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2012 - A Message Of Hope.

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HAHAHA ^ those quotes above can be find nowhere except on sikhism sites !

I doubt whether those great minds ever said anything positive about sikhism ( hell , did bertrand russel even knew about sikhism ? lolz) when they criticized other faiths !

What is there to laugh about? Keep your stupid doubts to your small self.

Negativity is your second nature, so how could hear anything positive about Sikhism.

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HAHAHA ^ those quotes above can be find nowhere except on sikhism sites !

I doubt whether those great minds ever said anything positive about sikhism ( hell , did bertrand russel even knew about sikhism ? lolz) when they criticized other faiths !

Although I agree there aren't any sources for those quotes, I don't understand why we would even need quotes from them..picture them next to Sant Jarnail Singh and Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh, they can't even compare to their great minds!

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Although I agree there aren't any sources for those quotes, I don't understand why we would even need quotes from them..picture them next to Sant Jarnail Singh and Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh, they can't even compare to their great minds!

That's why the thread-starter posted those quotes. We know about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, but Dave Smiley down the road would see a militant with a turban and beard when looking at Sant Ji. Dave would dismiss Sant Jarnail Singh without even wishing to learn what he had to say. If he see's intellectual heavyweights (and let's be honest, white people with no affiliation to the Sikh faith) being favourable to the Sikh religion and it's doctrines then he's more likely to sit up and take notice.

Let's be clear: We don't need the white man to approve our doctrines and our ways. But some of our people, especially the generation I belong to and those younger than myself have a tendency to place a lot of stock in what learned white people say. Maybe it's an inferiority issue?

I and many others are mature enough not to equate the message (whatever it may be) with somebody's outward appearance. But most people are not and they occasionally need something to be shown to them in a language and form they will understand and respect.

It works both ways. If we are more likely to listen to one of our own when it comes to matters of faith and life itself, then the average white person is also going to take heed of what his own is saying.

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That's why the thread-starter posted those quotes. We know about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji, but Dave Smiley down the road would see a militant with a turban and beard when looking at Sant Ji. Dave would dismiss Sant Jarnail Singh without even wishing to learn what he had to say. If he see's intellectual heavyweights (and let's be honest, white people with no affiliation to the Sikh faith) being favourable to the Sikh religion and it's doctrines then he's more likely to sit up and take notice.

Let's be clear: We don't need the white man to approve our doctrines and our ways. But some of our people, especially the generation I belong to and those younger than myself have a tendency to place a lot of stock in what learned white people say. Maybe it's an inferiority issue?

I and many others are mature enough not to equate the message (whatever it may be) with somebody's outward appearance. But most people are not and they occasionally need something to be shown to them in a language and form they will understand and respect.

It works both ways. If we are more likely to listen to one of our own when it comes to matters of faith and life itself, then the average white person is also going to take heed of what his own is saying.

Not Necessarily- I've spoken to many white people and most if not all are floored by what we (Me and God) teach. You can take a huge white trucker guy and pierce his heart with the Truth, for God sits in each heart- look how Guru Nanak Ji pierced the Hirda of Sajjan Thug, a serial killer- He stirred the hearts of hardcore Hindus and Muslims with the Truth.

A white person, no matter how cultured- is God in another image- the Truth(God- as God's name is Sat as described in Mool Mantar) is in his heart, it just needs a little stirring again. When the Truth is taught, it sticks- no matter how much the other persons reaction may make us think it hasn't.

We are all One, even the murderer and the devil and our greatest slanderers act according to His Hukam- according to Truth- for they Are him they've just got to realise it... We are the light and the dark, the unconditional love that we have for even our greatest slanderers is the same love that God has for All.

This is Nirboah and Nirvair- a fearlessness to accept that All is him, no matter how much he beats us and has us slandered(hukam), and Nirvair- being All loving, regardless of his different images(whether dark or light).

The fact is that we DO judge according to image, for the entire creation is God, but we see it to be different- we lack respect and humility to accept hukam, to accept the game that he plays around us as Perfect and as deserved according to our deeds, and to teach all without judgement regardless of the false images of race, culture, gender and overall false identity.

We should love the devil and the angel, the murderer and the saint, for all is Him/ Hukam- all are at different levels of self discovery, playing their part in the khel as He wills it. Who are we to judge when it's Him that pulls the strings- He Always knows Best.

We are asked to accept the Hukam of his command in Gurbani, this is it- All is Hukam- All is Truth/ Him. Hukam/Him/Truth is our Keeper.

When we fully believe this within ourselves, teaching the Truth to our beloved in different forms can become so heartfelt. Fearlessness ensues, and we see the cultured and perhaps racist white man as our brother, as God and ourself in another image, who is at a deserved level of self discovery- we teach him openly without hesitation or reluctance due to ego and the illusion of segregation- no matter how sourly he may react.

We never commit a lie to others, not even a white lie and we don't lie to ourselves(a huge psychological problem people have in maya). We may face death, but we never forsake Truth- We Glorify it as our Gurus and Brahmgyanis(asians and non asians alike) before us did.

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Not Necessarily- I've spoken to many white people who are floored by what we (Me and God) teach. You can take a huge white trucker guy and pierce his heart with the Truth, for God sits in each heart- look how Guru Nanak Ji pierced the Hirda of Sajjan Thug, a serial killer- He stirred the hearts of hardcore Hindus and Muslims with the Truth.

A white person, no matter how cultured- is God in another image- the Truth(God- as God's name is Sat as described in Mool Mantar) is in his heart, it just needs a little stirring again.

We are all One, even the murderer and the devil and our greatest slanderers act according to His Hukam- according to Truth- for they Are him they've just got to realise it... We are the light and the dark, the unconditional love that we have for even our greatest slanderers is the same love that God has for All.

This is Nirboah and Nirvair- a fearlessness to accept that All is him, no matter how much he beats us and has us slandered(hukam), and Nirvair- being All loving, regardless of his different images(whether dark or light).

The fact is that we DO judge according to image, for the entire creation is God, but we see it to be different- we lack respect and humility to accept hukam, to accept the game that he plays around us as Perfect and as deserved according to our deeds, and to teach all without judgement regardless of the false images of race, culture, gender and overall false identity.

We should love the devil and the angel, the murderer and the saint, for all is Him/ Hukam- all are at different levels of self discovery, playing their part in the khel as He wills it. Who are we to judge when it's Him that pulls the strings- He Always knows Best.

We are asked to accept the Hukam of his command in Gurbani, this is it- All is Hukam- All is Truth/ Him. Hukam/Him/Truth is our Keeper.

When we fully believe this within ourselves, teaching the Truth to our beloved in different forms can become so heartfelt. Fearlessness ensues, and we see the cultured and perhaps racist white man as our brother, as God and ourself in another image, who is at a deserved level of self discovery- we teach him openly without hesitation or reluctance due to ego and the illusion of segregation- no matter how sourly he may react.

We never committ a lie to others, not even a white lie and we don't lie to ourselves(a huge psychological problem people have in maya). We may face death, but we never forsake Truth- We Glorify it as our Gurus and Brahmgyanis(asians and non asians alike) before us did.

Good post. I guess it all depends on the receptiveness and intelligence of the receiver of the message, as well as his or her desire to genuinely want to learn something regardless of the form in which it appears.

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Good post. I guess it all depends on the receptiveness and intelligence of the receiver of the message, as well as his or her desire to genuinely want to learn something regardless of the form in which it appears.

Truth is beyond logic, logic/mind is what blinds us to the Truth. The mere presence of one who resonates the Frequency of Truth/ of God (through Truth Practice as the Gurus and Bhagats did) is enough to stir a heart(overriding the false of the mind- the heart is beyond logic- practicing God's heart/the Truth- we break all barriers of the mind and are beyond limitation/ illusion)- for God works and resonates through his servants.

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