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Why the armed struggle is not the solution


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Looking back at history and looking at the modern world, I have come to the conclusion that the armed stuggle to establish / liberate Khalistan failed and will continue to fail because:

1) The Sikh seperatists adhere to the faith and rules of warfare (targetting only the Indian terror machine - army, police, combatants only, murderers of Sikhs).

2) The ability to camouflage or go undercover is very important in any conflict. In previous conflicts (pre-1947) Sikhs historically could mix with local populas who dressed relatively the same, looked the same in the region of the Indian subcontinent. The lines of dress code between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus werent too different from each other. But in modern warfare Sikhs are like walking targets, highly visible and standing out from the crowd in the current conflict area.

3) The accuirement of heavy and powerful arms. Lets put it this way:

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do." - Samuel P. Huntington

The only solution is for a peaceful Khalistan movement, sure defend against state terror by taking up arms but never take an aggressive stance because if we wanted a fast and easy victory we as global community could have used maximum force grab a n-bomb, kill, etc without conscience or care. We would then cease being Sikhs thus no point in a Khalistan, or Soveriegn Sikh State. Just like Tibetan Buddhists if they take up arms and start to engage with China in the way China has engaged with them in their land. The Tibetans would cease being Buddhis

ts and become trapped in the life of conflict without spiritual escape.

As we see in Iraq and India these mass terror tactics are usually adopted by various non-spiritual people - atheists, govt armies and paramilitaries, and Islamists /Jihadis.

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2) The ability to camouflage or go undercover is very important in any conflict. In previous conflicts (pre-1947) Sikhs historically could mix with local populas who dressed relatively the same, looked the same in the region of the Indian subcontinent. The lines of dress code between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus werent too different from each other. But in modern warfare Sikhs are like walking targets, highly visible and standing out from the crowd in the current conflict area.

I have to agree with Gabroo. In the previous wars, Punjab was heavily forested. Now Punjab has no more forests/jungles. Environmental disaster.

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good points

also the mand area near the beas, where militants used to hide has been destroyed too. when it used to flood, it used to provide good area to hide but not longer as the government destroyed it effectively under kps gill's night time control policy.

an armed struggle now wont work on a mass scale, it may do in the future if things change on a worldwide political level

targetting individuals such as kps gill sajjan kumar etc that is a different matter

that i think will not upset as many people, and many would agree with it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Victory is not always won by weapons. The 10th Nanak's Victory over Auranzeb was not thru battles, but was thru the Zafarnama. It was the Words, the Shabad that was the final choise of weapon. Battles were lost and won using swords......., but thru the weapon of words Victory was assured.

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^_^ Yes Pheena ^_^

But you must agree that, that goes with the sant saphi idea. So with shahbad your a saint and with weapons your a soldier fighting against tyranny. Im all for finding the solution to Khalistan through shahbad in accordance with Guru jis teaching however all these things have been tried and thats why Khalsa had to pick up the gun.

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whats the current sikh population in panjab right now?

if they continue moving from india to the west whats gonna be left? the whole of the douahb region is emptieing of sikhs and filled with biharis immigrant gujjars. Thats one out of 3 regions of punjab. last time i went amritsar it was dead i didnt even see dastara locally except for the 20 odd sevedars, chal maybe it was my rotten luck i dunno, but i gotto say ludhiana and delhi rock with singhs pagha hee pagha.

loadsa hoshiarpur sikhs are chipping out to the west too. so how we gonna get khalistan when the numbers go down?

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^_^ Yes Pheena ^_^

But you must agree that, that goes with the sant saphi idea. So with shahbad your a saint and with weapons your a soldier fighting against tyranny. Im all for finding the solution to Khalistan through shahbad in accordance with Guru jis teaching however all these things have been tried and thats why Khalsa had to pick up the gun.

Many things have been acheived thru Peace...the Million Man March of the African Americans was a turning point in the giving equal rights to the African Americans. They suffered thru the hands of the White Americans as did the Sikhs suffered in the 80s thru the hands of the Indian Government. The Black Panther Party was created as a defensive measure. As is the Sword of the Khalsa.

The problem with the Sikhs is that there are no (presently) Real Leaders equivilent to Martin Luther King or Malcom X to preach the world of the problems and the hardship we are and have endured. We do much for building Gurudwara but little to push forwards our concerns regardin

g Social attrocities comitted against us. That is not the fault of the Indian Government or the RSS or any Kala Afghan but of "US" and US Alone.

The Truth is that We have no real Leader to speak the voice of our needs and issues....so it seems that weapons has become our only choice. We simply lack the ability to Voice our Concerns, but The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Is that justfication enought to pick up a sword and forget about the pen?? Perhaps!!!?!!!.

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