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Beadbi – Guru Granth Sahib Ji Taken To Nightclub Bar In Malaysia


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In a shocking and shameful incident, Saroop of Guru Granth Sahib Ji taken to do Parkash and Kirtan at a Bollywood Night Club Bar in Malaysia.

The incident took place on 5th January at Moshi Moshi Nightclub. which promises a ‘brand new clubbing’ and the ‘craziest Bollywood’ experiences.

The spark that ignited the issue was the act of bringing the SGGS into the pub premises on the pretext of holding prayers on that Sunday evening.


The night club owners had issued an apology for their actions on the same night, with a statement posted on one of the Facebook pages promoting the premises.

In a impromptu meeting that same night, Sarabjit Singh Rangila Durgwale, the kirtani involved, had also apologised for what he termed as an error of judgment on his part, according to people who were present personally.

When the word starting making its way via social media around 7pm, a group of young Sikh men had gone to the night club.

According to eye-witnesses available at the place of incident, he said that “When we reached there, the prayer programme was about to complete, We waited for the semaphti and then took Guru maharaaj [sGGS] to Titiwangsa.”

The SGGS saroop was brought to the premises from Gurdwara Sahib Titiwangsa, a gurdwara in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

Some of the boys were quite upset, angry. We managed to calm them down. We told them to send five people to speak to Rangila,” said Baldave Singh Leo, an entrepreneur and a renown local kirtani, who happened to be at the Tatt Khalsa programme.

A meeting was held today at 2pm attended by sikh organization, namely SNSM, MGC, Niketan,SGGS Academy and committee members from titiwangsa gurd. After lengthy deliberation the meeting decided unanimously that it is best for the Panj Piaray to summon the relevant persons to appear at Gurd Sahib Titiwangsa at 8.00pm tonight(5th January 2015) to hear the case and decide accordingly.

5 Piaray representing the above organization hereby summoned the following persons to come before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Panj Piaray

A) Sukhwinder singh Bedi (owner of the pub)

B) Sarabjit singh rangila and jatha (Kirtani jatha that performed at the pub)

C) Shamandeep singh and jatha
(Kirtani jatha that performed at the pub)

D) Shankar singh (sewadar from titiwangsa gurd that served as giani ji in the function at the pub)

Malaysia-beadbi-330x220.jpg?resize=330%2According to Sikh Channel, Panj Pyarey later made the decision in the presence of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Sadh Sangat on the 5th January 2015 at Gurdwara Sahib, Titiwangsa. The Panj Pyarey have unanimously agreed that all persons summoned are guilty of their act and are punishable. These are the thankah (punishment):

1. Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Bedi
– One Akhand Paath at GS Titiwangsa
– 4 hours of total listening to Baani during the Akhand Paath.
– Mool Mantar 108 a day for 40 days.
– 7days Jorey(shoes) Di Sewa out of the 40 days
– Ardass & Degh after the 40days.

2. Bhai Sarabjit Singh Rangila & Jatha
– One Sukhmani Sahib per day each of them, for 40days.
– Jorey(shoes) Di sewa for 11days out of the 40days
– Ardass & Degh after the 40days.

3. Bhai Shamandeep Singh & Jatha
– Three Japji Sahib Paath per day, each of them, besides their Nitnem for 40 days

- Paandey(Utensils) Di sewa for 11days, out of the 40 days
– Ardass & Degh after 40 days

4. Giani Shankar Singh
– Three Japji Sahib per day for 40days, besides his Nitnem
– Charu(Sweeping) Di sewa at the Gurdwara compound for 40days
– Ardass & Degh after 40 days
5. Gurdwara Committee
– Akhand Paath to be organized by the committee members at Gurdwara Sahib Titiwangsa with their own maya(money) from Daswandh
– Sewa during the Akhand Paath

The Panj Pyarey has reminded that this act should not be repeated ever again. This is the decision by the Panj Pyarey. The Sangat is requested to abide by the decision.

The Panj Pyarey has requested to set up a Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Satkaar Committee to draw up guidelines & framework on Satkar of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Originally sourced from: http://singhstation.net/2015/01/ultimate-beadbi-guru-granth-sahib-ji-taken-nightclub-bar-malaysia/

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Makes me wonder if the punishments would have been stricter in Puratan times.

In puratan times they did not have nightclub bars.

Live in the present. The point to be appreciated is the swift action taken by the Punj Pyare

to the incident. How often do we see this and in most cases the culprits get away with beadbi of

Guru Granth Sahib with no repercussions whatsoever.

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In puratan times they did not have nightclub bars.

Live in the present. The point to be appreciated is the swift action taken by the Punj Pyare

to the incident. How often do we this and in most cases the culprits get away with beadbi of

Guru Granth Sahib with no repercussions whatsoever.

Not knocking the swift action taken, practically unheard of in modern times, don't necessarily believe it will act as a potent enough deterrent.

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Please provide a list of deterrents of your choice.

And try to look at the positive side of things instead of focussing of small stuff.

Monetary - not a small amount to Panthic cause, parchar

Making them walk barefoot from ne ithaasik Guru Ghar to another, distance and time taken to be dictated by the Panj Piare

Manual labour for kar seva project

From bani perspective

At least 10 Japji Sahib Paat daily - only takes 6-7 mins or 10 at most per paat

108 Mool Mantar mala x 5 (just over an hour per day)

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