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Baba thakur singh je in uk

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

:wub: @

who the heck do u think u are sayin that?

do u have any idea how STUPID that is?

if u said that in front of singhs, u wud have got ure aaas kicked

baba je joined rss

how stupid is that

y wud sant jarnail singh have such deeep respect for baba thakur singh, more than anyone else

all bhindranwale sants have respected baba je to the max

where the heck do u get off by saying baba je cant even talk properly

ive seen baba je, he says fateh perfectly

maybe u need to get ure ears fixed

get ure brain fixed too

do u have any idea how mad that will get some singhs, saying stuff about baba je like that

baba je did sewa all his life in langar

baba je does only bhagti, barley eats

and u come and say stuff like that?

ure looking to get beats

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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HardeepSinghKhalsa, Please think twice before saying such things about baba jee. I don't know him personally but have met him, and the seva he is doing with the singhs is something to learn from. He can say fateh properly and with much pyaar and nimarta. I don't think it is right of you to say such things about baba jee when you don't know his avastha. I don't know about his avastha because I have not grown up knowing about him, but I always hear about him having high avastha. Even if I didn't hear about baba jee, I would give him the utmost respect, as he is a bazurg. He is older than all of us, and you can't go around saying oh that person didn't even say fateh properly just because you think he cant talk properly, and little veerji, if you don't want anything to do with baba jee, then I suggest you not do nindia either. Bhul chuk muaaf if I have offended anyone..Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

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waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

My friend's brother was paralyisis from waist down and the doctor said he might not walk again and when they told baba ji this and baba jis like come with me to india for 4 months i think,and for 4 months he did seva and same with his dad, and when he was back he was walking again and he left his wheelchair there. Baba ji has the strenght to do anything.

bhul cukk maaf

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh

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@hardeep singh

its been 30 hrs till now, sikh panth is expecting apology from u .

u have hurt feelings of entire sikh panth.

please remove khalsa from ur name , as khalsa has very high mental state and does not speaks like u.

if ur near babaji , promptly go to babaji and ask for pardon.

if not then ur not a sikh.


thanx alot.

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how do you guys know he is a brahm giani? only a brahm giani knows who is a brahm giani. read sukhmani sahib. you can say another person who was a brahm giani said he is, but whos to say if he was one himself.

the point is, babaji has done alot of sewa, and that is respected. but we shouldnt be labeling everyone as a brahm giani because we feel so. guru ji bestows the gian (knowledge) of brahm (god) at his own will, not us. the guru ji knows who is one and who is not. it is not our job. our job is to praise god and serve his people.

i mean no disrespect here, but we look at other peoples qualities too much.. ie he is amazing at kirtan, he is an amazing kathavajak, he has done alot of sewa. the question we should ask is..why is he able to do that?? simple answer is.....all beucase of gurus kirpa. instead of praising the person for his qualities, we should praise the giver of the qualities for allowing that person to their particular service to the panth....the Guru.

Becuase of the Guru, we are able to do what we do. He gives us the strength.

Babaji has done sewa, but lets praise the Guru for it. Babaji doesnt help people get better from sickness, the Guru does. It is all his giving.

Anyways, the point is, when we keep praising individuals, we take away from the true meaning of sikhi. when we praise individiauls more then we praise the guru, something is wrong. this is not saying anything against babaji, but lets just focus on our guru more. If someone disrespects him, lets let Guru handle is and not take actions into our own hands as some people have with the ultimatums they have given.

bhuk chuk maaf

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i say hes brahmgiani because i guess people say that. but then again, only moorakhs label people brahmgiani. i always thought he proclaimed himself as brahmgiani, but i am a moorakh and have no idea on half the things i say in life (as proof i have said foolish stuff on thes ite as well, im sure admin will agree.)

i ask admin, has hardeepsinghkhalsa been banned on the site?

bhai sahib, though rehatdhari you may be, your not amritdhari, the panth awaits your apology.

is he coming to coventry, you can say sorry there and then?

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Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh

I am very very sorry that message was wtitten as i did not write it. A family member of mine read is the punjab newspaper read that Dhan Baba Thakur singh had joined rss. I respect Baba Takhur singh as he previously stayed ay my friends house in coventry. Dear sadh sangat jee please dont get mad at me because i did not write that. That is nindiya and i dont do that. Please forgive me and i will inform the person who write it.

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