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Call To Sangat: Have You Been Effected By These People?


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Oh i didn't know she had been questioned by panthic leaders. She should have just owned up and said she did it. Everybody has to and humiliate themselves. Enough said, i cant understand why they would do for money. This government provides for those that can't work and families. All night i couldn't sleep coz of hearing about this and those people going through th mental hurt. Dimak de peche hilaate.

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General Massage from Gurdwara Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji and the Singh's ,

Just to inform the sangat, a meeting with panj Singh was supposed to take place on sunday 5th February at 2pm to resolved a matter, However after 3-4 hours of disussions, no decisions were made and the meeting has now been postponed till Sunday 12th February 12.30pm at Guru har Rai Sahib Gurdwara .

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In response to the above, a meeting was arranged to discuss the activities of this couple, however, no conclusions were drawn and the attendees were told that there will be another meeting. Fact of the matter is, the couple are just lying more and more to cover their anti-gurmat parchaar that they have been doing and they are just landing themselves in a deeper ditch than where they started. There have already been enough meetings on this matter and all the couple have done is lie again and again. And now they have lied to panj gursikhs at the meeting too, so what exactly will another meeting achieve if they arent even scared of panj singhs...they will just continue their game of lying!

A lot of sangat attended and thanks to all , but I cant see the point of meeting after meeting if these people are just going to continue lying. Their lies were heard for nearly 4 hours and no one else got to speak so its not a very JUST way of sorting the pesticides of the panth out really is it?

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The thing is its difficult for the Panj to come up with decisions, when the cple in question have not admitted anything. Its like when in court, adjourned until later date. If there is not enough evidence and no admittance then how can they punish?

This is kalyug, nowadays those who lie get away with it, and those who tell truth are the ones that suffer.

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Wjkk wjkf simeran Ji if there was a lack of evidence, the issue would not have gone this far, the evidence is overwhelming, with sangat getting in touch from Europe and sending written testimonies and speaking directly with the panj Singh's. The couple claim that all the UK sangat that have spoken up against them have personal issues and are telling lies, but the the European sangat were brought to their attention, they had no answer or justification for it...but still choose to continue of the path of lies and deciet even to the extent of the Singh blaming HIS OWN MOTHER for why the European sangat have banned them from camps and certain gurghars....

The above really speaks for itself...it's just a matter of time before the are publicly exposed and discraced before the entire Sikh panth....

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These people aren't even loyal to their own blood! They bad mouth their own family members then suck up when they got no one else by their side.they turned up with a blood relation who they had nothing good to say about few months back and now that very guy came to stick up for them. Likewise their biggest chela came to assist them as he really probably does believe he is baba deep singh as that's what he's been told by the female. Actually, only two supporters came both of whom she told they were baba deep singh jis soul so that means they came with 'one in two' warrior soul?! Lol!What the hell!that should be enough for the Sangat to see what kind of pakhandis this little cult are.

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well what one say or think. Seems like hearing some new news everyday. God knows what's happened to this world.

Obviously mental issues are going on if the guy thinks he is what he has been told.

How do you know all this @Akaalkaur84?

If they are controlling peoples minds then it is something to worry about i feel. Should be stopped.

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If there's all this overwhelming evidence, how come they came to no decision? What was discussed and what was the defense of the accused? Can I ask, is the evidence ONLY testimonials from people or do you have recordings? E-mails? Videos? Anything other than testimonials? Not saying testimonials are invalid, but they aren't as solid as recordings and so forth. Maybe you can try getting some recordings from the camps where they do wrong parchaar? Or even get some of the commitee members from Gurdwaras they go to, to support this "campaign" if it is justified?

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