writing.

This is what i wrote in my post no. 22


Guru sahib did not ask anyone to leave their religion of birth and join his

path. People came on their own.

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Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!

Dear all and kds1980 Jee!

Worldly religions are formed and followed on worldly understanding of duality. So is this with Muslim religion also, in my view.

In the original Godly message through Muhammad Sahib, Musalmaan is one who is completely awaken in consciousness. He is pure (khaalis) and Pooran.

One should learn the wisdom (Gur) to win and awaken the sleeping mind that is Kaafir.

I cannot imagine that consciousness gets awakened by killing other human beings. Also, interpretations and translations of The Koran may be different as I have understood it.

Balbir Singh

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Those that say following the Koran or Vedas, which a Muslim and Hindu must do, is not a wrong act are saying the Koran and Vedas are the Shabad Guru. No where in Gurbani does it say to follow the Koran or the Vedas or Bible. It say to follow the Shabad Guru ONLY.

If the Koran and rest of the religious text teach the Shabad Guru as some people are implying here, but don't want to come out and say it, then what was the need to write down the Shabad Guru and then place it on a Palki and bow down to it(Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj)? We already had the Shabad Guru according to some here, it is in the Koran. So why didn't Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji pick up the Koran and teach the true intrepretation of the Koran. Why didn't Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji pick up the Bible and teach the true intrepretation of it? He would have bowed at the Mosque and told them to get rid of the rituals. Shabad Guru is here in the written form(Koran, Biblie), so infact Gurbani becomes (forgive me for saying this) useless, as the Koran is a true path to Sri Waheguru ji, along with Vedas, Bible, etc, etc.

Another problem that arise here is if Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is telling Muslims, Hindus, Christians, etc, etc, to get rid of the rituals then you guys are fine and following the Koran is no problem. Then why did Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji only give Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji? He should have gave the Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Koran, Vedas, and Bible collectively and equally. After all the Gurus were about breaking divisions amongst people and creating equality. Creating a different religions that is doing the same as Islam or Hinduism is only creating more divisions among people that all come from the same, Sri Waheguru ji. Lastly it would not be wrong if one day in the Gurdwara the Granthi replaced Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji with the Koran and the whole sangat bowed down to the Koran.

If you are not willing to bow your head(submit yourself) then what makes you think that it is the TRUTH?

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For sikhs SGGS ji is jyot of our Guru sahiban. Our gurus asked us to follow shabad Guru.

Jus like that Hindus have their granths to start with Vedas and then supplemented by Puranas

and smrities etc.

Muslims have their own written scripture Quran and oral tarditions.

Nowhere it has been stated that quran and Hindu scriptures are shabad Guru.

Even these faiths may not have concept of shabad Guru at all.

All is being said here is that we do not look down upon teachings of otehr religions

and tell them that their path is inferior hence join us.That does not imply that we

start following those.

See the heading of topic. It is about religious conversions whether done by persuasion,

enticement, force or allurments. Conversion is not healthy as it causes upheavals in society.

Did our Gurus ask people of otehr faiths to leave their religion

and join theirs? If so let us know in light of Gurbani.

If someone joins some religion on one's own that is not conversion.That is embracing a religion

of one's choice.

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For sikhs SGGS ji is jyot of our Guru sahiban. Our gurus asked us to follow shabad Guru.

Jus like that Hindus have their granths to start with Vedas and then supplemented by Puranas

and smrities etc.

Muslims have their own written scripture Quran and oral tarditions.

Nowhere it has been stated that quran and Hindu scriptures are shabad Guru.

Even these faiths may not have concept of shabad Guru at all.

GPS, you have divided Truth up into three different ones, when Gurbani tells us there is only one Truth(it never changes), which the Shabad Guru teaches us. The only way the Vedas can be true is if they are the Shabad Guru, same goes with every other religious text because Gurbani pounds into us, ONLY follow the Shabad Guru. By saying Muslms can reach Sri Waheguru ji as in following the Koran, you or anyone are for a fact saying the Koran is the Shabad Guru. If Koran was true, then it would teach Gurbani, same goes with the rest of the religious text. But the fact is that it does not teach Gurbani.

All is being said here is that we do not look down upon teachings of otehr religions

and tell them that their path is inferior hence join us.That does not imply that we

start following those.

Tell me how does a true Hindu, not the one that worships an idol, because you're saying these are the rituals that are not a part of the True Hinduism, worship Sri Waheguru ji. Then also tell me how does a True Muslim worship Sri Waheguru ji? And this question is open to anyone else(Balbir Singh) that is adovacating that Koran is true and pure.

See the heading of topic. It is about religious conversions whether done by persuasion,

enticement, force or allurments. Conversion is not healthy as it causes upheavals in society.

Did our Gurus ask people of otehr faiths to leave their religion

and join theirs? If so let us know in light of Gurbani.

If someone joins some religion on one's own that is not conversion.That is embracing a religion

of one's choice.

I agree with you as there is no such thing as conversion, because its only other religious peoples attachment to their way of life (what they call Islam or Hinduism, or Christiainity) that does not let them see Dharma(Gurmat). It's not about mine is better than yours, its about following Dharma and not having a phobia to the fact that Sikhi only one that teaches Dharma(Gurmat).

Just becauae a religious text has some good things in it to teach people, it does not automatically make it into a path to Sri Waheguru ji.

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