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The Final Solution To Casteism In Punjab, Eventually India.


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Well I remember talking to my chachaji a while back about his meeting with the Singh who wrote the book Gandhi : Behind the Mask of Divinity (US army Colonel G.B. Singh). What G.B. Singh told was he came from a family that was very much a Brahmanistic thought. If i'm not mistaken (don't quote me on this) part of his family was Sikh and part was Hindu Brahman and he used to follow Gandhi. To cut a long story short, he understands the caste system structure and he sees how it's still a very powerful tool that makes India 'go'.

His claim to bring the Sikh population up again is to do what Sikhs have been doing in the past, to empower and help the needy. In today's terms, just like in history, it's the lowest castes. The Gurus abolished casteism and even fought with the pahari rajas because they Hindu hill rajas felt they needed to enforce casteism. Despite the caste system being formally and practically abolished along with the implementation of complete gender equality by the Guru Sahiban, today we see this backward tradition crept back into the psyche of the Sikhs of surprisingly not only Punjab, but even in Sikhs living abroad.

How can we help bring an end to casteism? Help empower the lower castes (Dalits and other lowe casts) in Punjab by giving them necessary supplies which include: food, medicine, educational support and establish places where people can come and listen to REAL Sikh parchar if they want to (parchar of Sach).

The SGPC is corrupted in laalach and no one in Punjab really cares to an extent to organize something like this and those that do care aren't in positions where they can empower themselves to bring such a movement. G.B. Singh said if he did this he knows he would be banned from India and sent back to the USA.

The reason why this isn't happening is because groups are trying to cause further division and fighting among Sikhs so we can't come to a consensus as one Khalsa Panth and move forward. I was watching a interview by Giani Pinderpal Singh ji and he said the main problem is not that Sikhi is gone in Punjab, but because Sikhs in Punjab don't have a direction and if given one they will take it. He also says that some people only tie white dastar, some only neeli, some only kesri but each flower has it's own traits and we should appreciate it. My interpretation is that we shouldn't become so hard lined in which school of thought we prescribe to when it divides us as a Khalsa Panth.

The main problem isn't money, the main problem isn't being able to devote time, the main problem isn't a lack of sewadars and the main problem isn't with the average Sikh. The problem is that we see too many differences and have too much ego to come together and tackle this issue.

How do we come together as one Panth and accomplish this task of helping the down trodden people of Punjab. What i think we'll find is, if we can manage to accomplish this task, it will solve many problems that we currently face

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The problem as I see it is trust. Who can a Sikh trust even amongst fellow Sikhs when history has shown us that we have a habit of stabbing each other in the back. Without wishing to flog a dead horse, even our Guru Sahibs had to contend with treacherous siblings!

The way I see it is that people don't want to be rabble-roused or worked up into a frenzy. They just want things done in the least problematic way possible. If those who are suffering see good Sikhs doing good, selfless work for the benefit of fellow Sikhs in poor communities they will find something of worth in Sikhi. We can preach until we're blue in the face, but until basic needs for human survival and (subjectively) honourable living are met then all proselytizing will go over the heads of those who are suffering the injustices of an unjust world.

Although not sure I'd call it 'The Final Solution'... :blush2:

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The problem as I see it is trust. Who can a Sikh trust even amongst fellow Sikhs when history has shown us that we have a habit of stabbing each other in the back. Without wishing to flog a dead horse, even our Guru Sahibs had to contend with treacherous siblings!

The way I see it is that people don't want to be rabble-roused or worked up into a frenzy. They just want things done in the least problematic way possible. If those who are suffering see good Sikhs doing good work for the benefit of poor communities they will find something of worth in Sikhi. We can preach until we're blue in the face, but until basic needs for human survival and (subjectively) honourable living are met then all proselytizing will go over the heads of those who are suffering the injustices of an unjust world.

Very true. This mentality has pacified us as a whole that we don't even trust our fellow Sikhs, even if the individual is Amritdhari.

Trust is a big thing and we should trust each other. A big problem in Punjabi mindset is either we don't trust someone at all or we give them our social security numbers or bank account numbers. There is no middle ground. We have either forgotten how to trust without being taken advantage of our being put out there where you can get slapped.

We should trust each other as Sikhs completely until we find for specific reasons why not to otherwise. The more open we are and disciplined, the more we can weed out those who wish Sikhs ill.

Another problem I see is groups that are doing sewa, which is why i mentioned their names in the tags section of the title. United Sikhs, Sikh Coalition, Sikhs For Justice, Sikh Prison Welfare Organization, Khalsa Aid and many other SIkh organizations are all doing the same great work and there is absolutely nothing negative at all about what they are doing. We're indebted to their sewa/organization, but a constructive critique I would give is to work together and use each others networking to make a powerhouse so the Panth can focus their energy into a more focused direction.

Without a collective focus and direction accomplishing this task would be very hard.

edit- Uh-oh, this title's so misleading. lol

I thought it'd be catchy so people would view it haha.

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Seriously, the issue as discussed in this thread is completely central to the long-term success of Sikhi. Although I do wonder if we've passed the point of no return regarding these kind of problems. To put it bluntly if we'd followed Sikhi as established by Guru Sahibs then this caste issue wouldn't even be a passing thought. But anyway that's a moot point that's been discussed many times before.

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