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Should Sikhs be armed with modern weapons?


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I was wondering a few days ago as Sikhs we are supposed to be tyar bar tyar all the time and supposed to carry our Kirpan on us but how effective is Kirpan in this day and age? A lot of people have guns and what not so should we as Sikhs be required to carry guns as per our religion in countries where it is legal to carry a fire arm?

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8 minutes ago, ghettosikh said:

A lot of people have guns and what not so should we as Sikhs be required to carry guns as per our religion in countries where it is legal to carry a fire arm?

Absolutely. It says a lot that Sikhs are often too scared to get and learn how to use a gun in countries where it is perfectly legal. 

If you don't want to carry one, okay, but at the very least have one at home (in a secure place so the kids don't shoot each other), and regularly go to the range and practice your marksmanship. 

Every Sikh should do this. Especially amritdharis, who should be doing it anyway (as per religious instructions). 

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1 hour ago, ghettosikh said:

I was wondering a few days ago as Sikhs we are supposed to be tyar bar tyar all the time and supposed to carry our Kirpan on us but how effective is Kirpan in this day and age? A lot of people have guns and what not so should we as Sikhs be required to carry guns as per our religion in countries where it is legal to carry a fire arm?

How effective is a knife? Very if it is sharp.

however most kirpans Sikhs carry blunt taksali ones.

unlike a gun a knife is  silent, you can pull a knife one metre from your victim and be successful, whereas a drawing a gun at that distance your chances to hit your target is slim. (A distance of a few metres )if person has a gun by his side tucked away and a guy with a knife has it out the knife man will be successful most times, the gun would have to come out, cock it safety off aim and fire, many stages to shooting, a knife attacker would rush in stab blindly . 

Distance of 10M I would rather e the one with the gun.

both are ideal, depends on situation that would dictate what weapon to use. 

Knife is more personal you can look into the persons eye while you push it into them and see their Jaan leave their body right in front of you, more grusome and much more intimate.

Knifes can be hidden away without drawing attention to it, pockets shoes clothing etc. With a handgun there are limited places for it to be kept without it sticking out blaintly but like I said you would have to it out cock it safety off point aim and fire

yes , those who have access to legal firearms should learn how to use them. 

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Just now, silverSingh said:

Sikhs need to start using their brains to be able to debate and discuss difficult issues.  They are already dangerous enough when they carry their Sri Sahibs, I don't think they should ever own guns, even if it legal or not. Amrtidhaaries should only be learning shastra vidiya with the help of permissible traditional khalsa weapons and work on taming themselves as far as their anger is concerned.  I would never wish for our sikh brothers and sisters to commit unnecessary gun related crimes and give a bad name to the kom. They need to exercise greater strength of character than to carry weapons they have no control ov.

Don't even keep it at home because children can easily catch hold of them and use them to avenge bullies or other kids in schools or playgrounds. Most amritdhaaries have never even learned the basic shastar vidya ever which helps to develop strong chacterer and discipline, so how are they going to handle guns when it comes to owning them?  Let them first learn how to handle the Sri Sahibs in a mature and disciplined manner first before they progress to owning guns.

You know what, you may be right.

Non-amritdharis should however regularly train with using guns where it is permissible in their countries. In the meanwhile amritdharis should work on their 'anger management issues' (which I believe is really just usually unadulterated pendu jut psyche wrapped up in Khalsa bana), because I see what you are seeing. 

That all being said. not doing something because we want to give off a goody-two-shoes image to our host nations is rubbish too.  

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10 minutes ago, Destruction said:

How effective is a knife? Very if it is sharp.

however most kirpans Sikhs carry blunt taksali ones.

unlike a gun a knife is  silent, you can pull a knife one metre from your victim and be successful, whereas a drawing a gun at that distance your chances to hit your target is slim. (A distance of a few metres )if person has a gun by his side tucked away and a guy with a knife has it out the knife man will be successful most times, the gun would have to come out, cock it safety off aim and fire, many stages to shooting, a knife attacker would rush in stab blindly . 

Distance of 10M I would rather e the one with the gun.

both are ideal, depends on situation that would dictate what weapon to use. 

Knife is more personal you can look into the persons eye while you push it into them and see their Jaan leave their body right in front of you, more grusome and much more intimate.

Knifes can be hidden away without drawing attention to it, pockets shoes clothing etc. With a handgun there are limited places for it to be kept without it sticking out blaintly but like I said you would have to it out cock it safety off point aim and fire

yes , those who have access to legal firearms should learn how to use them. 

You do know that the original rehat was panj shaster don't you? Including a matchlock and sword/knife. 

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28 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

You do know that the original rehat was panj shaster don't you? Including a matchlock and sword/knife. 

Dalsingh, my name is destruction. I am not an amateur with regards to yudh. Please go and school other people who don't know. 


Yes panj can shastar can be anything. 

you mention matchlock, when it rained matchlocks become useless. Note the singhs who stormed out of lorgarh fort when they were surrounded and they faught their way out with swords and dagger wen they were facing certain death. Thanks to the rain.

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41 minutes ago, silverSingh said:

Sikhs need to start using their brains to be able to debate and discuss difficult issues.  They are already dangerous enough when they carry their Sri Sahibs, I don't think they should ever own guns, even if it's legal. Amrtidhaaries should only be learning shastra vidiya with the help of permissible traditional khalsa weapons and work on taming themselves as far as their anger is concerned.  I would never wish for our sikh brothers and sisters to commit unnecessary gun related crimes and give a bad name to the kom. They need to exercise greater strength of character than to carry weapons they have no control ov.

Don't even keep it at home because children can easily catch hold of them and use them to avenge bullies or other kids in schools or playgrounds. Most amritdhaaries have never even learned the basic shastar vidya ever which helps to develop strong chacterer and discipline, so how are they going to handle guns when it comes to owning them?  Let them first learn how to handle the Sri Sahibs in a mature and disciplined manner before they progress to owning guns.

You mention amritdharis being dangerous with their kirpans...I find that laughable. What amritdhari carries a sharp blade or even a kard pesh  kabz or choora? Hardly any, only those wannabe nihangs in the UK who don't know of any vidiya.


traditional Khalsa weapons? The indo Persian arsenal is huge, every style of sword has its use and pentra to use them in. skirmishes, duels, battlefield etc. Refer back to shastar naam mala for some names of weapons.


if you brought up kids correctly they would not sneak to get their dads gun or sword to use as revenge, they would be smarter than that. Egotistical fools do that.

dont keep them at home? what nonsense. Khalsa looked after their love ones and their ghar, only a fool would not store weapons in his house. 


Lets be frank, most amritdharis will never learn shastar vidiya as they do not have a gurdev. The only known teacher is Nidar Singh, & we all know how users on this forum and majority of Akjs and khalistanis feel about him.

let the Khalsa keep practicing gatka, it's quite depressing they are lie to believe that is the asli jungi vidiya of the guru, a big shame.

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9 minutes ago, Destruction said:

Dalsingh, my name is destruction. I am not an amateur with regards to yudh. Please go and school other people who don't know. 


Yes panj can shastar can be anything. 

you mention matchlock, when it rained matchlocks become useless. Note the singhs who stormed out of lorgarh fort when they were surrounded and they faught their way out with swords and dagger wen they were facing certain death. Thanks to the rain.

My point is that all modern weapons of the time were part of the rehat. Even the section on taupaks (bandooks) is the largest one in shasternaammala in DG. In the long run (over generations) we have to make sure we are equipped  as well as anyone who might try to destroy or undermine us with guns, IEDS, helicopters, tanks etc. 

That all being said, I agree brother, shasters like kirpans (proper ones) and other hand held tools (like gandasay, kanjars, well made chakoos) are invaluable, even more so when asturs aren't available. Don't think I played down their value in anyway.  

I've seen guys stop much bigger groups with these things a few times over the years. 

But let's be careful about what we say here too, you know m16 and other various useless sarkaari kunjars are listening in.  

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8 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

My point is that all modern weapons of the time were part of the rehat. Even the section on taupaks (bandooks) is the largest one in shasternaammala in DG. In the long run (over generations) we have to make sure we are equipped  as well as anyone who might try to destroy or undermine us with guns, IEDS, helicopters, tanks etc. 

That all being said, I agree brother, shasters like kirpans (proper ones) and other hand held tools (like gandasay, kanjars, well made chakoos) are invaluable, even more so when asturs aren't available. Don't think I played down their value in anyway.  

I've seen guys stop much bigger groups with these things a few times over the years. 

But let's be careful about what we say here too, you know m16 and other various useless sarkaari kunjars are listening in.  

When people see steel they run away or they freeze/heart in their mouth and they can't muster a word.


i do hope amritdharis take what I say personally because it is true. An amritdhari mindset is all about naam. Some(not all) need to come to reality about what kirpan they wear, if their dastaar comes off will their joora stay intact, training and not living in the dream world about saying a few words and magically being able to scrap it out.

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