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Gravesend Gurdwara Issues For Awareness


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Just received this text...

It's happened again. Gravesend Gurdwara Gyani (the new gurdwara) was about to finish some paath off during Sunday divaan last Sunday and the paati before him smelt something... Alcohol. He confronted the Gyani, who initially denied it but then said he only had one glass. From there the Gyani got his jus desserts and got battered. Unfortunately the commitee still supports him and see no issue with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is an update off what is happening in gravesend at present as there was an IJLAS - open discussion on who is to lead the gurdwara for the next couple of years.

1. DHESI and his crew got knocked down heavily face to facce there were jakars by the sanagt for dehsi not to continue as pardahan

2. It was also clear that shrab and alchol was taken by the paathi -as when it wass questioned by Jalman singh and put on stage - tarsem mahal tried to defend himself by saying what is the difference was there no alchol and meeat being consumed by the people working at the gurdwara -- therefore mahal has taken it to the next level - i.e paath takng alchol and doing paath ..astonishing and no shame

3.DHESI has the CLEAR MEASSAGE as where there is no rehat - then there will be heeavy rejection BY all forces.

4. Seva singh laali tried to back up dhesi and didn't even bring it forward anything about the alchol issue even though he fully well knows it happended.

5. dhesi 's son tanmunjeet singh, the gravesend mayor also stood up to support his pita jee but alas failed - he could actually have made a given a great speech and presented youth views but nope he's lost too as hsi views were for his father - god knows only why he's been elected as mayor , mosst likelydue to the monies they've paid to the gora upfront for such a postion

6. old sodhis are back as mr baksish sodhi the old - nirankari supporter - never comes to the gurdwara but now is seen making speeches- he also has a cunnign plan

to sum it up - a totoal failure - oit was all preplanned what they wanted fortuneately the sanagt rejected - but surely dehsi will try to sort out another deal by presenting others like him in place of himself

conclusion youth generation gap is too big no one around to take concrete steps to take these clowns on face to face-- therfore deterioation of rehat maryada and basic issue remain at Gurdwara of Gravesend the biggest in europe. but full of biggest jatt boot pendooo politics.

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Dear KS55.

Please pen some comedies as I have just stopped laughing days after reading your posts. But you missed out some crucial points which take place at Gravesend;

1. Amrish Puri sits in the office twirling his mustache and laughing Mugambo style

2. Dharmender comes in with a shot gun to shoot paathis sitting on their chairs with whisky bottles in hand

3. Basanti does a dance number

There - because I typed it on this forum it makes it true. And because I'm so proud of my whistle blowing I am proud to display my name.

But I definitely think KS55 should get the whistle blowing trophy. He is definitely worthy for speaking such truths and coming up with excellent excellent solutions to turn around the outrageous Gabar style evil that takes place at the Gravesend Gurdwara - so proud of this evil that the Takht Granthis from India came to endorse this evil organisation.

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What is DHESI full name and what is his job title in the Gurdwara?

Is Tarem Mahal the Gurdwara Sectetary?...isn't he the uncle of Mundil Kaur Mahil the 19 year old girl who is charged with the murder of Gagandeep Singh?

Who is Jalman Singh and what is his job/role in the Gurdwara?

What is Seva Singh Laali's job/role in the Gurdwara?

Who is Baksish Sodhi and what is his role?

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What is DHESI full name and what is his job title in the Gurdwara? Jaspal singh dhesi - pardhan

Is Tarem Mahal the Gurdwara Sectetary?...isn't he the uncle of Mundil Kaur Mahil the 19 year old girl who is charged with the murder of Gagandeep Singh? not sure maybe

Who is Jalman Singh and what is his job/role in the Gurdwara? nothing just a sevak - federation

What is Seva Singh Laali's job/role in the Gurdwara? nothing from a kirtania but likes to be involved in the policy decision making hand in glove with dhesi

Who is Baksish Sodhi and what is his role? not sure comes only on ijlas days - old pardhan so he thinks he knows all about the future of the gurdwara

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Dear KS55.

Please pen some comedies as I have just stopped laughing days after reading your posts. But you missed out some crucial points which take place at Gravesend;

1. Amrish Puri sits in the office twirling his mustache and laughing Mugambo style

2. Dharmender comes in with a shot gun to shoot paathis sitting on their chairs with whisky bottles in hand

3. Basanti does a dance number

There - because I typed it on this forum it makes it true. And because I'm so proud of my whistle blowing I am proud to display my name.

But I definitely think KS55 should get the whistle blowing trophy. He is definitely worthy for speaking such truths and coming up with excellent excellent solutions to turn around the outrageous Gabar style evil that takes place at the Gravesend Gurdwara - so proud of this evil that the Takht Granthis from India came to endorse this evil organisation.

on your point 3 abve BASANTI DOES A DANCE NUMBER - do you know how last year how close the current committee came to show a film called SHOLAY on the MARBLE face of the Gurdwara ? no joke mate true 100% -- the committeee and the council was phoned by likeminded sikhs like us to prevent it from happenning.

secondly the committeee has stashed loads of grants for use of the gurdwara auditorium and lecture theatre which can be used by anyone from the council -- what does this mean for sikhe -- who know which films are going to be shown inside the gurdwara when you already had the above instance such as SHOLAY film nearly been shoed - commiteee idea was to raise money by charging gora and apnas £10 for a film on gurdwara premises - however it was stopped due to alarms by a lot of the sangat.

i don't want trophy "behindthefakeid " jeeeo its the truth as it is - ask anyone in gravesend if need be sir and needs to be exposed

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