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Hyde Park Rally In June


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Some support sikh channel (gurnam5), others like jagtarsinghkhalsa support their organisations and jasb not sure, but some like myself are ordinary sikhs who dont want to score points for any particular organisation.

So what the problem is between these organisations most of us dont really care anymore, someone posts about an event taking place and is being questioned about did it make us proud or ashamed and another is now saying make your minds up one or two events, what the hell, i am not in any of these organisation neither do i intend to be, so do as you please children.

When an ordinary sikh like Gurbaksh singh ji comes out of the blue and make a difference it proves that some of these groups that are allegedly leading the way are clearly not and are a waste of time !!

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Some support sikh channel (gurnam5), others like jagtarsinghkhalsa support their organisations and jasb not sure, but some like myself are ordinary sikhs who dont want to score points for any particular organisation.

So what the problem is between these organisations most of us dont really care anymore, someone posts about an event taking place and is being questioned about did it make us proud or ashamed and another is now saying make your minds up one or two events, what the hell, i am not in any of these organisation neither do i intend to be, so do as you please children.

When an ordinary sikh like Gurbaksh singh ji comes out of the blue and make a difference it proves that some of these groups that are allegedly leading the way are clearly not and are a waste of time !!

This thread is about the Sunday 8 June 2014 event and the widespread support that is being galvanised.

Sat introduced the 31 December event into the thread rater than start a separate thread.

The point is should any Tom, <banned word filter activated> or Harry who totally disrespects the Sikh identity, has no track record and has been silent for 29 years be allowed to lead on organising the historic 30th anniversary June event and totally disregard UK Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations that have been organising and supporting the event since 1984.

Everyone agreed there should be one event led by the Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO) supported by Gurdwaras. The event on 31 December was organised by the rival group who claim to represent the PANTH and are telling the mainstream media this is the case. It is therefore crucial we expose the group when it claims to represent the PANTH, but cannot even muster 50 people in support. On the negative side the rival group is causing confusion, on the positive side it is uniting Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations that believe the rival group is the work of operatives of the Indian authorities.

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JATHA SHAHEEDAN UK confirm and pledge their support to the FSO for the 8th June 2014 Remembrance March and Freedom Rally in Central London..

So far over 120 UK Gurdwaras & organisations are united under 1 Nishan Sahib for the 1984 Remembrance events to show solidarity and true Panthic unity #NeverForget84

The number is expected to exceed 200 UK Gurdwaras and organisations. To pledge your support please email fso@live.co.uk

1 January 2014 - JATHA SHAHEEDAN UK

For further information contact Akaal Roop Singh via http://www.jathashaheedan.com/contact.php


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I innocently mentioned about another event taking place and it was not do divide or divert attention away from any other event,

I pray Guru ji will give us more sense in future, i will attend the remembrance march in june and i will continue to support other such events, i am an amritdhari and i will also continue to stand with my non amritdhari / moneh veer too, who sometimes show more respect for sikhi than us . you are clearly referring to moneh / non amritdhari sikh brothers and sisters, with you comments below (which will only divide us)!! anyone can change i too was a mona previously but try to help my veers to come into sikh.

And was not all the marching rallying and tv channels etc to bring awareness to the people which is what has happened hence now more people are trying to do something positive , i thank you for bringing your thoughts to mine and everyone else's attention .

This thread is about the Sunday 8 June 2014 event and the widespread support that is being galvanised.

Sat introduced the 31 December event into the thread rater than start a separate thread.

The point is should any Tom, <banned word filter activated> or Harry who totally disrespects the Sikh identity, has no track record and has been silent for 29 years be allowed to lead on organising the historic 30th anniversary June event and totally disregard UK Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations that have been organising and supporting the event since 1984.

Everyone agreed there should be one event led by the Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO) supported by Gurdwaras. The event on 31 December was organised by the rival group who claim to represent the PANTH and are telling the mainstream media this is the case. It is therefore crucial we expose the group when it claims to represent the PANTH, but cannot even muster 50 people in support. On the negative side the rival group is causing confusion, on the positive side it is uniting Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations that believe the rival group is the work of operatives of the Indian authorities.

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Sat - Apologies if I have offended and your post relating to another event was innocent.

I have written nothing offensive to you, please reciprocate this behavour. Simply pointed out a separate thread would have been better and this discussion deflects fom 8 June 2014 event.

Comments about those disrespecting Sikh identity is aimed at one or two that have been active on social media, TVi.e Bhajan Singh. I find most moneh are very respectful to the Sikh identity.

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Some support sikh channel (gurnam5), others like jagtarsinghkhalsa support their organisations and jasb not sure, but some like myself are ordinary sikhs who dont want to score points for any particular organisation.

So what the problem is between these organisations most of us dont really care anymore, someone posts about an event taking place and is being questioned about did it make us proud or ashamed and another is now saying make your minds up one or two events, what the hell, i am not in any of these organisation neither do i intend to be, so do as you please children.

When an ordinary sikh like Gurbaksh singh ji comes out of the blue and make a difference it proves that some of these groups that are allegedly leading the way are clearly not and are a waste of time !!


Calm down.

Let me start by confirming that I have no personal connection to any of the groups, channels, or organisations being mentioned. My only possible connection could be that all I am very openly KHALISTANI loud and proud and as such I will support my brothers and sisters that do not actively seek to divide and weaken our freedom movement.

Now, coming to the possibility that a rival event may be introduced in June 2014 to divide and weaken the Hyde Park march. It doesn't take an einstein to work out the kind of damage that would do to my cause, which is equivalent to the cause of millions of my Sikh brothers and sisters across the globe, that is for you, and the benefit of the doubt; FREEDOM from terrorist brahmanistani (Indian) rule. Our kaum is already divided enough, do we really need to divide up our freedom rallies too? Speaking to you as your brother, can I ask you to at the very least respectfully consider the implications of organising a rival event in June?

As I have already stated, I have no personal connection with any of these groups, forget even know who they are, but to take an ardas in front of SSGGSJM to support one UNITED remembrance & freedom rally and then to almost immediately (just a week later) break that ardas . Throw your toys out of the pram. Say you don't care, you're going to press full steam ahead. To me that is unforgivable. Your post says that you didn't know any of this, well you know now. The conference was held at GNG Smethwick and the videos are up on youtube. You talk about acting like children. You tell me, do adults or children break their ardas?

My post (#80) did indeed ask you to make up your mind whether you want one UNITED remembrance & freedom rally, or two, three, four, however many you like, because it clearly appeared and still does that you were promoting the cause of DIVISION by advertising this 31 Dec event in this thread. Now, since I don't know you, that is either innocently ignorant of the whole thread up to this point, although still irresponsible, or plain devious.

You have pleaded innocence, but not without wholesale verbally abusing valued organisations and individual sewadaars of the kaum who have kept the freedom movement burning and alive for over 30 years, and, in the face of brutal Indian dominance, still refuse to give up. Now that's true Khalsa spirit.

Why d' you post arrogant, cheap, snide diatribes with comments like "what the hell", "do as you please children", "you want to grow up and get off your high horse", "so called sikhs"...???

For all your big talk of being an "amritdhari" you haven't conquered your own krodh. It seems like a habit for you as you have been arguing and bickering in other threads too. You tell others to get off their high horse. From your style of language and tone, you need to take your own advice. I say it to you plain and clear brother, you come across write unpleasant like you've got a serious attitude problem and a very heavy chip on your shoulder. Now that's your problem to sort out, not mine.

But I tell you what bro, I don't appreciate you calling me a kid. That too when I have said nothing to offend you, and only spoken to you as my brother with pyaar.


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Thank you to the mod veers for removing jashb's rude post, and i have edited my posts in the interest of ekta as requested by uklondonsikh veer. personal verbal attacks are a weakness of intellect and dialogue and only show the person making such attacks has reached their limit and lost the debate. :biggrin2:

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