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bjp modi insults sikhs

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Sikhs lash out at Modi's comments on PM

By: Pravin Patel

October 8, 2004


Addressing a public gathering at Dharampur in Gujarat’s Valsad district, chief minister Narendra Modi passed derogative remarks against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the Sikh community.

On October 5, Modi was addressing a public rally for BJP candidate Babarbhaiu Bhoyya.

He said, “Recently, I met the prime minister for passing various projects. After looking at the files, Singh commenting on one of the projects saying that it was very good and that he was planning to implement it across India. I was surprised to hear this.

"How can a Congress prime minister appreciate a BJP chief minister and then I realised that it must be midnight. But it was 2 pm. I realised that’s why he was appreciating me.”

Mid Day spoke to few prominent Sikhs in the city and they have expressed their anguish over Modi’s remarks.

Charan Singh Sapra (Youth Congress President)

Modi has very cheap thoughts. It is not right on his part to say such things against Sikhs and the PM. If he utters a single word against Sikhs, we will protest. Wherever Modi goes, we will follow him with swords. We will burn his effigy.

Uttam Singh (singer)

He has no right to insult the Sikh community in such a way. The Sikh community was born to protect the Hindus. Sikhs are protecting the Hindus and they will continue doing this.

Amarjeet Singh Zhendwal (Mumbai Fire brigade chief)

I have earlier heard Modi’s comments on Sikhs. I don’t take it to heart. One cannot live by hearing such statements.

Manjeet Singh Sethi (Fight for Rights of Hotel and Restaurant Association’s president)

Modi has insulted our prime minister and the Sikh community. It is very cheap on the part of the chief minister to make such statements.

Amarjeet Singh Sapra (Former police commissioner)

Modi shouldn’t have said this. I don’t care for such statements and others will ignore them.

Sardar Tara Singh (BJP candidate Mulund)

I am not in the mood to give any statement. I am busy with the polls at present. I will give my reactions only after the elections.

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Now this shows the real face of BJP......this should be eye-opener to those lot of Sikhs who vote for BJP simply bcoz they are anti-congress......BJP is Mithi Churi......if cong stabbed us openly.....we atleast fought back bravely....BJP is sweet poison and killing Sikhs slowly......

I think we should spread this news as much as possible....so that Sikhs know the real face of BJP-SAD ......

Start a petition asking for an open apology from Modi....let's see what happens....pressurise BJP and SAD.....This man killed thousands of Muslims in Gujarat

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