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Glassy Junction Turning Into Dharmik Center?

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Southall is a grave place.

Youth from Punjab with no hope other than drugs (its massive).

The Sabha does nothing to help the youth with their drug problem.

The phrase "social problem" is alien to our faith leaders and / or Gurudwara pradhaans. Its not in their vocabulary. There's no awareness on their part of the issues facing Sikh youth in this country at all. But oh well as long as the sangat's cash is rolling in. Its a country-wide issue too. I've never been to Southall so I don't really know the score in regards to that place, but it sounds like its as bad as everywhere else. Although I'm probably being too harsh. There are most likely a few initiatives here or there - surely?!!?

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The pub was there 100 years before a Gurdwara made the silly decision to open up directly next door to it.

Secondly...in which line of business can a mere tenant pretend he is the freeholder and suddenly decide to change the use of business ? What kind of man wakes up one morning and thinks he is not only the landlord but also the chair of the Ealing borough planning committee and can make instant decisions himself about usage of commercial property ?

Frankly, I'm more concerned about the many sikh landlords in Southall that are leasing their properties to the gambling dens (Ladbrokes and corals). Right now Southall has the unenviable title as the gambling capital of London. There are betting shops springing up all over the gaff. For me, the maha papi would be the landlord of the property at the corner of Havelock Road and King Street.....30 feet from the front entrance of the Gurdwara. Our aunties and uncles have to squeeze past half a dozen Jamaican crack cocaine dealers standing on that corner. I know many elderly people that are so scared of them that they deliberately take the long way round to get to the gurdwara.

I honestly think its wrong to criticise too much the landlord of Glassy Junction. He was there first. He didn't ask for a gurdwara to open on his front door.

We should be criticising the many many amritdhari sikh landlords in southall that think only of the money and never of ethics.......knowingly and willingly letting their properties to be used as brothels and gambling dens.

We had a serious meeting last month regarding the betting shops with the council leaders ,MP Sharma was away as usual t,hey go they are almost forced to grant licences to the betting shops we told thats not good enough ,they go oh if there is any trouble then the trouble maker will be banned from all the bookies, this was not good enough - so now they have launched a consultation due to the pressure we applied http://www.ealinggazette.co.uk/ealing-news/local-ealing-news/2011/07/21/betting-shops-are-blighting-southall-says-councillor-64767-29095520/

On the other hand Amarjit Khambay the THUG should have shame ,hes in the wrong not the Gurdwara or Kala lot ,Amarjit Khambay does not even visit Park Ave yet hes got the nerve to keep his s***ty pub there ,while pubs are closing everywhere this is his trophy - why didn't he chuk Kala out before ,why only when Kala became a Gursikh - this Paapi Khambay will suffer Guru Kirpa

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I honestly think its wrong to criticise too much the landlord of Glassy Junction. He was there first. He didn't ask for a gurdwara to open on his front door.

He's running a place responsible for adding to the darkness of kalyug, the pub could be likened to a brothel and the owner to a pimp- it (and he)promotes vice and accomodates those who love vice.

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We had a serious meeting last month regarding the betting shops with the council leaders ,MP Sharma was away as usual t,hey go they are almost forced to grant licences to the betting shops we told thats not good enough ,they go oh if there is any trouble then the trouble maker will be banned from all the bookies, this was not good enough - so now they have launched a consultation due to the pressure we applied http://www.ealinggaz...64767-29095520/

On the other hand Amarjit Khambay the THUG should have shame ,hes in the wrong not the Gurdwara or Kala lot ,Amarjit Khambay does not even visit Park Ave yet hes got the nerve to keep his s***ty pub there ,while pubs are closing everywhere this is his trophy - why didn't he chuk Kala out before ,why only when Kala became a Gursikh - this Paapi Khambay will suffer Guru Kirpa

who knows may get bindi sohi a proper living being a pub landlord again (minus the dastaar -the bum !) and away from bullying the sangat.

sohi dont go bankrupt again mate -the idea is to make money to feed your wife and kids.

sharma doesnt do anything unless sohi or the johals tell him.

sharma doesnt care about the welfare of southall.

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