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Scandalous From Bbc Asian Network!

Guest KopSingh

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Guest KopSingh

hey guys today i was listening 2 bbc asian network, the discussion was about 'do force converions happen?'. and in the discussion he presenter, nihal (sri lankan buddhist), insinuated that sikhi was a mixture of islam/hinduism/buddhism etc.

so i then txt back sayin the followin "Nihal Sikhi is not a religion made up of other religions (ie - islam/hinduism), thats incredibly offensive and i would appreciate if you dont keep saying that. Also there is blackmail conversions, which a lot of muslims boys do, <removed> (that my real name) from luton"

this txt of mine was then read out later on in the programme, and to my amazement, he laid into me, saying how he is correct and how 'HE KNEW MORE THAN ME ABOUT MY OWN RELIGION!". He also didnt comprehend my txt, coz he said that im denying that sikhi is influenced by hinduism/islam, which i never said, as i just stated that our is NOT a religion thats been mish-mashed from various faiths.

i then rang up bbc asian network afterwards, n spoke to the shows producer n said im not happy with nihal taking my txt n then almost insinuating im some dumb geezer who dont know wat sikhi is, and dont appreciate been made 2 look like a mug. i also said im not a prat who wants 2 make a complaint like a grandad, only 2 let nihal know that i aint no mug.

oh n 2 make things worse, they referred 2 me as "she", tut tut.

here is a link, you can all listen back to the show, my txt is read out at 1hour 7mins, check it out.

http://www.bbc.co.uk...onsole/b01d8nx4 (THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR 7 DAYS!)

wat do u guys think?

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Guest KopSingh

MODS: why did u guys remove my name? i dont mind guys, especially as they say my name in the show. also mods hav u listened back to it, wat did u guys think of the rubbish he replied back with?

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Who was that stupid woman saying it is it is. She then tries to show proof by saying there are references to hindu gods in Sikhi. Yes, there are, but they (the gods) are not exactly being glorified are they, in fact at times the opposite!

Nihal says he is just saying what he has been taught by other so called SIkhs. Well, he is being taught now (by you KopSingh and in fact properly) and doesn't want to take what you are saying on board. What a prick!

Fools. KopSingh, I wouldn't blame you if you went down the studio and gave him a slap.

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Guest KopSingh

Who was that stupid woman saying it is it is. She then tries to show proof by saying there are references to hindu gods in Sikhi. Yes, there are, but they (the gods) are not exactly being glorified are they, in fact at times the opposite!

Nihal says he is just saying what he has been taught by other so called SIkhs. Well, he is being taught now (by you KopSingh and in fact properly) and doesn't want to take what you are saying on board. What a prick!

Fools. KopSingh, I wouldn't blame you if you went down the studio and gave him a slap.

LOL yea i wudnt mind slappin him, after that, but i am a fan of his, but he has mentioned this before i believe, so wen i heard it again, i was like maybe i shud reply back. also my thaiya ji foned me in anger and told me 2 txt/fone him such is the offense he took.

shud we do something else bowt this? wat else can we do?

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Guest KopSingh

KopSingh, at what point in the programme does he refer to Sikhi being a part of Islam/Hinduism and Buddhism? (Prior to when he does this in response to your text)

to be honest, i cant remember , u may have 2 lsiten thru n check yourselves, it was definitely before 30 mins into the show. But if i remember correctly, it was roughly after 20-30mins into the show.

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Guest KopSingh

KopSingh, at what point in the programme does he refer to Sikhi being a part of Islam/Hinduism and Buddhism? (Prior to when he does this in response to your text)

also he he didnt say sikhi is a part of any religion ,jus that it was like a mixture and picked up ideas from other religions. almost like as if our gurus were some infomation scrounging mugs! and stole stuff from other prophets

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Nihal is frothing at the mouth to be accepted into the Establishment, as such he will do, say and believe everything he is told as long as it closely follows the agenda of those who pull the strings in this country. He's a very confused individual and seems to have a hugely inflated opinion of himself.

In a perverse way he probably thinks he's opening Asian minds and creating wonderfully innovative programming by tackling those issues and taboos "nobody is willing to discuss in the Asian community" (ha!). In fact he's selling himself and fellow Asians out to satisfy the frankly sinister agenda of the BBC, aided and abetted by the simpering cohorts in his production team all desperate for any opportunity to advance their own careers. A conscience none of them possess!

The long-term aim is to scare and intimidate Asians into being ashamed of their religions and their cultures, making us a lot more malleable than we would otherwise be, and more able to be swallowed by the indigenous way of life in Britain thus making us less of a threat to this country of ours. Its actually a very covert and sustained form of racism dressed up as debate and self-reflection. Basically its colonialism minus the rape and the butchering of people, but using "friendly" brown turncoats to do the rounding-up and re-education!

Whilst I don't deny that Sikhs and Asians on the whole do have our fair share of problems, to have these issues so shamelessly stripped bare in-front a national audience, devoid of all nuance and sidelining dissenting voices that DON'T follow the BBC script, in favour of quick tabloid-type soundbites to attract listeners, and pored over and commented on by ignorants day after day, month after month and year after year, is absolutely disgraceful.

But hey, as long as the listener ratings go up then no harm done! :angry2:

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I'm pretty sure if a 'neutral non-sikh' was listening to Nihal he would have come away with the thought that Sikhism is a fantastic faith that respects all other religions and is full of all the great things that only make up small parts of the other faith.

Once again, Kop Singh, we've taken a bit of a positive, got all hot under the collar, and turned it into a negative in non-sikh eyes. The Jay leno affair wasn't a one-off. We seem to have a habit of doing it.

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