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I would really like to know if anyone else feels this about gursikhs

Guest gupt

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Gurfateh to all.

I am sorry if this comes across as negative, but I would really like to know if there are others that feel the same.

Firstly, I myself am a bana wearing, rehat following amritdhari so I don't have any negative intentions behind this topic.

I just feel these days that gursikhs are extremely into showing off and using Sikhi as a way to feel better about themselves and show off. When I say using Sikhi I mean things like keertan, rehat, bana, seva etc. I come across individuals who on the surface are doing everything right yet when you speak to them you say very few gurmat values, such as true love and humility. Instead I see lots of ego, lots of showing off, lots of harshness. Mostly they seem to be just like anyone else except that they take part in Sikh activities rather than other activities. What shocks me most is when I see the very same people are the ones praised the most within sangat and even by elder gursikhs and given the most responsibilities.

It would appear that judging someone's chardikala is almost like ticking off a checklist, if someone wears bana, reads x bania, does bibek, talks really chardikala that they are some amazing gurmukh. Reality check guys, these are the minute entry level aspects of Gursikhi - people might be doing this on the outside but it doesn't mean that they have achieved anything inside. You can so tell when you see so many of these that it is all an act of ego.

When I see this, I think to myself no wonder we are so far behind as a panth. I know some very very humble, gursikhs who have immense kamaayee as well as great rehat, much more than these so called 'panthic singhs', yet these are the ones totally overlooked by sangat.

Why is it that we only look at outer qualities and immediately assume that such people are amazing gurmukhs and that they should be pushed to the front for parchar? I have no doubt in saying that in actual fact that there are quite a few gursikhs out there who are much more unassuming when it comes to how chardikala they seem (of course they do follow guru sahib's basic rehit), and have much more true gursikhi in them. True gursikhi - love for all, love for akaal purakh, humility, not wanting to show off. The irony is that because real gursikhs have these qualities, they are overshadowed by the loud attention seeking posers.

Does anyone else feel this is the direction we are going in? Or am I going crazy? How can we resolve this?

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Guest First poster gupt

Bhai Mehtab Singh Ji, I am thankful someone else relates lol! The only thing out of this i can possibly even try to make sense of is that the elder gursikhs act how they do with these people as their own way of encouraging them to go forward in Sikhi, I try to avoid looking to much into what the elder gursikhs do - the only problem is that i think this causes others in sangat to see those people as more chardikala than they are just because they hang out with elders. This is not the elders' fault, its others in sangat thinking they can interpret what the elders do.

Apart from this point, everything else in my post baffles and disappoints me to no end haha.

Others please share your own experiences and thoughts.

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Welcome to the reality of life....it hits you like like a fly on a pile of <banned word filter activated>.......this is the way the world works. It's all perception and how you play the game. That being said the persons in question may just not like you hence show attitude or maybe vice versa or maybe they are actually just playing the game. Or maybe they just possess the qualities to lead and you don't? Not everybody has that quality

You can waste your time looking and comparing or just get on with it......there always have been and always be such people (but maybe its just your perspective? Maybe you are feeling like nobody has recognized you. Look deeper within yourself.

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Guest saroop

you have put it much better than me. i have been trying to explain this to freinds and family. its nice to know somebodyelse feels the same. we need to get our ego out of our panth. " vaheguroo gur mantar hai jap houmai khoi"

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I totally agree with youm just like Mehtabji does.

This is what I feel at all times in the sangat of fellow sikhs.

There is too much surface and bana sikhi for outward display.

Personally, the best and most gurmat person that I know in hs behaviour and conduct is actually a mona sikh.

This personal friend may be mona, but his attitude and knowledge is well above most dressed up gursikhs.

In my opinion, this friend of mine is a 'Sikh of the Highest Order' even though he doesn't have the 5K's.

If anyone spoke to him or listened to him without seeing him, they would NEVER guess he was mona.

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Maybe Waheguru is saving the real deal Gurmukhs by intentionally keeping them out of the limelight... And saving them from developing ego?

Real Gurmukhs are never in the limelight and they don't possess ego

There is a huge difference between gurmukh and gursikh.

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Just an example...2-3 I think on sunday eve I saw one girl with dastar walking on side of road...without thinking I just went to her n said.....hey can u tie one on my head on this baisakhi.....n u know what she replied I am very busy I can't.... :p

I was really broken...... What kind of sikhs are these.... Who cant support others following a of their own religion

N the surprising thing for me was when I reached home my cousin bro said did u went to a girl who stays there on bla bla area....who wears dastar...I said yeah ...I asked him how u know her..he said she is my friend I asked friend or gf n he said...whatever u wish to.... Dasso... These r gursikhs. ....shame on them...

U all know y I m there on this forum n y I post alot coz the ******** I don't have any1 to explain me all the rehet we have...

No one to encourage ne for following rehet in proper way....no one to shout on me when I do mistakes as per rehet

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OP ji bang on , you have hit the nail on the head, I like many have felt this pain !! not for myself, i am no where near the mark, but there are many enlightened soul who keep quite, but i think they are truly following hukam until the time is right.

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